Curso Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations



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Acerca del curso

El curso Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations examina la administración de costos, la seguridad y las operaciones en la nube. Primero, explora cómo las empresas pueden optar por mantener parte (o nada) de su propia infraestructura mediante la compra de servicios de TI de un proveedor de la nube. A continuación, explica cómo se comparte la responsabilidad de la seguridad de los datos entre el proveedor de la nube y la empresa, y explora la seguridad de defensa en profundidad integrada en Google Cloud. Finalmente, cubre cómo los equipos de TI y los líderes empresariales deben repensar la administración de recursos de TI en la nube y cómo las herramientas de monitoreo de recursos de Google Cloud pueden ayudarlos a mantener el control y la visibilidad sobre su entorno de nube.

Cualquier profesional comercial o equipo de una organización interesado en aprender sobre los cambios operativos con la tecnología de Google Cloud, incluyendo la administración de costos, la seguridad y el monitoreo de recursos de TI.

  • Describir la gobernanza financiera en la nube y las mejores prácticas recomendadas de Google Cloud para una gestión eficaz de los costos de la nube.
  • Definir un modelo de responsabilidad compartida para una seguridad óptima en la nube.
  • Explicar cómo los equipos de TI y los líderes empresariales pueden usar los principios de DevOps y SRE para aumentar la eficiencia operativa de la nube.
  • Identificar las soluciones de Google Cloud para el monitoreo de recursos en la nube y la gestión del rendimiento de las aplicaciones.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction


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  • Course introduction
  • Student slides

Módulo 2: Financial Governance in the Cloud


  • Explain how to think about the total cost of ownership (TCO) in the cloud.
  • Describe best practices for effective cloud cost management.


  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals of cloud cost management
  • Total cost of ownership
  • Best practices for managing Google Cloud costs

Módulo 3: Security in the cloud


  • Identify today’s top cybersecurity challenges and threats to data privacy.
  • Explain what is meant by a ‘Shared Responsibility Model’ and how customers can use Google Cloud tools to implement their chosen security policies.


  • Introduction
  • Fundamental terms: Privacy, security, compliance and availability
  • Today’s top cyber security challenges
  • Shared Responsibility Model – Part I
  • Shared Responsibility Model – Part II
  • Identity and access management
  • Resource hierarchy

Módulo 4: Monitoring Cloud IT Services and Operations


  • Define monitoring, logging, and observability within the context of cloud operations.
  • Identify the Google Cloud resource monitoring and maintenance tools.
  • Differentiate DevOps from SRE.


  • Introduction
  • IT development and operations challenges
  • DevOps and SRE
  • Google Cloud resource monitoring tools

Módulo 5: Summary


Breakdown of module learning objectives


  • Review the key topics and core concepts covered in this course.
  • Find additional resources to continue your learning.

Documentación oficial para el curso Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud explora los desafíos de una infraestructura de TI obsoleta y cómo las empresas pueden modernizarla utilizando tecnología en la nube. Ofrece una variedad de opciones de computación en la nube y los beneficios de cada una, antes de pasar a la modernización de aplicaciones y las API. El curso también describe algunas soluciones de Google Cloud que pueden ayudar a las empresas a desarrollar y administrar mejor sus sistemas.

Cualquier profesional de negocios o equipo de una organización interesado en aprender a desbloquear el valor de los sistemas de TI tradicionales y modernizar las aplicaciones con la tecnología de Google Cloud puede beneficiarse de este curso.

  • Describir los beneficios clave de la modernización de la infraestructura y las aplicaciones con referencia a la tecnología de la nube.
  • Diferenciar entre máquinas virtuales, contenedores y Kubernetes.
  • Explicar las soluciones de Google Cloud que ayudan a las empresas a administrar mejor sus sistemas, como App Engine y Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Explicar cómo las soluciones de Google Cloud respaldan la modernización de aplicaciones y simplifican la administración de API.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction


Gain an overview of the course structure and content breakdown.


  • Course introduction
  • Student slides

Módulo 2: Modernizing IT Infrastructure with Google Cloud


  • Explain why legacy infrastructure struggles to deliver modern services to customers.
  • Define private, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures, and how businesses gain value from them.
  • Identify the Google Cloud solutions that help businesses modernize their infrastructure.


  • Introduction
  • Infrastructure Modernization
  • Understanding compute options in the cloud
  • Hybrid and multi-cloud architectures
  • Google Cloud Compute Solutions

Módulo 3: Modernizing Applications with Google Cloud


  • Describe patterns for modernizing and developing applications.
  • Explain Google Cloud core solutions for application development and modernization.


  • Introduction
  • Cloud change patterns
  • Challenges in application development
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • App Engine
  • Customer case studies

Módulo 4: The Value of APIs


  • Explain how APIs can create new business models and support app modernization.
  • Explain how Apigee simplifies API management.


  • Introduction
  • Legacy system challenges
  • How APIs can modernize legacy systems
  • Using APIs to create new business value
  • Apigee

Módulo 5: Summary


Breakdown of module learning objectives


  • Review the key topics and core concepts covered in this course.
  • Find additional resources to continue your learning.

Documentación oficial para el curso Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

La tecnología de la nube por sí sola proporciona un valor real para una empresa. Cuando se combina con una gran cantidad de datos, tiene el poder de generar aún más valor y crear nuevas experiencias para los clientes. El curso Innovating with Data and Google Cloud explica qué son los datos, las formas en que las empresas los han utilizado para tomar decisiones y el papel fundamental que desempeñan en la actualidad en el marco del aprendizaje automático (machine learning). Conocerás conceptos como datos estructurados y no estructurados, bases de datos, almacenes de datos y lagos de datos, y aprenderás sobre las soluciones de Google Cloud más relevantes.

Cualquier profesional de negocios o equipo de una organización interesado en aprender sobre la nube, los datos y la tecnología de Google Cloud.

  • Describir el papel de los datos en la transformación digital y la importancia de una cultura basada en datos.
  • Identificar soluciones comunes de Google Cloud para la gestión de datos.
  • Identificar soluciones comunes de Google Cloud para análisis inteligente.
  • Identificar las soluciones de Google Cloud para Machine Learning e inteligencia artificial.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction


Gain an overview of the course structure and content breakdown.


Course introduction

Módulo 2: The Value of Data


  • Describe the role of data in digital transformation.
  • Describe how to use data to create business insights.
  • Recognize examples of structured and unstructured data.


  • Introduction
  • The role of data in digital transformation
  • Leveraging data in your organization
  • Understanding data types
  • Important data considerations

Módulo 3: Data Consolidation and Analytics


  • Explain the benefits of storing data in the cloud.
  • Define key terms such as database, data warehouse, and data lake.
  • Identify Google Cloud data storage and database services.
  • Identify key Google Cloud products that use data to create business insights, including Looker and Big Query.


  • Introduction
  • Migrating your data to the cloud
  • Cloud databases
  • Cloud data warehouses
  • Cloud data lakes
  • Business intelligence solutions (e.g. BigQuery, Looker)

Módulo 4: Innovation with Machine Learning


  • Define artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
  • Explain the importance of data quality in ML prediction accuracy.
  • Describe Google Cloud’s differentiators when it comes to AI and Machine Learning.
  • Recognize ways customers have used Google Cloud’s AI and ML products to innovate.


  • Introduction
  • What is machine learning?
  • Data Quality
  • AI and ML with Google Cloud
  • Real-world use cases for ML

Módulo 5: Summary


  • Review the key topics and core concepts covered in this course.
  • Find additional resources to continue your learning.


Course summary

Documentación oficial para el curso Innovating with Data and Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Comienza tu aprendizaje con los conceptos fundamentales como son la nube, los datos y la transformación digital. El curso Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google Cloud te ofrece ejemplos de empresas que utilizan la tecnología de la nube para revolucionar sus negocios. También, te proporciona un panorama general de las oportunidades y los desafíos que las empresas suelen enfrentar en su viaje hacia la transformación digital y cómo se orientan hacia las soluciones de Google Cloud, lo cual exige de ellas desarrollar una mentalidad innovadora.

Cualquier profesional de negocios o equipo de una organización interesado en aprender sobre la nube, los datos y la transformación digital con la tecnología de Google Cloud.

  • Definir conceptos fundamentales como datos, tecnología en la nube y transformación digital.
  • Utilizar casos de uso de clientes para demostrar cómo la tecnología de la nube está transformando las empresas.
  • Reconocer los pilares de la solución de Google Cloud y los casos de uso de cada uno.
  • Describir los principios clave que ayudan a escalar una mentalidad de innovación en toda una organización.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction


Gain an overview of the course structure and content breakdown.


