Curso Data Engineering on Google Cloud



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Con el curso Data Engineering on Google Cloud obtendrás experiencia práctica con el diseño y la creación de sistemas de procesamiento de datos en Google Cloud. Este curso utiliza conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para mostrarte cómo diseñar sistemas de procesamiento de datos, crear canalizaciones de datos de un extremo a extremo, analizar datos e implementar el (machine learning). Este curso cubre datos estructurados, no estructurados y de transmisión.

Este curso está destinado a desarrolladores que sean responsables de:

  • Extracción, carga, transformación, limpieza y validación de datos.
  • Diseño de pipelines y arquitecturas para el procesamiento de datos.
  • Integración de capacidades de análisis y machine learning en canalizaciones (pipelines) de datos.
  • Consulta de conjuntos de datos, visualización de resultados de consultas y creación de informes.

  • Diseñar y crear sistemas de procesamiento de datos en Google Cloud.
  • Procesar datos por lotes y de transmisión mediante la implementación de canalizaciones (pipelines) de datos de escalado automático en Dataflow.
  • Obtener información empresarial a partir de conjuntos de datos extremadamente grandes con BigQuery.
  • Aprovechar los datos no estructurados con las APIs de Spark y ML en Dataproc.
  • Habilitar conocimientos instantáneos a partir de la transmisión de datos.
  • Comprender las APIs de ML y BigQuery ML, y aprender a usar AutoML para crear modelos potentes sin codificación.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener competencia básica con un lenguaje de consulta común como SQL.
  • Tener experiencia con actividades de modelado de datos y ETL (extracción, transformación, carga).
  • Tener experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones utilizando un lenguaje de programación común como Python.
  • Estar familiarizado con el machine learning y/o estadísticas.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Data Engineering


  • Explore the role of a data engineer
  • Analyze data engineering challenges
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Data lakes and data warehouses
  • Transactional databases versus data warehouses
  • Partner effectively with other data teams
  • Manage data access and governance
  • Build production-ready pipelines
  • Review Google Cloud customer case study


  • Understand the role of a data engineer
  • Discuss benefits of doing data engineering in the cloud
  • Discuss challenges of data engineering practice and how building data pipelines in the cloud helps to address these
  • Review and understand the purpose of a data lake versus a data warehouse, and when to use which

Módulo 2: Building a Data Lake


  • Introduction to data lakes
  • Data storage and ETL options on Google Cloud
  • Building a data lake using Cloud Storage
  • Securing Cloud Storage
  • Storing all sorts of data types
  • Cloud SQL as a relational data lake


  • Understand why Cloud Storage is a great option for building a data lake on Google Cloud
  • Learn how to use Cloud SQL for a relational data lake

Módulo  3: Building a Data Warehouse


  • The modern data warehouse
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Getting started with BigQuery
  • Loading data
  • Exploring schemas
  • Schema design
  • Nested and repeated fields
  • Optimizing with partitioning and clustering


  • Discuss requirements of a modern warehouse
  • Understand why BigQuery is the scalable data warehousing solution on Google Cloud
  • Understand core concepts of BigQuery and review options of loading data into BigQuery

Módulo  4: Introduction to Building Batch Data Pipelines


  • EL, ELT, ETL
  • Quality considerations
  • How to carry out operations in BigQuery
  • Shortcomings
  • ETL to solve data quality issues


  • Review different methods of loading data into your data lakes and warehouses: EL, ELT, and ETL
  • Discuss data quality considerations and when to use ETL instead of EL and ELT

Módulo 5: Executing Spark on Dataproc


  • The Hadoop ecosystem
  • Run Hadoop on Dataproc
  • Cloud Storage instead of HDFS
  • Optimize Dataproc


  • Review the parts of the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Learn how to lift and shift your existing Hadoop workloads to the cloud using Dataproc
  • Understand considerations around using Cloud Storage instead of HDFS for storage
  • Learn how to optimize Dataproc jobs

Módulo 6: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow


  • Introduction to Dataflow
  • Why customers value Dataflow
  • Dataflow pipelines
  • Aggregating with GroupByKey and Combine
  • Side inputs and windows
  • Dataflow templates
  • Dataflow SQL


