Curso Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos



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Acerca del curso

Este segundo curso de la serie Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos te prepara para operar y observar entornos de Anthos. Los temas incluyen el ajuste de clústeres existentes, la configuración de políticas avanzadas de enrutamiento de tráfico, la protección de la comunicación entre cargas de trabajo y la observación de clústeres en Anthos. El curso Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos es una continuación de Multi-cluster, Multi-cloud with Anthos y supone una experiencia directa con los clústeres de Anthos de ese curso.

  • Observar y supervisr los servicios que se ejecutan en los clústeres de Anthos en varios entornos.
  • Instalar Anthos Service Mesh en clústeres de Anthos en varios entornos.
  • Configurar el enrutamiento del tráfico, mejorar la seguridad de la red y la visibilidad con Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Crear arquitecturas de red de varios clústeres con Anthos Service Mesh.

Módulo 1: Introducing Anthos Service Mesh


  • Introduction to Anthos Service Mesh
  • Architecture
  • Installation
  • Life of a request in the mesh
  • Mesh telemetry and instrumentation
  • Anthos Service Mesh dashboards
  • Anthos Service Mesh pricing and support


  • Understand the benefits of Anthos Service Mesh, including running distributed services across clusters and enhancing service observability, traffic management, and security.
  • Install Anthos Service Mesh on different Anthos clusters and choose capabilities depending on the level of management and automation you want.
  • Collect workload telemetry including metrics, traces, and logs, and learn to visualize your services on the Anthos Service Mesh dashboards.
  • Understand Anthos Service Mesh and the capabilities,

Módulo 2: Managing Traffic Flow with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Networking and service discovery
  • Anthos Service Mesh API resources
  • Network resilience and testing


  • Understand how Anthos Service Mesh learns the network from Kubernetes and builds on top to provide advanced routing capabilities.
  • Deploy mesh API resources such as the VirtualService, DestinationRule, Gateway, Service Entry, and the sidecar to configure the mesh.
  • Harden the mesh network by introducing new functionality such as request retries, request timeouts, and circuit breakers.
  • Test the mesh network by creating failures and delays on specific services to improve the overall resilience.

Módulo 3: Securing Network Traffic with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Security across services
  • Authentication and encryption
  • Service authentication in the mesh
  • End-user authentication in the mesh
  • Authorization in the mesh
  • Bonus: Employee authentication and authorization in the mesh


  • Encrypt traffic between microservices to prevent anyone in the network from accessing private information.
  • Authorize services and requests; ensuring that services only access the information that is allowed access from other services.
  • Authenticate services and requests to verify trust among services in the mesh and among end users.
  • Limit service access in the network so

Módulo 4: Multi-Cluster Networking with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Fleet networking
  • Single network east-west routing
  • Multiple network east-west routings
  • North-south routing


  • Understand how to do multi-cluster networking, both north-south and east-west routing, with different network configurations.
  • Learn how to configure east-west networking on different Anthos clusters running on multi-cloud and hybrid locations with Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Install Anthos Service Mesh on different Anthos GKE clusters, and choose the right network configuration depending on where you want to run your cluster.
  • Combine Anthos Service Mesh with multi-cluster Gateways and multi-cluster services (MCS) to seamlessly run distributed services.

Documentación oficial para el curso Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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