  • Course introduction
  • Student slides

Módulo 2: Why cloud technology is revolutionizing business


  • Explain why and how the cloud revolutionizes businesses.
  • Define key terms such as cloud, cloud technology, data, and digital transformation.


  • Introduction
  • What is cloud?
  • Danger of maintaining the status quo
  • A paradigm shift
  • Extraordinary compute power
  • Data as currency

Módulo 3: Digital Transformation with Google Cloud


  • Recognize common challenges and opportunities that businesses might encounter in their digital transformation journey.
  • Identify Google Cloud solution pillars and common use cases for each.
  • Recognize the Google Cloud Adoption Framework (GCAF).


  • Introduction
  • Enhancing productivity and collaboration
  • Modernizing IT infrastructure
  • Modernizing business platforms and applications
  • Unlocking the value of data
  • Using a new built-in security model
  • Google Cloud solutions for digital transformation
  • Google Cloud Adoption Framework (GCAF)

Módulo 4: Scaling the innovation mindset


  • List Google’s 6 focus areas for organizational transformation.
  • Define innovation and principles for scaling the innovation mindset.
  • Explain the importance of focusing on your users and use Google’s methods to identify user expectations.
  • Familiarize yourself with how a business case for the cloud is created.


  • Introduction
  • Focus areas for culture transformation
  • Scale the innovation mindset
  • Think 10X
  • Launch and iterate
  • Innovation example: Banking industry
  • Try it yourself

Módulo 5: Summary


Breakdown of module learning objectives


  • Review the key topics and core concepts covered in this course.
  • Find additional resources to continue your learning.

Documentación oficial para el curso Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Google Workspace Administration sirve como punto de partida para cualquier nuevo administrador de Google Workspace que comienza su viaje de administración y establecimiento de las mejores prácticas de Google Workspace para su organización. Te permitirá sentirte seguro al usar las funciones de la consola de Google Workspace Admin para administrar usuarios, controlar el acceso a los servicios, configurar ajustes de seguridad, monitorear las operaciones de Google Workspace y mucho más.

Administradores de Google Workspace nuevos o existentes.

  • Aprender a crear y configurar una nueva cuenta de Google Workspace con un dominio principal y explorar opciones para el aprovisionamiento.
  • Aprender a administrar tus usuarios y familiarizarte con las estructuras organizativas y los servicios principales de Google Workspace, como Gmail y Calendar. Aprender a configurar estos servicios para satisfacer las necesidades de tu organización.
  • Conocer las prácticas recomendadas de Google para proteger a tus usuarios y datos. Esto incluye examinar la seguridad de los usuarios y las aplicaciones y familiarizarte con las opciones de inicio de sesión único (SSO) disponibles para tu organización. Aprender a identificar eventos y riesgos de seguridad y mitigar los problemas que puedan surgir.
  • Aprender a configurar el cumplimiento del correo electrónico e implementar medidas para proteger tu organización contra ataques de spam, suplantación de identidad, phishing y malware. Familiarizarte con las diversas opciones de enrutamiento de correo disponibles.
  • Conocer las prácticas recomendadas de Google para implementar Google Workspace en tu organización.

No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Google Workspace Administration

  • Set up a Google Workspace account.
  • Access and navigate the Google Workspace Admin console.
  • Describe the key properties of the Google Workspace Directory.
  • Explain how an organizational structure can be used to simplify user and service management.
  • Provision users, groups, and calendar resources in Google Workspace, and undertake common user management tasks.
  • Describe the types of admin roles available in Google Workspace.

Módulo 2: Managing Google Workspace

  • Describe how to manage and configure Google Workspace services for an organization.
  • Explore the mobile device management options available in Google Workspace.
  • Describe Google Vault and learn how to use it to retain, search, and export your organization’s data.
  • Navigate Google Workspace admin reports and set up administrator alerts.

Módulo 3: Google Workspace Security

  • Configure Google Workspace’s user protection settings, such as password policies and recovery.
  • Implement 2-step verification in your organization.
  • Describe the SSO options available in Google Workspace.
  • Identify the differences between using Google as an identity provider versus using a third-party provider.
  • Use Secure LDAP to integrate LDAP compliant applications.
  • Configure trusted applications for your organization.
  • Configure access to trusted applications to prevent malicious attacks.
  • Use the security center to identify, triage, and act on security and privacy issues.

Módulo 4: Google Workspace Mail Management

  • Explain the Domain Name System (DNS), and identify the common record types.
  • Implement Google Workspace’s email security measures, and explain the purpose of each.
  • Configure Google Workspace to protect users from spam, phishing, and malware attacks.
  • Implement email compliance features provided by Google Workspace.
  • Describe common Google Workspace email routing options.

Módulo 5: Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment

  • Describe Google’s three-phase deployment methodology.
  • Describe how to provision domains, users, groups, and other objects in Google Workspace.
  • Describe mail delivery types, and explain how routing should be configured during each deployment phase.
  • Explain migration options, and make recommendations based on organizational needs.
  • Describe how to migrate mail, calendar, and contacts data from a legacy platform to Google Workspace.
  • Explain coexistence challenges encountered during a Google Workspace deployment, and recommend best practices, in particular around calendar coexistence.
  • Describe the value of change management and the importance of the change manager.

Documentación oficial para el curso Google Workspace Administration.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Este segundo curso de la serie Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos te prepara para operar y observar entornos de Anthos. Los temas incluyen el ajuste de clústeres existentes, la configuración de políticas avanzadas de enrutamiento de tráfico, la protección de la comunicación entre cargas de trabajo y la observación de clústeres en Anthos. El curso Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos es una continuación de Multi-cluster, Multi-cloud with Anthos y supone una experiencia directa con los clústeres de Anthos de ese curso.

  • Observar y supervisr los servicios que se ejecutan en los clústeres de Anthos en varios entornos.
  • Instalar Anthos Service Mesh en clústeres de Anthos en varios entornos.
  • Configurar el enrutamiento del tráfico, mejorar la seguridad de la red y la visibilidad con Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Crear arquitecturas de red de varios clústeres con Anthos Service Mesh.

Módulo 1: Introducing Anthos Service Mesh


  • Introduction to Anthos Service Mesh
  • Architecture
  • Installation
  • Life of a request in the mesh
  • Mesh telemetry and instrumentation
  • Anthos Service Mesh dashboards
  • Anthos Service Mesh pricing and support


  • Understand the benefits of Anthos Service Mesh, including running distributed services across clusters and enhancing service observability, traffic management, and security.
  • Install Anthos Service Mesh on different Anthos clusters and choose capabilities depending on the level of management and automation you want.
  • Collect workload telemetry including metrics, traces, and logs, and learn to visualize your services on the Anthos Service Mesh dashboards.
  • Understand Anthos Service Mesh and the capabilities,

Módulo 2: Managing Traffic Flow with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Networking and service discovery
  • Anthos Service Mesh API resources
  • Network resilience and testing


  • Understand how Anthos Service Mesh learns the network from Kubernetes and builds on top to provide advanced routing capabilities.
  • Deploy mesh API resources such as the VirtualService, DestinationRule, Gateway, Service Entry, and the sidecar to configure the mesh.
  • Harden the mesh network by introducing new functionality such as request retries, request timeouts, and circuit breakers.
  • Test the mesh network by creating failures and delays on specific services to improve the overall resilience.

Módulo 3: Securing Network Traffic with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Security across services
  • Authentication and encryption
  • Service authentication in the mesh
  • End-user authentication in the mesh
  • Authorization in the mesh
  • Bonus: Employee authentication and authorization in the mesh


  • Encrypt traffic between microservices to prevent anyone in the network from accessing private information.
  • Authorize services and requests; ensuring that services only access the information that is allowed access from other services.
  • Authenticate services and requests to verify trust among services in the mesh and among end users.
  • Limit service access in the network so

Módulo 4: Multi-Cluster Networking with Anthos Service Mesh


  • Fleet networking
  • Single network east-west routing
  • Multiple network east-west routings
  • North-south routing


  • Understand how to do multi-cluster networking, both north-south and east-west routing, with different network configurations.
  • Learn how to configure east-west networking on different Anthos clusters running on multi-cloud and hybrid locations with Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Install Anthos Service Mesh on different Anthos GKE clusters, and choose the right network configuration depending on where you want to run your cluster.
  • Combine Anthos Service Mesh with multi-cluster Gateways and multi-cluster services (MCS) to seamlessly run distributed services.

