Certificación JSA - Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer

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La certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer, de nivel intermedio, es una credencial profesional que demuestra la competencia de los profesionales en el análisis, el diseño y la programación orientado a objetos (OOA/OOD/OOP), así como el uso más avanzado de funciones en el lenguaje JavaScript.

El profesional certificado comprenderá el enfoque de programación orientada a objetos de JavaScript. Adquirirá la experiencia en el uso avanzado de objetos integrados, incluidos tipos de datos simples y sus constructores, tipos de datos compuestos y algunos de los objetos más útiles (JSON, Math, RegExp, extended built-in types). Será competente en el uso funciones avanzadas en JavaScript, como recursion, reenvío de llamadas, decoradores, programación funcional, generadores, iteradores y programación asíncrona, incluidas funciones de callback y promesas. Sabrá cómo adoptar las mejores prácticas, técnicas y convenciones de programación en los programas de JavaScript. Desarrollará un pensamiento algorítmico. Será capaz de analizar y modelar problemas utilizando un aparato conceptual objetivo. Comprenderá el rol y el trabajo de un programador en el proceso de desarrollo de software y sabrá cómo utilizar las herramientas de desarrollo más fundamentales.

Obtener esta certificación garantizará que el profesional está familiarizado con los medios esenciales proporcionados por el lenguaje JavaScript. Le permitirá diseñar, desarrollar, implementar, refactorizar y mantener programas y aplicaciones JavaScript, analizar y modelar problemas de la vida real en las categorías de programación orientada a objetos, crear y desarrollar su propia cartera de programación, comenzar sus propios estudios a nivel profesional y continuar su desarrollo profesional posterior.

Certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer

Obtener la certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer

Sección 1: Object-Oriented Programming – Objects

  • be able to create objects using a variety of techniques, including literals, constructors and factories;
  • be able to refer to object fields, including nested ones, with both dot notation and bracket notation;
  • be able to alter objects as required, including by adding, deleting, and modifying properties and methods;
  • know how to verify the presence of object fields, enumerate them, and influence the configuration of an object and individual fields (e.g. by blocking the possibility to modify them)
  • understand that objects are stored in variables as references and know how this affects manipulating them in practice (e.g. when comparing objects)
  • know what the context of a method call is and be able to use the keyword this in practice;
  • understand what an object prototype is, what inheritance using a chain of prototypes is and how it can be used, for example, to modify the properties of a group of related objects.

Sección 2: Object-Oriented Programming – Classes

  • be able to declare classes, including using the class expression technique, and create objects using them;
  • be able to define properties both from the class methods and directly in the class body;
  • understand the idea of class inheritance and be able to use it in practice;
  • be able to create and use static methods and properties of classes;
  • be able to define getters and setters in classes.

Sección 3: Object-Oriented Programming – Built-in Objects

  • be familiar with the basic set of built-in objects of the JS language;
  • understand the difference between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper objects, know the basic properties and methods of these objects, and be able to use autoboxing in practice;
  • be able to handle Array data to an advanced degree, using such methods as filtering, sorting, reducing, mapping, searching, merging, etc.
  • be able to use the destructuring assignment and spread operator in their work with arrays;
  • know in which situations objects of the Map and Set types can be used for data storage as an alternative to Array and Object, declare them, and manipulate their elements;
  • understand the JSON format and be able to convert objects and arrays to and from this format;
  • be able to use the methods provided by the built-in Math object to perform basic mathematical calculations;
  • be able to take advantage of basic regular expressions (using the RegExp type) to parse character strings;
  • be able to extend the built-in JS types with new properties and methods.

Sección 4: Advanced Functions

  • know and be able to use in practice such mechanisms related to functions as: Extended Parameter Handling (default parameter values, rest parameter, spread operator), Recursion (closure, first-class functions), Forwarding calls (apply, call, bind), Decorating functions (wrappers, higher order functions)
  • understand the concept of lazy evaluation, and be able to use generators and iterators in practice;
  • clearly understand when asynchronous programming techniques should be used;
  • know how to use callback functions in practice to solve problems that require asynchronous operations;
  • understand the Promise mechanism and be able to use it as an alternative to callback functions;
  • understand the operation of the async function in conjunction with the await keyword and be able to use it to handle promises.

