Curso Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud



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El curso Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud te brindará una introducción al uso de Terraform para Google Cloud. Podrás describir cómo se puede utilizar Terraform para implementar la infraestructura como un código y aplicar algunas de sus características y funcionalidades clave para crear y administrar la infraestructura de Google Cloud. Obtendrás práctica en la construcción de recursos de Google Cloud utilizando Terraform.

  • Ingenieros de la nube, ingenieros de DevOps.
  • Personas que deseen comenzar a usar Terraform para automatizar el aprovisionamiento de infraestructura con un enfoque en Google Cloud Platform.

  • Definir la necesidad comercial de infraestructura como código y los beneficios de usarla en su entorno.
  • Explicar las características y funcionalidades de Terraform.
  • Utilizar recursos, variables y outputs de Terraform para crear recursos de infraestructura de Google Cloud.
  • Utilizar módulos de Terraform para crear configuraciones reutilizables.
  • Explicar el estado de Terraform y su importancia.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Terraform for Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to IaC
      • What is infrastructure as code (IaC)?
      • Problems IaC can solve
      • Benefits of IaC
      • Provisioning versus configuration
      • Imperative versus declarative approach
    • Introduction to Terraform
      • Terraform overview
      • Terraform features
      • IaC configuration workflow
      • Terraform use cases
    • Using Terraform
      • How to use Terraform
      • Running Terraform in production
      • Installing Terraform
      • Authentication for Google Cloud
  • Objetivos:
    • Define infrastructure as code.
    • Explain the features and benefits of using Terraform.
    • Explain the use case of Terraform for Google Cloud.
    • Describe how to use Terraform for Google Cloud.

Módulo 2: Terms and concepts

  • Temas:
    • The Author phase
      • Terraform Directory structure
      • Introduction to HCL syntax
      • Resources
      • Variables
      • State
      • Modules
    • Terraform commands
      • terraform init
      • terraform plan
      • terraform apply
      • terraform fmt
      • terraform destroy
    • Terraform Validator tool
      • Introduction
      • Why use the Terraform Validator tool
      • Validation workflow
      • Terraform Validator use cases
  • Objetivos:
    • Explain the Terraform workflow.
    • Create basic configuration files within Terraform.
    • Explain the purpose of a few Terraform commands.
    • Describe the Terraform Validator tool.
    • Create, update, and destroy Google Cloud resources using Terraform.

Módulo 3: Writing Infrastructure Code for Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to Resources
      • Resources overview
      • Syntax
      • Example
      • Refer a resource attribute
    • Considerations to define a resource block
    • Meta-arguments for resources
    • Resource dependencies
      • Implicit dependency
      • Explicit dependency
    • Introduction to Variables
      • Overview
      • Syntax to declare a variable
      • Syntax to reference and assign a value to a variable
      • Variables best practices
    • Introduction to output values
      • Output values overview
      • Best practices
    • Terraform Registry and CFT
      • Introduction to Terraform Registry
      • Introduction to CFT
  • Objetivos:
    • Declare the resources within Terraform.
    • Explain implicit and explicit resource dependencies.
    • Use variables and output values within the root configuration.
    • Explain Terraform Registry and Cloud Foundation Toolkit.

Módulo 4: Organizing and Reusing Configuration with Terraform Modules

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to modules:
      • Why are modules needed
      • What is a module?
      • Example
    • Reusing configurations by using modules
      • Module sources
      • Calling a module into the source configuration
    • Using variables to parameterize your configuration
    • Pass resource attributes using output variables
    • Module use cases, benefits, and best practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Define Terraform modules.
    • Use modules to reuse configurations.
    • Use modules from the public registry.
    • Use input variables to parameterize configurations.
    • Use output values to access resource attributes outside the module.

Módulo 5: Introduction to Terraform State

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to Terraform state
      • How information is stored in a Terraform state file
    • Ways to save a state file
    • Storing a state file in a Cloud Storage bucket
      • Issues when storing the Terraform state locally
      • Benefits of storing a state file in a Cloud Storage bucket
      • Process of storing a Terraform state file remotely in a Cloud Storage bucket
    • Terraform state best practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Define Terraform state.
    • List the benefits of storing the state file remotely.
    • Explain how to store the Terraform state in a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Explain Terraform state best practices.

Documentación oficial para el curso Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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