Documentación oficial para el curso Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Muchas organizaciones de TI experimentan una desconexión entre los desarrolladores, que se centran en la agilidad, y los operadores, que se centran en la estabilidad. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) es la forma en que Google cierra la brecha entre el desarrollo y las operaciones, al mismo tiempo que brinda soporte de producción de misión crítica. En el curso Developing a Google SRE Culture aprenderás los fundamentos y las mejores prácticas de SRE, la importancia de adoptar una cultura SRE y cómo SRE puede mejorar la colaboración entre TI y los líderes empresariales, y ayudar a que toda la organización tenga éxito.

  • Líderes de TI y líderes empresariales interesados en adoptar la filosofía SRE. Los roles incluyen, entre otros: CTO, director/gerente de TI, vicepresidente/director/gerente de ingeniería.
  • Otros roles de productos y TI, como gerentes o ingenieros de operaciones, ingenieros de software, gerentes de servicios o gerentes de productos.

  • Conocer la importancia del SRE para el éxito del proyecto de transformación de TI de una organización.
  • Conocer la relación entre DevOps y SRE.
  • Conocer los pilares de DevOps.
  • Saber cómo se alinean las prácticas de SRE con los pilares de DevOps.
  • Comprender el valor que SRE puede proporcionar a una organización.
  • Conocer los fundamentos técnicos y culturales de la SRE.
  • Aprender dónde se puede aplicar SRE dentro de las operaciones de TI.
  • Conocer las habilidades que necesita una SRE.
  • Conocer los diferentes tipos de implementaciones de equipos SRE.

Es recomendable haber leído previamente: Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems – Chapter 1 Introduction

Módulo 1: Welcome to Developing a Google SRE Culture

Explain why SRE is important to an organization’s IT transformation project’s success.

Módulo 2: DevOps, SRE, and Why They Exist

  • Distinguish between DevOps and SRE.
  • Articulate the pillars of DevOps.
  • Explain how SRE practices align to DevOps pillars.

Módulo 3: SLOs with Consequences

  • Understand the value SRE can provide to an organization.
  • Describe the technical fundamentals of SRE (SLOs, error budgets, and blameless postmortems).
  • Describe the cultural fundamentals of SRE (Psychological safety, blamelessness, unified vision, collaboration, and knowledge sharing).

Módulo 4: Make Tomorrow Better than Today

  • Describe the technical fundamentals of SRE (continuous integration/continous delivery, canarying, and toil automation).
  • Describe the cultural fundamentals of SRE (design thinking, prototyping, psychology of change, and resistance to change).

Módulo 5: Regulate Workload

  • Describe the technical fundamentals of SRE (measuring toil and reliability, and monitoring).
  • Describe the cultural fundamentals of SRE (goal-setting, transparency, data-driven decision making).

Módulo 6: Apply SRE in Your Organization

  • Assess their organization’s SRE maturity level.
  • Identify where SRE can be applied within their business.
  • Recognize the skills an SRE needs.
  • Articulate the different types of SRE team implementations.
  • Advocate for SRE culture adoption across their organization.

Módulo 7: Final Assessment

Assess SRE technical and cultural fundamentals knowledge.

Documentación oficial para el curso Developing a Google SRE Culture.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Este cuarto curso de la serie Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos te prepara para considerar múltiples enfoques para modernizar aplicaciones y servicios dentro de los entornos de Anthos. Los enfoques incluyen la optimización de cargas de trabajo en plataformas sin servidor en Google Cloud y en VMware, y la migración de cargas de trabajo a la plataforma Anthos. El curso Hybrid Cloud Modernizing Applications with Anthos es una continuación del curso Anthos on Bare Metal y supone experiencia directa en el funcionamiento de clústeres de Anthos a partir de ese curso.

  • Identificar los desafíos de la carga de trabajo abordados y los componentes involucrados en las soluciones informáticas sin servidor en Anthos.
  • Instalar cargas de trabajo en Cloud Run y Cloud Run para Anthos.
  • Configurar y revisar el registro, las métricas y la supervisión de las soluciones informáticas sin servidor en Anthos.
  • Identificar las fases de la migración y los tipos de carga de trabajo para las migraciones con Anthos.
  • Instalar Migrate for Anthos.
  • Migrar cargas de trabajo.
  • Conocer las mejores prácticas al migrar con Anthos.
  • Aprender múltiples estrategias para la implementación de aplicaciones automatizadas y la integración y entrega continuas (CI/CD) con Anthos.

Módulo 1: Application Migration with Anthos


  • Modernization vision
  • Workload discovery and migration assessment
  • Migrating applications to containers


  • Understand the benefits and challenges of containerizing applications.
  • Determine which workloads are a good or bad fit for migrations.
  • Use automated tools to assess a workload’s containerization fitness of a workload.
  • Plan a workload migration.

Módulo 2: Modern CI/CD for Anthos


  • CI/CD in Google Cloud
  • CI/CD in a private network
  • CI/CD on-premises and multi-cloud environments
  • Securing the software supply chain
  • Deploying third-party software


  • Recall the application deployment goals when working with microservicebased architectures.
  • Identify the model and benefits of Cloud Marketplace.
  • Explain manual (non-Marketplace) deployment patterns with Anthos Clusters.
  • Describe an automated CI/CD architecture using Cloud Build.

Módulo 3: Serverless on Anthos


  • Overview of serverless computing solutions and their associated Anthos components.
  • Installing Cloud Run for Anthos.
  • Running serverless workloads on Anthos.


  • Identify workload challenges addressed by serverless computing solutions.
  • List the Anthos serverless computing solutions components.
  • Install Cloud Run for Anthos.
  • Deploy, update, and adjust serverless workloads on Anthos.
  • Use Eventarc to deliver events.
  • Use best practices when running Serverless Computing Solutions on Anthos.

Documentación oficial para el curso Hybrid Cloud Modernizing Applications with Anthos.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

En el curso ML Pipelines on Google Cloud aprenderás sobre TensorFlow Extended (TFX), que es la plataforma de machine learning de producción de Google basada en TensorFlow para la gestión de pipelines y metadatos de ML. Los primeros módulos analizan los componentes de pipeline, la orquestación de pipeline con TFX, cómo puede automatizarse el pipeline a través de CI/CD y cómo administrar los metadatos de ML. Luego, se analiza cómo automatizar y reutilizar pipelines de ML en múltiples marcos de ML, como tensorflow, pytorch, scikit learn y xgboost. También, aprenderás a usar Cloud Composer para orquestar tus pipelines de capacitación continua y MLflow para administrar el ciclo de vida completo del machine learning.

  • Científicos de datos que busquen generar un impacto comercial mediante la conversión rápida del prototipo de machine learning a la producción.
  • Ingenieros de software que busquen desarrollar habilidades de ingeniería de machine learning.
  • Ingenieros de machine learning que deseen adoptar Google Cloud.

  • Organizar el entrenamiento y la implementación de modelos con TFX y Cloud AI Platform.
  • Operar modelos de machine learning implementados de manera efectiva y eficiente.
  • Realizar una capacitación continua con varios marcos (Scikit Learn, XGBoost, PyTorch) y organizar pipelines con Cloud Composer y MLFlow.
  • Integre los flujos de trabajo de machine learning con los flujos de trabajo de gestión de datos ascendentes y descendentes para mantener la gestión integral de linaje y metadatos.

Módulo 1: Introduction to TFX

  • Develop a high level understanding of TFX standard pipeline components.
  • Learn how to use a TFX Interactive Context for prototype development of TFX pipelines.
  • Work with the Tensorflow Data Validation (TFDV) library to check and analyze input data.
  • Utilize the Tensorflow Transform (TFT) library for scalable data preprocessing and feature transformations.
  • Use the KerasTuner library for model hyperparameter tuning.
  • Employ the Tensorflow Model Analysis (TFMA) library for model evaluation.

Módulo 2: Pipeline orchestration with TFX

Use the TFX CLI and Kubeflow UI to build and deploy TFX pipelines to a hosted AI Platform Pipelines instance on Google Cloud.

  • Deploy a TensorFlow model trained using AI Platform Training to AI Platform Prediction.
  • Perform advanced distributed hyperparameter tuning using CloudTuner and Cloud AI Platform Vizier.

Módulo 3: Custom components and CI/CD for TFX pipelines

Develop a CI/CD workflow with Cloud Build to build and deploy a TFX Pipeline.

  • Integrate Github trigger to trigger Cloud Build CI/CD workflow for a TFX pipeline.

Módulo 4: ML Metadata with TFX

Access and analyze pipeline artifacts in ML Metadata store.