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Acerca del curso

La certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer, de nivel básico, es una credencial profesional que demuestra la comprensión de los profesionales de la sintaxis y la semántica básicas del lenguaje JavaScript, así como su competencia en el uso de los elementos, herramientas y recursos más esenciales del lenguaje para diseñar, desarrollar y refactorizar programas JavaScript simples.

El profesional certificado conocerá la sintaxis del lenguaje JavaScript a un nivel que le permite trabajar con variables, operadores, mecanismos de flujo de control y funciones, así como comprender los fundamentos del sistema de tipo de datos de JavaScript, el manejo de excepciones, la solución de problemas, la depuración y el entorno de tiempo de ejecución. Aprenderá los conceptos universales de la programación informática, el trabajo y el rol de un programador en el desarrollo de software. Sabrá cómo aplicar las mejores prácticas y convenciones de codificación. Desarrollará un pensamiento algorítmico y será capaz de analizar un problema utilizando un aparato conceptual programático.

Obtener esta certificación garantizará que el profesional está familiarizado con los medios más esenciales proporcionados por el lenguaje de JavaScript. Le permitirá comenzar sus propios estudios en un nivel intermedio y continuar su desarrollo profesional.

Certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer

Obtener la certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable haber realizado el curso JavaScript Essentials 1.

Sección 1: Introduction to JavaScript and Computer Programming

  • understand the fundamental programming concepts, such as: interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler, client-side vs. server-side programming;
  • have a basic knowledge of how to set up and use a basic programming environment (online or local)
  • gain skills allowing them to run their first JavaScript program on the client side (both as an element embedded in the HTML page and directly in the browser console).

Sección 2: Variables, Data Types, and Type Casting

  • have the knowledge and skills to work with variables, i.e. naming, declaring, initializing and modifying their values;
  • understand concepts such as scope, code blocks, shadowing, hoisting;
  • know the basic properties of primitive data types such as boolean, number, bigint, undefined, null, and be able to use them;
  • be familiar with the basic properties of the primitive data type string, including string literals – single or double quotes, escape character, string interpolation, basic properties and methods;
  • know the basic properties of complex data types such as Array and Object (treated as a record) and be able to use them in practice.

Sección 3: Operators and User Interaction

  • know what operators are and how we classify them (by type of operands, by number of operands, etc.)
  • be able to use assignment, arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators in practice;
  • have an understanding of the operation of the conditional operator and the typeof, instanceof, and delete operators;
  • understand what the precedence and associativity of basic operators are and be able to influence it by means of bracket grouping;
  • be able to perform basic two-way communication with the program user using the alert, confirm, and prompt dialog boxes.

Sección 4: Control Flow – Conditional Execution and Loops

  • be able to force conditional execution of a group of statements (make decisions and branch the flow) using if-else and switch commands;
  • be able to force a group of statements to repeat in a loop using the for, while, and do-while commands, using both dependent and independent conditions on the number of iterations;
  • understand and be able to use loop-specific break and continue instructions;
  • be able to use the for-in statement to iterate over properties of an object;
  • be able to use the for-of statement to walk through the elements of an array.

Sección 5: Functions

  • be able to declare and call functions;
  • know how to pass call arguments to a function and return the result of its operation from it;
  • understand the concept of a local variable and the effect of shadowing variables with the same names within a function;
  • know that a function in JS is a first-class member and be able to take advantage of this by declaring functions using function expression and passing functions as arguments to calls of other functions;
  • understand the concept of recursion in the context of functions and be able to solve simple programming problems by using it;
  • have a basic understanding of the callback function and be able to use it asynchronously in conjunction with the setTimeout and setInterval methods;
  • have a clear understanding of arrow function notation and be able to write functions alternatively as a regular declaration, a function expression, and an arrow function.

