Curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Architect Journey



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El curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Architect Journey te permite estructurar tu preparación para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect. Aprenderás sobre los dominios de Google Cloud que se incluyen en el examen y la forma de crear un plan de estudio para saber más de ellos.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Professional Cloud Architect

  • Describir los cinco dominios que se incluyen en el examen de certificación de Professional Cloud Architect.
  • Identificar brechas en sus conocimientos y habilidades con respecto a cada dominio y crear un plan de estudio.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect.

Profesionales Cloud que deseen tomar el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect.

Módulo 00: Introduction to the Professional Cloud Architect Certification

  • Temas:
    • Role of a Professional Cloud Architect and scenario introduction*
    • Certification value and benefits
    • Certification process
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe the purpose and benefits of the PCA certification.
    • Explain the certification process.

Módulo 01: Designing and planning a cloud solution architecture

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Defining initial technical and business design considerations for Cymbal’s migration to a cloud solution
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify considerations involved in designing solution infrastructure that meets business and technical requirements.
    • Describe options for designing network, storage, and compute resources leveraging Google Cloud.
    • Explain the elements of a migration plan.
    • Recognize the potential for future solution improvements.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to design and plan solution architecture leveraging Google Cloud.

Módulo 02: Managing and provisioning a solution infrastructure

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Provisioning and deploying the cloud solution per Cymbal’s requirements
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify considerations involved in configuring network topologies, individual storage systems, and compute systems.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to manage and provision solution infrastructure.

Módulo 03: Designing for security and compliance

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Identifying the security and compliance considerations pertinent to Cymbal’s cloud solution
  • Objetivos:
    • Explain recommended design practices to ensure security across a cloud solution.
    • Recognize aspects of designing for compliance.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to apply Google’s recommended approach to designing for security and compliance.

Módulo 04: Analyzing and optimizing technical and business processes

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Analyze costs, KPIs, etc. and identify opportunities for optimization
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe the technical and business processes involved in solution production.
    • Identify ways to optimize processes and develop procedures to ensure reliability of solutions in production.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop to optimize technical and business processes involved in producing a cloud solution.

Módulo 05: Managing implementation/Ensuring solution operations and reliability

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: How the PCA helps establish best practices for Cymbal’s solution deployment and ongoing operations
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe best practices for development and operations teams to ensure successful solution deployment.
    • Explain methods to interact with Google Cloud programmatically.
    • Explain methodologies for managing configuration and code updates and tools available for monitoring and analyzing KPIs.

Módulo 06: Your Next Steps

  • Temas:
    • Learn how to break down a case study to pinpoint business and technical requirements, and find differentiators
    • Finalizing your study plan
    • Creating a weekly study sheet
    • Registering for the exam
  • Objetivos:
    • Create a personalized study plan.
    • Review next steps.

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Architect Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Architecting with Google Cloud Design and Process presenta una combinación de conferencias, actividades de diseño y laboratorios prácticos que te mostrarán cómo usar patrones de diseño comprobados en Google Cloud para crear soluciones altamente confiables y eficientes, y operar implementaciones que sean altamente disponibles y rentables. Este curso está diseñado para aquellas personas que, previamente, hayan completado alguno de los cursos Architecting with Google Compute Engine o Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine.

  • Arquitectos Cloud Solutions, ingenieros Site Reliability, profesionales SysOps, ingenieros DevOps, gerentes de TI.
  • Personas que utilicen Google Cloud para crear nuevas soluciones o para integrar sistemas existentes, entornos de aplicaciones e infraestructura con Google Cloud.

  • Aplicar un conjunto de herramientas de preguntas, técnicas y consideraciones de diseño.
  • Definir los requisitos de la aplicación y expresarlos objetivamente como KPIs, SLOs y SLIs.
  • Descomponer los requisitos de la aplicación para encontrar los límites de microservicio correctos.
  • Aprovechar las herramientas para desarrolladores de Google Cloud para configurar canalizaciones de implementación modernas y automatizadas.
  • Elegir los servicios de Google Cloud Storage apropiados según los requisitos de la aplicación.
  • Diseñar redes en la nube y híbridas.
  • Implementar aplicaciones confiables, escalables y resilientes que equilibren las métricas clave de rendimiento con el costo.
  • Elegir los servicios de implementación de Google Cloud adecuados para tus aplicaciones.
  • Asegurar las aplicaciones, los datos y la infraestructura en la nube.
  • Supervisar los objetivos de servicio y los costos con las herramientas de Stackdriver.