Módulo 5: Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines

Perform continuous training with Scikit-learn and AI Platform Pipelines

  • Perform continuous training with PyTorch and AI Platform Pipelines
  • Perform continuous training with XGBoost and AI Platform Pipelines
  • Perform continuous training with TensorFlow and AI Platform Pipelines

Módulo 6: Continuous Training with Cloud Composer

Perform continuous training with Cloud Composer

Módulo 7: ML Pipelines with MLflow

Manage Machine Learning lifecycle with MLflow

Módulo 8: Summary

Summarize the course

Documentación oficial para el curso ML Pipelines on Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) Fundamentals te ofrece las herramientas y mejores prácticas de MLOps para implementar, evaluar, monitorear y operar sistemas de ML de producción en Google Cloud. MLOps es una disciplina enfocada en la implementación, prueba, monitoreo y automatización de sistemas ML en producción. Los profesionales de Machine Learning Engineering utilizan herramientas para la mejora continua y la evaluación de los modelos implementados. Trabajan con científicos de datos (o son científicos de datos) que desarrollan modelos para permitir la velocidad y el rigor en la implementación de las mejores soluciones de machine learning.

  • Científicos de datos que busquen pasar rápidamente del prototipo de machine learning a la producción para lograr un impacto comercial.
  • Ingenieros de software que busquen desarrollar habilidades de ingeniería de machine learning.
  • Ingenieros de machine learning que deseen adoptar Google Cloud.

  • Identificar y utilizar las tecnologías básicas necesarias para respaldar MLOps efectivos.
  • Configurar y aprovisionar arquitecturas de Google Cloud para entornos de MLOps confiables y efectivos.
  • Implementar flujos de trabajo de inferencia y capacitación confiables y repetibles.
  • Adoptar las mejores prácticas de CI/CD en el contexto de los sistemas de ML.
  • Operar modelos de machine learning implementados de manera efectiva y eficiente.

Haber completado el curso Machine Learning on Google Cloud.

Módulo 1: Why and When do we need MLOps

  • Discuss Data Scientists’ pain points
  • Identify ML Engineering characteristics and challenges
  • Define how Google Cloud can help with MLOps
  • Recognize how MLOps differs from manual ML management
  • Compare and contrast DevOps vs MLOps

Módulo 2: Understanding the Main Kubernetes Components (Optional)

  • Define what is a Docker container
  • Create Docker containers
  • Identify the architecture of Kubernetes: pods, namespaces
  • Create Docker containers using Google Container Builder
  • Store container images in Google Container Registry
  • Create a Kubernetes Engine cluster
  • Manage Kubernetes deployments

Módulo 3: Introduction to AI Platform Pipelines

  • Identify the benefits and opportunities of AI Pipelines
  • Define Access Controls within AI Pipelines
  • Recognize pipeline components
  • List pipeline workflows
  • Set up AI Platform Pipelines
  • Create a machine learning pipeline
  • Run a machine learning pipeline
  • Connect to AI Platform Pipelines using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK
  • Configure a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster for AI Platform Pipelines

Módulo 4: Training, Tuning and Serving on AI Platform

  • Identify the main concepts of MLOps on AI Platform
  • Create a reproducible dataset
  • Implement a tunable model
  • Build and push a training container
  • Train and tune a model
  • Serve and query a model

Módulo 5: Kubeflow Pipelines on AI Platform

  • Recognize how Kubeflow Pipelines fits in MLOps
  • Describe a Kubeflow Pipeline with KF DSL
  • Use the various Kubeflow components
  • Compile, upload, and run a pipeline build in Kubeflow Pipelines

Módulo 6: CI/CD for Kubeflow Pipelines on AI Platform

  • Create Cloud Build Builders
  • Configure pipelines with Cloud Build
  • Create triggers for training models using Cloud Build Triggers
  • Adopt the best CI/CD practices in the context of ML systems

Módulo 7: Summary

  • Summarize the course

Documentación oficial para el curso MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) Fundamentals.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google te brindará experiencia práctica en la optimización, implementación y escalado de una variedad de modelos de ML de producción. Aprenderás a crear sistemas de recomendación y modelos escalables, precisos y listos para producción para datos estructurados, datos de imágenes, series temporales y texto en lenguaje natural.

  • Ingenieros de datos y programadores interesados en aprender a poner en práctica el machine learning.
  • Cualquier persona interesada en aprender a construir y poner en funcionamiento modelos de TensorFlow.

  • Implementar los diversos tipos de sistemas de producción de ML: capacitación estática, dinámica y continua, inferencia estática y dinámica, y procesamiento por lotes y en línea.
  • Resolver un problema de ML mediante la creación de una canalización integral, desde la exploración de datos, el preprocesamiento, la ingeniería de características, la creación de modelos, el ajuste de hiperparámetros, la implementación y el servicio.
  • Desarrollar una variedad de modelos de clasificación de imágenes, desde modelos lineales simples hasta redes neuronales convolucionales (CNNs) de alto rendimiento con normalización por lotes, aumento y transferencia de aprendizaje.
  • Pronosticar valores de series temporales utilizando CNN, redes neuronales recurrentes (RNNs) y LSTMs.
  • Aplicar ML al texto en lenguaje natural utilizando CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, incrustaciones de palabras reutilizables y modelos generativos de codificador y decodificador.
  • Implementar modelos de recomendación en TensorFlow, basados en contenido, colaborativos, híbridos y neuronales.

  • Tener conocimientos de machine learning y TensorFlow al nivel de especialización Machine Learning on Google Cloud.
  • Tener experiencia en codificación en Python.
  • Tener conocimiento de estadísticas básicas.
  • Tener conocimientos de SQL y computación en la nube.

Módulo 1: End-to-End Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP


In the first course of this specialization, we recap what was covered in the Machine Learning on Google Cloud Specialization. One of the best ways to review something is to work with the concepts and technologies that you have learned. So, this course is run like a workshop where you will carry out end-toend machine learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform. Here you will learn how to explore large datasets for features, create training and evaluation datasets, build models with the Estimator API in TensorFlow, train at scale and deploy those models into production with Google Cloud Platform machine learning tools.

New learners with ML background can also follow this course to learn how to do ML on GCP to fast track to the more advanced topics coming soon under the advanced specialization.

Módulo 2: Production ML Systems


We’ll cover how to implement the various flavors of production ML systems—static, dynamic, and continuous training; static and dynamic inference; and batch and online processing. We’ll delve into TensorFlow abstraction levels and the various options for doing distributed training and how to write distributed training models with custom estimators.

  • Compare static vs. dynamic training and inference
  • Manage model dependencies
  • Set up distributed training for fault tolerance, replication, and more
  • Export models for portability

Módulo 3: Image Classification Models


We will take a look at different strategies for building an image classifier using convolutional neural networks. We’ll improve the model’s accuracy with augmentation, feature extraction, and fine-tuning hyperparameters while avoiding overfitting our data.

  • Classify images using deep learning
  • Implement convolutional neural networks
  • Improve the model by augmentation, batch normalization, etc.
  • Leverage transfer learning


Gain an overview of how ML is applied to image classification, including the evolving methods and challenges

Módulo 4: Sequence Models


  • Predict future values of a time-series
  • Classify free form text
  • Address time-series and text problems with recurrent neural networks
  • Choose between RNNs/LSTMs and simpler models
  • Train and reuse word embeddings in text problems


This module is an introduction to sequence models and their applications, including an overview of sequence model architectures and how to handle inputs of variable length.

Módulo 5: Recommendation Models


  • Devise a content-based recommendation engine
  • Implement a collaborative filtering recommendation engine
  • Build a hybrid recommendation engine with user and content embeddings


Apply your knowledge of classification models and embeddings to build a ML pipeline that functions as a recommendation engine.

Documentación oficial para el curso Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Enterprise Database Migration tiene como objetivo brindar a los arquitectos, ingenieros y desarrolladores las habilidades necesarias para ayudar a los clientes empresariales a diseñar, planificar, ejecutar y probar proyectos de migración de bases de datos. A través de una combinación de presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, podrás trasladar las bases de datos a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) mientras aprovechas varios servicios de GCP.
En este curco sabrás cómo mover bases de datos empresariales locales como SQL Server a Google Cloud (Compute Engine y Cloud SQL) y Oracle a Google Cloud bare metal.

  • Ingenieros que planeen una migración de datos a Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Ingenieros que trabajen en un proyecto de migración de base de datos.
  • Gerentes técnicos, tomadores de decisiones de TI y otros que deseen comprender los beneficios, riesgos, recompensas y procesos de migrar bases de datos a la nube.