Sección 6: Errors, exceptions, debugging, and troubleshooting

  • understand the differences between syntactic, semantic, and logical errors;
  • understand the concept of an exception and distinguish between the basic exceptions generated by JS when an error occurs: SyntaxError, ReferenceError, TypeError, RangeError;
  • have the ability to handle exceptions using the try-catch-finally statement;
  • be able to generate their own exceptions using the throw statement;
  • have the skills to use the debugger for basic analysis of their own code, including: step-by-step execution, viewing and modifying variables, and measuring code execution time.

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Acerca del curso

El curso JavaScript Essentials 2, de nivel intermedio, te preparará para superar el examen de certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer.

Este curso te brinda la oportunidad de profundizar en la programación de JavaScript y aprender a analizar y modelar problemas del mundo real en términos de programación orientada a objetos (OOP), y aprender técnicas más avanzadas utilizando funciones, incluidos, entre otros, elementos de programación asíncrona.

Este curso retoma donde finaliza JavaScript Essentials 1. Tiene como objetivo principal de desarrollar tus habilidades relacionadas con los aspectos más avanzados de la programación de JavaScript, como son:

El curso te preparará para trabajos y carreras de nivel de entrada relacionados con el desarrollo, que incluye puestos de desarrollo de front-end junior asociados con la creación y el diseño de programas simples, puestos de desarrollo de back-end junior asociados con la creación y el diseño de programas de back-end simples, y puestos de tester junior asociados con pruebas unitarias y de integración.

  • Diseñar, desarrollar, depurar, ejecutar y refactorizar programas informáticos escritos en JavaScript.
  • Aprender sobre la programación orientada a objetos (OOP).
  • Analizar y modelar problemas de la vida real y resolverlos utilizando los enfoques procedimental y OOP.
  • Aprender sobre arquitectura de soluciones.
  • Desarrollar un pensamiento algorítmico y analítico.
  • Conocer las mejores prácticas en la programación.
  • Crear, desarrollar y mejorar tu propia cartera de programación para aumentar tu valor en el mercado laboral.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer.

Módulo 1: Classless objects

  • Creating individual objects (basic way to create object using literals)
  • Object properties (adding, modifying and deleting properties, nested properties )
  • Dot notation vs. bracket notation (dot notation as the primary way to refer to object fields, use of bracket notation to allow the use of multi-word and computed keys)
  • Property existence test and property enumeration (test for the presence of a field in an object, using the for … in to pass the keys of an object, the Object.key method as an alternative to for … in)
  • Comparing objects (the idea of object references, reference comparison vs. field comparison – deep comparison)
  • Coping objects (coping references, cloning, merging – Object.assign method; spread operator and shallow cloning, deep cloning concept)
  • Methods (function as an object property, define methods in the object body and add methods to existing objects, using this keyword inside of methods)
  • Getters and setters (methods treated as properties – defining and using getters and setters)
  • Property and object configuration (modifying attributes of objects and fields; using methods Object.defineProperty, Object.preventExtensions, Object.seal and Object.freeze)
  • Different ways to create classless objects (factories, constructor function and new operator, Object.create method)
  • Prototypes (prototype-based inheritance, object property __proto__, constructor function prototype property, use of setPrototypeOf method)

Módulo 2: Classes and class-based approach

  • Class declaration (normal class declaration – keyword class; class body – constructor, properties, methods; class as first-class citizen – storing classes in variables and class expression)
  • Creating objects from a class (creation of an object based on a class; looking for a connection between an object and a source class – instanceof operator)
  • Properties (properties definition inside of class methods – constructor and regular methods; direct declaration inside of the class body)
  • Getters and setters (defining and using getters and setters)
  • Inheritance (class inheritance – extends keyword; shadowing methods and properties; using the super keyword in the constructor and in methods)
  • Static members (the concept of static members; methods and properties associated with a class instead of an object – defining and using)
  • Classes vs constructors (similarity of classes to constructors; conversion of a class into an adequate constructor function and vice versa)