  • Haber completadoalguno de los cursos Architecting with Google Compute Engine, Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine, o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener competencia básica con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux.
  • Tener experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y administración de aplicaciones, ya sea en las instalaciones o en un entorno de nube pública.

Módulo 1: Defining the Service

  • Describe users in terms of roles and personas
  • Write qualitative requirements with user stories
  • Write quantitative requirements using key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Evaluate KPIs using SLOs and SLIs
  • Determine the quality of application requirements using SMART criteria

Módulo 2: Microservice Design and Architecture

  • Decompose monolithic applications into microservices
  • Recognize appropriate microservice boundaries
  • Architect stateful and stateless services to optimize scalability and reliability
  • Implement services using 12-factor best practices
  • Build loosely-coupled services by implementing a well-designed REST architecture
  • Design consistent, standard RESTful service APIs

Módulo 3: DevOps Automation

  • Automate service deployment using CI/CD pipelines
  • Leverage Cloud Source Repositories for source and version control
  • Automate builds with Google Cloud Build and build triggers
  • Manage container images with Google Container Registry
  • Create infrastructure with code using Deployment Manager and Terraform

Módulo 4: Choosing Storage Solutions

  • Choose the appropriate Google Cloud data storage service based use case, durability, availability, scalability and cost
  • Storage binary data with Cloud Storage
  • Store relational data using Cloud SQL and Spanner
  • Store NoSQL data using Firestore and BigTable
  • Cache data for fast access using Memorystore
  • Build a data warehouse using BigQuery

Módulo 5: Google Cloud and Hybrid Network Architecture

  • Design VPC networks to optimize for cost, security and performance
  • Configure global and regional load balancers to provide access to services
  • Leverage Cloud CDN to provide lower latency and decrease network egress
  • Evaluate network architecture using the Network Intelligence Center
  • Connect networks using peering and VPNs
  • Create hybrid networks between Google Cloud and on-premises data centers

Módulo 6: Deploying Applications to Google Cloud

  • Choose the appropriate Google Cloud deployment service for your applications
  • Configure scalable, resilient infrastructure using Instance Templates and Groups
  • Orchestrate microservice deployments using Kubernetes and GKE
  • Leverage App Engine for a completely automated platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Create serverless applications using Google Cloud Functions

Módulo 7: Designing Reliable Systems

  • Design services to meet requirements for availability, durability and scalability
  • Implement fault tolerant systems by avoiding single points of failure, correlated failures and cascading failures
  • Avoid overload failures the the circuit breaker and truncated exponential backoff design patterns
  • Design resilient data storage with lazy deletion
  • Analyze disaster scenarios and plan for disaster recovery using cost/risk

Módulo 8: Security

  • Design secure systems using best-practices like separation of concerns, principle of least privilege and regular audits
  • Leverage Google Cloud Security Command Center to help identify vulnerabilities
  • Simplify cloud governance using or organization policies and folders
  • Secure people using IAM roles, Identity Aware Proxy and Identity Platform
  • Manage the access and authorization of resources by machines and processes using service accounts
  • Secure networks with with private IPs, firewalls and Google Cloud private access
  • Mitigate DDoS attacks by leveraging Cloud DNS and Cloud Armor

Módulo 9: Designing Reliable Systems

  • Manage new service versions using rolling updates, blue-green deployments and canary releases
  • Forecast, monitor and optimize service cost using the Google Cloud pricing calculator, billing reports and by analyzing billing data
  • Observe if your services are meeting their SLOs using Stackdriver Monitoring and Dashboards
  • Use Uptime Checks to determine service availability
  • Respond to service outages using Stackdriver Alerts

Documentación oficial para el curso Architecting with Google Cloud Design and Process.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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