  • Planificar, ejecutar, probar y supervisar migraciones de bases de datos empresariales simples y complejas a Google Cloud.
  • Evaluar arquitecturas de bases de datos locales y planificar migraciones a implementaciones optimizadas para la nube.
  • Seleccionar los destinos de base de datos de Google Cloud apropiados en función de las fuentes de datos locales.
  • Migrar bases de datos de SQL Server a Cloud SQL y Compute Engine.
  • Ejecutar bases de datos de Oracle en Google Cloud bare metal.
  • Reconocer y superar los desafíos del mundo real de mover datos para evitar la pérdida de datos, preservar la integridad de los datos y minimizar el
  • tiempo de inactividad.
  • Probar y monitorear proyectos de migración de datos.
  • Aprovechar las herramientas para automatizar la migración de datos.
  • Presentar caso comercial para trasladar las bases de datos a Google Cloud.

Módulo 1: Migrating Enterprise Databases to the Cloud

  • Get a high-level solution overview of use cases, customers, and competitors.
  • Understand traditional database architectures.
  • Optimize databases for the cloud.
  • Architect cloud databases for high-availability, scalability, and durability.

Módulo 2: Google Cloud Data Migration Solutions

  • Evaluate the database solutions available on Google Cloud.
  • Run databases on Google Cloud infrastructure using Compute Engine.
  • Leverage Kubernetes and GKE for deploying databases.
  • Use Cloud SQL for managed database solutions.
  • Provision Bare Metal Solution for Oracle databases.
  • Estimate the cost of database solutions.

Módulo 3: Google Implementation Methodology

  • Migrate to the cloud using Google’s implementation methodology
  • Perform the key database migration activities
  • Choose the appropriate database migration approach.

Módulo 4: Migration Strategies

  • Lift and shift databases from on-premises to Google Cloud.
  • Backup and restore databases from on-premises to Google Cloud services.
  • Migrate databases to the cloud with no downtime.
  • Optimize databases for the cloud.

Módulo 5: Networking for Secure Database Connectivity

  • Build secure networks to host databases and database client applications.
  • Allow secure communication across networks using VPC Peering, VPNs, and interconnect.
  • Control access to databases using firewall rules.
  • Automate network infrastructure using Terraform.

Módulo 6: Migrating SQL Server Databases to Google Cloud

  • Lift and shift SQL Server databases using Compute Engine.
  • Employ Cloud SQL for managed SQL Server databases.
  • Architect SQL Server for security, high availability, and disaster recovery.
  • Configure SQL Server to run with Kubernetes on GKE.

Módulo 7: Migrating Oracle Databases to Google Cloud

  • Explain why running Oracle on Google Cloud makes sense.
  • Review the technical specs of Oracle BMS.
  • Define common use cases for running Oracle on Google Cloud.

Módulo 8: Testing and Monitoring Databases in Google Cloud

  • Use unit, integration, and regression testing techniques to ensure database migration success.
  • Monitor your migration projects with Google tools.

Módulo 9: Google Cloud Data Migration Tools

  • Move large amounts of data to the cloud using Google transfer services
  • Program data processing and ETL pipelines using Cloud Data Fusion
  • Create workflows using Composer

Módulo 10: Making the Business Case for Moving to Google Cloud

  • Write a business case to justify a database migration.
  • Perform risk and cost/benefit analysis on a cloud migration project.
  • Estimate the costs associated with database migration.

Documentación oficial para el curso Enterprise Database Migration.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Cloud Digital Leader

Un Cloud Digital Leader puede expresar con claridad las capacidades de los productos y servicios principales de Google Cloud y cómo se benefician las organizaciones. Un Cloud Digital Leader también puede describir casos de uso comerciales comunes y cómo las soluciones en la nube contribuyen a una empresa.

Esta certificación está destinada a cualquier persona que desee demostrar sus conocimientos de los conceptos básicos de la computación en la nube y cómo los productos y servicios de Google Cloud se pueden usar para lograr los objetivos de una organización.

El examen de certificación Cloud Digital Leader evalúa tus conocimientos en estas áreas:

Certificación Cloud Digital Leader

Obtener la certificación Cloud Digital Leader

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable haber experimentado colaboración con profesionales técnicos.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Google Workspace Administrator

Un Professional Google Workspace Administrator transforma los objetivos comerciales en parámetros de configuración, políticas y prácticas de seguridad tangibles en relación con los usuarios, el contenido y las integraciones. A través de su comprensión de la infraestructura de sus organizaciones, los administradores de Google Workspace permiten que las personas trabajen juntas, se comuniquen y accedan a datos de manera segura y eficiente. Operan con una mentalidad orientada a la ingeniería y a las soluciones, usan herramientas, lenguajes de programación y API para automatizar los flujos de trabajo. Buscan oportunidades para educar a los usuarios finales y aumentar la eficiencia operativa, mientras abogan por Google Workspace y las herramientas de Google.

Puestos de trabajo relacionados: Administrador de sistemas de TI, ingeniero en soluciones en la nube, ingeniero en colaboración empresarial, ingeniero de sistemas.

El examen de certificación Professional Google Workspace Administrator evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Google Workspace Administrator

Obtener la certificación Professional Google Workspace Administrator

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en la administración de Google Workspace (antes G Suite).

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Data Engineer

Los Professional Data Engineers permiten la toma de decisiones basada en datos mediante la recopilación, transformación y publicación de datos. El Data Engineer debe ser capaz de diseñar, compilar, poner en funcionamiento, proteger y supervisar los sistemas de procesamiento de datos, con especial énfasis en la seguridad, el cumplimiento, la escalabilidad, la eficiencia, la confiabilidad, la fidelidad, la flexibilidad y la portabilidad. Además, el Data Engineer debe ser capaz de aprovechar, implementar y entrenar constantemente los modelos preexistentes de aprendizaje automático (machine learning).

El examen de certificación Professional Data Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para hacer lo siguiente:

Certificación Professional Data Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Data Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en el diseño y la administración de soluciones mediante Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Machine Learning Engineer

Un Professional Machine Learning Engineer diseña, crea y pone en producción modelos de machine learning (ML) para resolver desafíos empresariales mediante las tecnologías de Google Cloud y el conocimiento de modelos y técnicas comprobados de ML. El ML Engineer tiene en cuenta los principios de AI responsable durante el proceso de desarrollo del ML y colabora estrechamente con otras funciones para garantizar el éxito a largo plazo de los modelos. El ML Engineer debe dominar todos los aspectos de la arquitectura de los modelos, la interacción de las canalizaciones (pipelines) de datos y la interpretación de métricas. También, debe estar familiarizado con los conceptos fundamentales del desarrollo de aplicaciones, la administración de infraestructuras y la ingeniería y administración de datos. Gracias a su comprensión del entrenamiento, el reentrenamiento, la implementación, la programación, la supervisión y la mejora de los modelos, el ML Engineer diseña y crea soluciones escalables para ofrecer rendimiento óptimo.

El examen de certificación Professional Machine Learning Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para:

Certificación Professional Machine Learning Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Machine Learning Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria, incluidos 1 o más años en el diseño y la administración de soluciones con Google Cloud

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

Un Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer se encarga de organizar operaciones de desarrollo eficientes que combinan la confiabilidad del servicio con la velocidad de entrega. Está capacitado en el uso de Google Cloud para crear canalizaciones de entrega de software, implementar y supervisar servicios, así como abordar incidentes y aprender de ellos.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria, incluido más de 1 año en la administración de soluciones en Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Developer

Un Professional Cloud Developer compila aplicaciones escalables y con alta disponibilidad mediante las herramientas y prácticas recomendadas de Google. Se trata de una persona con experiencia en el uso de aplicaciones nativas de la nube, herramientas para desarrolladores, servicios administrados y bases de datos de última generación. También, domina al menos un lenguaje de programación de uso general y, además, instrumenta su código para producir métricas, registros y seguimientos.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud Developer evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Cloud Developer

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud Developer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en el diseño y la administración de soluciones mediante Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Database Engineer