Módulo 3: Built-in objects

  • Number constructor (number constructor – creating Number objects from data of different types, including various string formats; converting numbers into different string formats; static properties and methods of the Number constructor, i.e. properties defining the basic ranges)
  • String constructor (String constructor; string as an array of characters; case conversion methods; splitting the string; searching for and replacing substrings; padding and trimming; comparison of strings)
  • Date constructor (creating Date object – constructor; time zones and local time handling; getting current time; timestamp and using it to measure the time of code execution; time specification; operating on individual date and time components)
  • Array – basics (basic methods for managing an Array type collection – creating, merging, adding and removing items, passing through, slice method, splice method; use of spread operator; destructuring assignment)
  • Array – advanced methods (the functional approach: find, every, some, filter, sort, map and reduce)
  • Set type collection (concept of set data structure and Set object; basic methods and properties of Set objects – constructor, add, has, delete, clear, size; walking through elements – for … of, iterators; spread operator)
  • Map type collection (concept of map data structure and Map object; basic methods and properties of Map objects – constructor, set, get, has, delete, clear, size; walking through elements – for … of, iterators; spread operator)
  • Object as a data structure (using the object as a regular dictionary-type data structure; items management, walking through, spread operator)
  • Using the JSON object (basic concept of JSON /JavaScript Object Notation/ format; converting data to JSON – JSON.stringify method; parsing JSON format and obtaining data back – JSON.parse method)
  • Using the Math object (basic methods: ceil, floor, round, random, min, max, abs, pow, log, trigonometric functions)
  • Using the RegExp object (basic rules for creating regular expressions; abbreviated notation of a RegExp object declaration; using methods of RegExp and String objects for efficient searching of patterns in text: test, exec, match, search, replace)
  • Extending built-in types (using prototypes to extend built-in types – adding new properties and methods)

Módulo 4: Advanced function usage

  • Extended function parameters handling (usage of default parameter values, rest parameter and spread operator; simulating named parameters)
  • Closure and IIFE (the use of closure – execution environment of the function; Immediately Invoked Function Expression – IIFE)
  • Forwarding calls (this keyword and functions; apply, call and bind methods that allow to call functions with the indicated context)
  • Decorating functions (functions as first-class citizens; passing functions as arguments and returning as results, higher order functions; decorating functions as adding new functionality using a wrapper function)
  • Generators and iterators (creating and using generators; the idea of iterable objects; generators as an element of iterable objects, iterators)
  • Handling asynchronous events using callback functions (concept of asynchronous programming; use of callback functions to handle asynchronous events)

Documentación oficial para el curso JavaScript Essentials 2.

  • Formador certificado por OpenEDG.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso JavaScript Essentials 1, de nivel introductorio, te preparará para superar el examen de certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer.

El objetivo principal del curso es guiarte, desde cero, a un nivel de conocimiento de programación que te permita diseñar, escribir, depurar y ejecutar programas codificados en el lenguaje JavaScript y comprender los conceptos básicos de las tecnologías de desarrollo de software.

El curso se centra en los conceptos básicos del lenguaje JavaScript, incluidos los elementos esenciales de la sintaxis y la semántica de JavaScript, las mejores prácticas de programación, las herramientas y los recursos de JS, y conceptos de codificación como variables, tipos de datos, type casting, operadores, interacción del usuario, flujo de control, funciones, errores, excepciones, depuración y solución de problemas.

El curso te preparará para trabajos y carreras relacionadas con el desarrollo web y de software, que incluye no solo la creación del código como desarrollador junior, sino también el diseño web, el desarrollo front-end y la prueba de aplicaciones.