  • Understand how to decide between Dataflow and Dataproc for processing data pipelines
  • Understand the features that customers value in Dataflow
  • Discuss core concepts in Dataflow
  • Review the use of Dataflow templates and SQL

Módulo 7: Manage Data Pipelines with Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Composer


  • Building batch data pipelines visually with Cloud Data Fusion
  • Components
  • UI overview
  • Building a pipeline
  • Exploring data using Wrangler
  • Orchestrating work between Google Cloud services with Cloud Composer
  • Apache Airflow environment
  • DAGs and operators
  • Workflow scheduling
  • Monitoring and logging


  • Discuss how to manage your data pipelines with Data Fusion and Cloud Composer
  • Understand Data Fusion’s visual design capabilities
  • Learn how Cloud Composer can help to orchestrate the work across multiple Google Cloud services

Módulo 8: Introduction to Processing Streaming Data


Process Streaming Data


  • Explain streaming data processing
  • Describe the challenges with streaming data
  • Identify the Google Cloud products and tools that can help address streaming data challenges

Módulo 9: Serverless Messaging with Pub/Sub


  • Introduction to Pub/Sub
  • Pub/Sub push versus pull
  • Publishing with Pub/Sub code


  • Describe the Pub/Sub service
  • Understand how Pub/Sub works
  • Gain hands-on Pub/Sub experience with a lab that simulates real-time streaming sensor data

Módulo 10: Dataflow Streaming Features


  • Steaming data challenges
  • Dataflow windowing


  • Understand the Dataflow service
  • Build a stream processing pipeline for live traffic data
  • Demonstrate how to handle late data using watermarks, triggers, and accumulation

Módulo 11: High-Throughput BigQuery and Bigtable Streaming Features


  • Streaming into BigQuery and visualizing results
  • High-throughput streaming with Cloud Bigtable
  • Optimizing Cloud Bigtable performance


  • Learn how to perform ad hoc analysis on streaming data using BigQuery and dashboards
  • Understand how Cloud Bigtable is a low-latency solution
  • Describe how to architect for Bigtable and how to ingest data into Bigtable
  • Highlight performance considerations for the relevant services

Módulo  12: Advanced BigQuery Functionality and Performance


  • Analytic window functions
  • Use With clauses
  • GIS functions
  • Performance considerations


  • Review some of BigQuery’s advanced analysis capabilities
  • Discuss ways to improve query performance

Módulo 13: Introduction to Analytics and AI


  • What is AI?
  • From ad-hoc data analysis to data-driven decisions
  • Options for ML models on Google Cloud


  • Understand the proposition that ML adds value to your data
  • Understand the relationship between ML, AI, and Deep Learning
  • Identify ML options on Google Cloud

Módulo 14: Prebuilt ML Model APIs for Unstructured Data


  • Unstructured data is hard
  • ML APIs for enriching data


  • Discuss challenges when working with unstructured data
  • Learn the applications of ready-to-use ML APIs on unstructured data

Módulo 15: Big Data Analytics with Notebooks


  • What’s a notebook?
  • BigQuery magic and ties to Pandas


  • Introduce Notebooks as a tool for prototyping ML solutions
    Learn to execute BigQuery commands from Notebooks

Módulo 16: Production ML Pipelines with Kubeflow


  • Ways to do ML on Google Cloud
  • Vertex AI Pipelines
  • AI Hub


  • Describe options available for building custom ML models
  • Understand the use of tools like Vertex AI Pipelines

Módulo 17: Custom Model Building with SQL in BigQuery ML


  • BigQuery ML for quick model building
  • Supported models


  • Learn how to create ML models by using SQL syntax in BigQuery
  • Demonstrate building different kinds of ML models using BigQuery ML

Módulo 18: Custom Model Building with AutoML


  • Why AutoML?
  • AutoML Vision
  • AutoML NLP
  • AutoML tables


  • Explore various AutoML products used in machine learning
  • Learn to use AutoML to create powerful models without coding

Documentación oficial para el curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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