Un Professional Cloud Database Engineer es un profesional de base de datos con dos años de experiencia en Google Cloud y cinco años de experiencia general de bases de datos y TI. El Professional Cloud Database Engineer diseña, crea, administra y soluciona los problemas de las bases de datos de Google Cloud que usan las aplicaciones para almacenar y recuperar datos. Debe ser capaz de convertir los requisitos comerciales y técnicos en soluciones de bases de datos escalables y rentables.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud Database Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Cloud Database Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud Database Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más de 5 años de experiencia general en bases de datos y TI, lo que incluye 2 años de experiencia práctica con soluciones de bases de datos de Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Un Cloud Security Engineer permite a las organizaciones diseñar e implementar infraestructura y cargas de trabajo seguras en Google Cloud. Gracias a su comprensión de las prácticas recomendadas y los requisitos de seguridad de la industria, esta profesional aprovecha las tecnologías de seguridad de Google para diseñar, desarrollar y administrar una infraestructura segura. El Cloud Security Engineer debe ser competente en todos los aspectos de la seguridad en la nube, incluida la administración de identidades y accesos, la definición de la estructura organizativa y las políticas, el uso de tecnologías de Google para proporcionar protección de datos, la configuración de las defensas de seguridad de la red, la recopilación y el análisis de los registros de Google Cloud, la administración de respuestas a incidentes y la demostración de la comprensión de la aplicación de consideraciones de reglamentos dinámicas.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en el diseño y la administración de soluciones mediante Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Un profesional con certificación Professional Cloud Network Engineer se encarga de implementar y administrar las arquitecturas de red de Google Cloud Platform. Puede trabajar en equipos de redes o de nube con arquitectos que diseñan la infraestructura de nube. El Cloud Network Engineer usa Google Cloud Console o la interfaz de línea de comandos y aprovecha la experiencia en servicios de red, herramientas de redes de aplicaciones y contenedores, conectividad híbrida y de múltiples nubes, implementación de VPC y seguridad para arquitecturas de red establecidas a fin de garantizar implementaciones exitosas en la nube.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer evalúa tu capacidad para realizar las siguientes tareas:

Certificación Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud Network Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en el diseño y la administración de soluciones mediante Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

Professional Cloud Architect

Los Professional Cloud Architects permiten a las organizaciones aprovechar las tecnologías de Google Cloud. Con un conocimiento profundo de la arquitectura de la nube y Google Cloud, diseñan, desarrollan y administran soluciones sólidas, seguras, escalables, de alta disponibilidad y dinámicas para impulsar los objetivos comerciales.

El examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect evalúa tu capacidad para:

Certificación Professional Cloud Architect

Obtener la certificación Professional Cloud Architect

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener más 3 años de experiencia en la industria y más de 1 año de experiencia en el diseño y la administración de soluciones mediante Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Architect Journey te permite estructurar tu preparación para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect. Aprenderás sobre los dominios de Google Cloud que se incluyen en el examen y la forma de crear un plan de estudio para saber más de ellos.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Professional Cloud Architect

  • Describir los cinco dominios que se incluyen en el examen de certificación de Professional Cloud Architect.
  • Identificar brechas en sus conocimientos y habilidades con respecto a cada dominio y crear un plan de estudio.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect.

Profesionales Cloud que deseen tomar el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Architect.

Módulo 00: Introduction to the Professional Cloud Architect Certification

  • Temas:
    • Role of a Professional Cloud Architect and scenario introduction*
    • Certification value and benefits
    • Certification process
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe the purpose and benefits of the PCA certification.
    • Explain the certification process.

Módulo 01: Designing and planning a cloud solution architecture

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Defining initial technical and business design considerations for Cymbal’s migration to a cloud solution
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify considerations involved in designing solution infrastructure that meets business and technical requirements.
    • Describe options for designing network, storage, and compute resources leveraging Google Cloud.
    • Explain the elements of a migration plan.
    • Recognize the potential for future solution improvements.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to design and plan solution architecture leveraging Google Cloud.

Módulo 02: Managing and provisioning a solution infrastructure

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Provisioning and deploying the cloud solution per Cymbal’s requirements
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify considerations involved in configuring network topologies, individual storage systems, and compute systems.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to manage and provision solution infrastructure.

Módulo 03: Designing for security and compliance

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Identifying the security and compliance considerations pertinent to Cymbal’s cloud solution
  • Objetivos:
    • Explain recommended design practices to ensure security across a cloud solution.
    • Recognize aspects of designing for compliance.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to apply Google’s recommended approach to designing for security and compliance.

Módulo 04: Analyzing and optimizing technical and business processes

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: Analyze costs, KPIs, etc. and identify opportunities for optimization
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe the technical and business processes involved in solution production.
    • Identify ways to optimize processes and develop procedures to ensure reliability of solutions in production.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop to optimize technical and business processes involved in producing a cloud solution.

Módulo 05: Managing implementation/Ensuring solution operations and reliability

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: How the PCA helps establish best practices for Cymbal’s solution deployment and ongoing operations
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe best practices for development and operations teams to ensure successful solution deployment.
    • Explain methods to interact with Google Cloud programmatically.
    • Explain methodologies for managing configuration and code updates and tools available for monitoring and analyzing KPIs.

Módulo 06: Your Next Steps

  • Temas:
    • Learn how to break down a case study to pinpoint business and technical requirements, and find differentiators
    • Finalizing your study plan
    • Creating a weekly study sheet
    • Registering for the exam
  • Objetivos:
    • Create a personalized study plan.
    • Review next steps.

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Architect Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Associate Cloud Engineer
Associate Cloud Engineer

Los Associate Cloud Engineers se encargan de implementar aplicaciones, supervisar operaciones y administrar soluciones empresariales. También saben cómo usar Google Cloud Console y la interfaz de línea de comandos para realizar tareas comunes en la plataforma a fin de mantener una o más soluciones implementadas que aprovechen los servicios administrados por Google o autoadministrados que se encuentran en Google Cloud.

El examen de certificación Associate Cloud Engineer evalúa tus habilidades en los siguientes ámbitos:

Certificación Associate Cloud Engineer

Obtener la certificación Associate Cloud Engineer

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación.
  • Sin embargo, es recomendable tener, al menos, 6 meses de experiencia práctica con Google Cloud.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud te brindará una introducción al uso de Terraform para Google Cloud. Podrás describir cómo se puede utilizar Terraform para implementar la infraestructura como un código y aplicar algunas de sus características y funcionalidades clave para crear y administrar la infraestructura de Google Cloud. Obtendrás práctica en la construcción de recursos de Google Cloud utilizando Terraform.

  • Ingenieros de la nube, ingenieros de DevOps.
  • Personas que deseen comenzar a usar Terraform para automatizar el aprovisionamiento de infraestructura con un enfoque en Google Cloud Platform.

  • Definir la necesidad comercial de infraestructura como código y los beneficios de usarla en su entorno.
  • Explicar las características y funcionalidades de Terraform.
  • Utilizar recursos, variables y outputs de Terraform para crear recursos de infraestructura de Google Cloud.
  • Utilizar módulos de Terraform para crear configuraciones reutilizables.
  • Explicar el estado de Terraform y su importancia.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Terraform for Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to IaC
      • What is infrastructure as code (IaC)?
      • Problems IaC can solve
      • Benefits of IaC
      • Provisioning versus configuration
      • Imperative versus declarative approach
    • Introduction to Terraform
      • Terraform overview
      • Terraform features
      • IaC configuration workflow
      • Terraform use cases
    • Using Terraform
      • How to use Terraform
      • Running Terraform in production
      • Installing Terraform
      • Authentication for Google Cloud
  • Objetivos:
    • Define infrastructure as code.
    • Explain the features and benefits of using Terraform.
    • Explain the use case of Terraform for Google Cloud.
    • Describe how to use Terraform for Google Cloud.

Módulo 2: Terms and concepts

  • Temas:
    • The Author phase
      • Terraform Directory structure
      • Introduction to HCL syntax
      • Resources
      • Variables
      • State
      • Modules
    • Terraform commands
      • terraform init
      • terraform plan
      • terraform apply
      • terraform fmt
      • terraform destroy
    • Terraform Validator tool
      • Introduction
      • Why use the Terraform Validator tool
      • Validation workflow
      • Terraform Validator use cases
  • Objetivos:
    • Explain the Terraform workflow.
    • Create basic configuration files within Terraform.
    • Explain the purpose of a few Terraform commands.
    • Describe the Terraform Validator tool.
    • Create, update, and destroy Google Cloud resources using Terraform.

Módulo 3: Writing Infrastructure Code for Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to Resources
      • Resources overview
      • Syntax
      • Example
      • Refer a resource attribute
    • Considerations to define a resource block
    • Meta-arguments for resources
    • Resource dependencies
      • Implicit dependency
      • Explicit dependency
    • Introduction to Variables
      • Overview
      • Syntax to declare a variable
      • Syntax to reference and assign a value to a variable
      • Variables best practices
    • Introduction to output values
      • Output values overview
      • Best practices
    • Terraform Registry and CFT
      • Introduction to Terraform Registry
      • Introduction to CFT
  • Objetivos:
    • Declare the resources within Terraform.
    • Explain implicit and explicit resource dependencies.
    • Use variables and output values within the root configuration.
    • Explain Terraform Registry and Cloud Foundation Toolkit.