  • Aprender los conceptos universales de la programación informática.
  • Aprende la sintaxis y la semántica del lenguaje JavaScript.
  • Poner en práctica habilidades para resolver desafíos típicos de implementación.
  • Diseñar, desarrollar y depurar scripts JS.
  • Desarrollar un pensamiento algorítmico y analítico.
  • Conocer las mejores prácticas en la programación.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction to JavaScript and Computer Programming

  • How to communicate with the computer?;
  • What is JS?;
  • JS – Advantages and Limitations;
  • Where is JS used today?;
  • Development tools;
  • Online development environment;
  • Local development environment (code editor, interpreter, debugger);
  • How can you run your JavaScript code?;
  • Executing the code directly in the console.

Módulo 2: Variables, Data Types, Type Casting, and Commments

  • Naming, declaring and initializing variables;
  • Declarations and strict mode;
  • Changing variable values;
  • Constants;
  • Scope (blocks, shadowing, hoisting);
  • Data types in JS;
  • Primitive data types – Boolean;
  • Primitive data types – Number;
  • Primitive data types – BigInt;
  • Primitive data types – String;
  • Primitive data types – undefined;
  • Primitive data types – Symbol;
  • Primitive data types – null;
  • Type casting – primitive construction functions – null;
  • Type casting – primitive conversions;
  • Conversion to String;
  • Conversion to Number;
  • Conversion to Boolean;
  • Conversion to BigInt;
  • Implicit Conversions;
  • Complex data types – Object;
  • Complex data types – Array;
  • Array – the length property;
  • Array – the indexOf method;
  • Array – the push method;
  • Array – the unshift method;
  • Array – the pop method;
  • Array – the reverse method;
  • Array – the slice method;
  • Array – the concat method;
  • Single-line comments;
  • Multi-line comments;
  • Documentation;
  • Code toggle.

Módulo 3: Operators and User Interaction

  • What are operators?;
  • Assignment operators;
  • Arithmetic operators;
  • Arithmetic operators – compound assignment operators;
  • Logical operators;
  • Logical operators – compound assignment operators;
  • String operators: concatenation and compound assignment;
  • Comparison operators;
  • Other JS operators (typeof, instanceof, delete, and ternary);
  • Operator precedence;
  • How to interact with the user in JavaScript?;
  • Dialog boxes – alert;
  • Dialog boxes – confirm;
  • Dialog boxes – prompt.

Módulo 4: Control Flow – Conditional Execution and Loops

  • What is conditional execution?
  • The if statement;
  • The if–else statement;
  • The if–else–if statement;
  • The conditional operator;
  • The switch–case statement;
  • What are loops?;
  • The while loop;
  • The do–while loop;
  • The for loop;
  • The for–of loop;
  • The for–in loop;
  • The break and continue statements.

Módulo 5: Functions

  • What are functions?;
  • Declaring functions;
  • Calling functions;
  • Local variables;
  • The return statement;
  • Function parameters;
  • Shadowing;
  • Parameter validation;
  • Recursion;
  • Functions as first-class members;
  • Function expressions;
  • Synchronous callbacks;
  • Asynchronous callbacks;
  • Arrow functions.

Módulo 6: Errors, exceptions, debugging, and troubleshooting

  • Errors – the programmer’s daily bread;
  • Natural languages and communication errors;
  • Errors vs exceptions;
  • Errors without exceptions;
  • Limited confidence;
  • Types of errors – SyntaxError;
  • Types of errors – ReferenceError;
  • Types of errors – TypeError;
  • Types of errors – RangeError;
  • The try–catch statement;
  • Conditional exception handling;
  • The finally statement;
  • The throw statement and custom errors;
  • What is debugging?;
  • Step-by-step execution;
  • Environment preparation;
  • The debugger statement;
  • The resume option;
  • Code debugging without the debugger statement;
  • The step over option;
  • The step into option;
  • The call stack option;
  • Viewing and modifying variables;
  • The step out option;
  • TMeasuring code execution time.

Documentación oficial para el curso JavaScript Essentials 1.

  • Formador certificado por OpenEDG.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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