Módulo 4: Organizing and Reusing Configuration with Terraform Modules

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to modules:
      • Why are modules needed
      • What is a module?
      • Example
    • Reusing configurations by using modules
      • Module sources
      • Calling a module into the source configuration
    • Using variables to parameterize your configuration
    • Pass resource attributes using output variables
    • Module use cases, benefits, and best practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Define Terraform modules.
    • Use modules to reuse configurations.
    • Use modules from the public registry.
    • Use input variables to parameterize configurations.
    • Use output values to access resource attributes outside the module.

Módulo 5: Introduction to Terraform State

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to Terraform state
      • How information is stored in a Terraform state file
    • Ways to save a state file
    • Storing a state file in a Cloud Storage bucket
      • Issues when storing the Terraform state locally
      • Benefits of storing a state file in a Cloud Storage bucket
      • Process of storing a Terraform state file remotely in a Cloud Storage bucket
    • Terraform state best practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Define Terraform state.
    • List the benefits of storing the state file remotely.
    • Explain how to store the Terraform state in a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Explain Terraform state best practices.

Documentación oficial para el curso Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey te permite estructurar tu preparación para el examen de certificación Associate Cloud Engineer. Aprenderás sobre los dominios de Google Cloud que se incluyen en el examen y la forma de crear un plan de estudio para saber más de ellos.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Associate Cloud Engineer

  • Describir los cinco dominios que se incluyen en el examen de certificación de Associate Cloud Engineer.
  • Identificar brechas en sus conocimientos y habilidades con respecto a cada dominio y crear un plan de estudio.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Associate Cloud Engineer.

Tener al menos 6 meses de experiencia en el rol de Associate Cloud Engineer, o tener una experiencia equivalente.

Módulo 00: Introduction to the Associate Cloud Engineer Certification

  • Temas:
    • Role of an Associate Cloud Engineer and scenario introduction*
    • Certification value and benefits
    • Certification process
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe the purpose and benefits of the ACE certification.
    • Explain the certification process.

Módulo 01: Setting up a Cloud Environment

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: starting the process to migrate from on-premises to Google Cloud by setting up a solution environment.
    • Creating projects, assigning IAM roles, enabling APIs, provisioning logging/ monitoring workspaces, managing billing, installing command-line tools.
  • Objetivos:
    • Describe tasks involved in setting up a cloud solution environment when migrating from on-premises to Google Cloud.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop to set up a solution environment in Google Cloud.

Módulo 02: Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: understanding the Cloud Engineer’s role in planning and configuring a solution in Google Cloud.
    • Estimating pricing, planning compute, data storage, and network resources.
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify the tasks of the Cloud Engineer in planning and configuring a cloud solution.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop when planning and configuring a solution in Google Cloud.

Módulo 03: Deploying and Implementing a Cloud Solution

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: continuing to explore the Associate Cloud Engineer’s role in helping the organization explore options for deploying and implementing a solution.
    • Differentiating and deploying among compute options including Compute Engine, GKE, App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions.
    • Differentiating and deploying among storage and data options including Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Spanner, BigQuery, and Pub/Sub.
    • Differentiating and deploying among networking options including VPC, firewall rules, interconnect options (VPN), and load balancer options.
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify the tasks of the Cloud Engineer in deploying and implementing a cloud solution.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop related to deploying and implementing a cloud solution.

Módulo 04: Ensuring Successful Operation of a Cloud Solution

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: now that the organization’s cloud solution has been deployed, continue to explore the Associate Cloud Engineer’s role in operations of the cloud solution.
    • Managing and adjusting the configuration of compute resources, and understanding cost implications.
    • Managing and adjusting the configuration of storage and data resources, and understanding cost implications.
    • Managing and adjusting the configuration of network resources, and understanding cost implications.
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify the tasks of the Cloud Engineer in ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop to ensure successful operation of cloud solutions.

Módulo 05: Configuring Access and Security

  • Temas:
    • Scenario: configuring access is a key part of administering a cloud solution. This final section of the scenario introduces the Associate Cloud Engineer’s role in configuring access and security of project resources.
    • Managing IAM and service accounts.
    • Viewing project audit logs.
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify the tasks of the Cloud Engineer in configuring access and security.
    • Determine the skills you need to develop to manage access and security in Google Cloud.

Módulo 06: Your Next Steps

  • Temas:
    • Finalizing your study plan
    • Creating a weekly study sheet
    • Registering for the exam
  • Objetivos:
    • Create a personalized study plan.
    • Review next steps.

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

In this course you will learn about Cloud Spanner. You will get an introduction to Cloud Spanner, contrasting it with other Database products to understand when and how to use Spanner to solve your relational database needs at scale. You will learn how to create and manage Spanner databases using various tools on Google Cloud, learn to optimize relational schemas with Spanner’s distributed database model in mind, interact with your Spanner databases using the Spanner APIs, integrate Spanner with your applications, and learn how to use other Google tools for administering Spanner databases and managing your data. The lab culminates with a challenge lab where you demonstrate your knowledge of administering Spanner databases and managing data.

Database administrators, engineers/developers, and cloud architects who want to learn how to create, optimize, and manage Spanner databases and migrate existing databases into Spanner.

  • Build scalable, managed, relational databases using Google Cloud Spanner.
  • Create and manage Spanner databases using the CLI, Terraform, Python API, and the Cloud Console.
  • Optimize relational database schemas for Spanner's distributed database model.
  • Leverage Google Cloud tools for administering Spanner databases and managing data.
  • Program and run queries and transactions using the Spanner API.
  • Integrate Spanner with your applications.

Some prior Google Cloud experience at the fundamental level is assumed. Experience with relational databases, the SQL language, and some programming is also assumed.


Module 1: The Need for Spanner

  • What is Spanner?
  • Spanner and the CAP Theorem
  • History of Spanner
  • Cloud Spanner Use Cases

Module 2: Getting Started with Spanner

  • Planning Spanner Instances
  • Automating Instance Creating
  • Creating Databases in Spanner

Module 3: Optimizing Spanner Schemas

  • Spanner Architecture
  • Choosing Primary Keys
  • Defining Database Schemas in Spanner
  • Understanding Interleaving and Foreign Keys
  • Understanding Secondary Indexes

Module 4: Programming Spanner Applications, Queries, and Transactions

  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Using the Spanner Client Libraries
  • Running Queries
  • Managing Transactions

Module 5: Deploying Spanner Applications

  • Using Spanner from Applications
  • Building Data Pipelines into and out of Spanner

Module 6: Spanner Administration

  • Managing your Data in Spanner
  • Managing Change
  • Operations

Module 7: Capstone Project


Creating Spanner Instances and Databases (Console)

  • Compare Spanner configuration options.
  • Create Spanner databases using the Console.
  • Create Spanner databases using the PostgreSQL dialect.

Creating Spanner Instances and Databases (CLI and Terraform)

  • Create instances and databases using the gcloud CLI.
  • Automate Spanner infrastructure using Terraform.

Choosing Primary Keys

  • Generate Spanner primary keys as UUIDs.
  • Convert counters and timestamps into values appropriate for Spanner primary keys.

Managing Relationships with Foreign Keys and Interleaved Tables

  • Create a relational database with proper primary keys and relationships optimized for Spanner
  • Leverage indexes to improve read performance in Spanner

Programming Spanner Applications with Python

  • Use Python to create and delete Spanner instances and databases.
  • Program Spanner databases that use the PostgreSQL dialect.

Running Queries and Transactions

  • Run parameterized queries using indexes against a Spanner database using the Python Client library.
  • Execute transactions against a Spanner database.

Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run

  • Deploy Cloud Functions that read and write to Spanner databases.
  • Set up and use the Spanner emulator for development.
  • Build a REST API that allows you to read and write Spanner data.
  • Deploy a REST API to Google Cloud Run.

Migrating Data to and from Spanner with Dataflow

  • Write ETL pipelines using Apache Beam.
  • Run Apache Beam pipelines using Google Cloud Dataflow.

Leverage the Autoscaler Tool for Cloud Spanner to Achieve Workload Elasticity

  • Configure the Autoscaler and environment
  • Deploy the Autoscaler
  • Observe the autoscaling

Challenge Lab: Administering a Spanner Database

  • Create a Spanner database and import existing data.
  • Backup and restore the database.
  • Export Spanner data and import it into BigQuery.
  • Deploy a data access API that allows access to your Spanner database.
  • Use the Operations monitoring tools for dashboards, uptime checks, and alerts.

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Understanding Cloud Spanner

  • Formador certificado por GCP.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow está destinado a profesionales de Big Data que deseen ampliar su comprensión de Dataflow para avanzar en sus aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos.

Comenzando con los fundamentos, este curso explica cómo Apache Beam y Dataflow funcionan juntos para satisfacer sus necesidades de procesamiento de datos sin el riesgo de depender de un proveedor. La sección sobre el desarrollo de canalizaciones (pipelines) cubre cómo convertir la lógica comercial en aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos que puedan ejecutarse en Dataflow. El curso culmina con un enfoque en las operaciones, que revisa las lecciones más importantes para operar una aplicación de datos en Dataflow, incluido el monitoreo, la resolución de problemas, las pruebas y la confiabilidad.

  • Ingeniero de datos.
  • Analistas de datos y científicos de datos que aspiren a desarrollar habilidades de ingeniería de datos.

  • Demostrar cómo Apache Beam y Dataflow funcionan juntos para satisfacer las necesidades de procesamiento de datos de tu organización.
  • Resumir los beneficios de Beam Portability Framework y activarlo para sus canalizaciones de Dataflow.
  • Habilitar Shuffle y Streaming Engine, para canalizaciones por lotes y de transmisión respectivamente, para obtener el máximo rendimiento.
  • Habilitar Flexible Resource Scheduling para obtener un rendimiento más rentable.
  • Seleccionar la combinación correcta de permisos de IAM para el trabajo de Dataflow.
  • Implementar las mejores prácticas para un entorno de procesamiento de datos seguro.
  • Seleccionar y ajustar I/O de tu elección para la canalización de Dataflow.
  • Utilizar esquemas para simplificar tu código Beam y mejorar el rendimiento de su canalización.
  • Desarrollar una canalización Beam utilizando SQL y DataFrames.
  • Realizar monitoreo, resolución de problemas, pruebas y CI/CD en canalizaciones de Dataflow.

  • Haber completado Building Batch Data Pipelines.
  • Haber completado Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems.

Módulo 1: Introduction


  • Course Introduction
  • Beam and Dataflow Refresher


  • Introduce the course objectives.
  • Demonstrate how Apache Beam and Dataflow work together to fulfill your organization’s data processing needs.

Módulo 2: Beam Portability


  • Beam Portability
  • Runner v2
  • Container Environments
  • Cross-Language Transforms


  • Summarize the benefits of the Beam Portability Framework.
  • Customize the data processing environment of your pipeline using custom containers.
  • Review use cases for cross-language transformations.
  • Enable the Portability framework for your Dataflow pipelines.

Módulo 3: Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow


  • Dataflow
  • Dataflow Shuffle Service
  • Dataflow Streaming Engine
  • Flexible Resource Scheduling


  • Enable Shuffle and Streaming Engine, for batch and streaming pipelines respectively, for maximum performance.
  • Enable Flexible Resource Scheduling for more cost-efficient performance.

Módulo 4: IAM, Quotas, and Permissions


  • IAM
  • Quota


  • Select the right combination of IAM permissions for your Dataflow job.
  • Determine your capacity needs by inspecting the relevant quotas for your Dataflow jobs.

Módulo 5: Security


  • Data Locality
  • Shared VPC
  • Private IPs
  • CMEK


  • Select your zonal data processing strategy using Dataflow, depending on your data locality needs.
  • Implement best practices for a secure data processing environment.

Módulo 6: Beam Concepts Review


  • Beam Basics
  • Utility Transforms
  • DoFn Lifecycle


Review main Apache Beam concepts (Pipeline, PCollections, PTransforms, Runner, reading/writing, Utility PTransforms, side inputs), bundles and DoFn Lifecycle.

Módulo 7: Windows, Watermarks, Triggers


  • Windows
  • Watermarks
  • Triggers


  • Implement logic to handle your late data.
  • Review different types of triggers.
  • Review core streaming concepts (unbounded PCollections, windows).

Módulo 8: Sources and Sinks


  • Sources and Sinks
  • Text IO and File IO
  • BigQuery IO
  • PubSub IO
  • Kafka IO
  • Bigable IO
  • Avro IO
  • Splittable DoFn


  • Write the I/O of your choice for your Dataflow pipeline.
  • Tune your source/sink transformation for maximum performance.
  • Create custom sources and sinks using SDF.

Módulo 9: Schemas


  • Beam Schemas
  • Code Examples


  • Introduce schemas, which give developers a way to express structured data in their Beam pipelines.
  • Use schemas to simplify your Beam code and improve the performance of your pipeline.

Módulo 10: State and Timers


  • State API
  • Timer API
  • Summary


  • Identify use cases for state and timer API implementations.
  • Select the right type of state and timers for your pipeline.

Módulo 11: Best Practices


  • Schemas
  • Handling unprocessable Data
  • Error Handling
  • AutoValue Code Generator
  • JSON Data Handling
  • Utilize DoFn Lifecycle
  • Pipeline Optimizations


Implement best practices for Dataflow pipelines.

Módulo 12: Dataflow SQL and DataFrames


  • Dataflow and Beam SQL
  • Windowing in SQL
  • Beam DataFrames


Develop a Beam pipeline using SQL and DataFrames.

Módulo 13: Beam Notebooks


Beam Notebooks


  • Prototype your pipeline in Python using Beam notebooks.
  • Launch a job to Dataflow from a notebook.

Módulo 14: Monitoring


  • Job List
  • Job Info
  • Job Graph
  • Job Metrics
  • Metrics Explorer


  • Navigate the Dataflow Job Details UI.
  • Interpret Job Metrics charts to diagnose pipeline regressions.
  • Set alerts on Dataflow jobs using Cloud Monitoring.

Módulo 15: Logging and Error Reporting


  • Logging
  • Error Reporting


Use the Dataflow logs and diagnostics widgets to troubleshoot pipeline issues.

Módulo 16: Troubleshooting and Debug


  • Troubleshooting Workflow
  • Types of Troubles


  • Use a structured approach to debug your Dataflow pipelines.
  • Examine common causes for pipeline failures.

Módulo 17: Performance


  • Pipeline Design
  • Data Shape
  • Source, Sinks, and External Systems
  • Shuffle and Streaming Engine


  • Understand performance considerations for pipelines.
  • Consider how the shape of your data can affect pipeline performance.

Módulo 18: Testing and CI/CD


  • Testing and CI/CD Overview
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Artifact Building
  • Deployment


  • Testing approaches for your Dataflow pipeline.
  • Review frameworks and features available to streamline your CI/CD workflow for Dataflow pipelines.

Módulo 19: Reliability


  • Introduction to Reliability
  • Monitoring
  • Geolocation
  • Disaster Recovery
  • High Availability


Implement reliability best practices for your Dataflow pipelines.

Módulo 20: Flex Templates


  • Classic Templates
  • Flex Templates
  • Using Flex Templates
  • Google-provided Templates


Using flex templates to standardize and reuse Dataflow pipeline code.

Módulo 21: Summary




Quick recap of training topics

Documentación oficial para el curso Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Con el curso Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google Cloud aprenderás a monitorear, solucionar problemas y mejorar tu infraestructura y el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Guiado por los principios de Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), este curso presenta una combinación de conferencias, demostraciones, laboratorios prácticos y estudios de casos del mundo real. En este curso, obtendrás experiencia con el monitoreo de pila completa, la administración y el análisis de registros en tiempo real, la depuración de código en producción y el perfilado del uso de memoria y CPU.

  • Arquitectos de la nube, administradores y personal de SysOps.
  • Desarrolladores de la nube y personal de DevOps.

  • Planificar e implementar una infraestructura de registro y monitoreo bien diseñada.
  • Definir indicadores de nivel de servicio (SLIs) y objetivos de nivel de servicio (SLOs).
  • Crear dashboards y alertas de monitoreo efectivos.
  • Supervisar, solucionar problemas y mejorar la infraestructura de Google Cloud.
  • Analizar y exportar los registros de auditoría de Google Cloud.
  • Encontrar defectos en el código de producción, identificar cuellos de botella y mejorar el rendimiento.
  • Optimizar los costos de monitoreo.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener conocimiento básicos de scripting o codificación.
  • Tener competencias con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Monitoring Tools

  • Understand the purpose and capabilities of Google Cloud operations-focused components: Logging, Monitoring, Error Reporting, and Service Monitoring.
  • Understand the purpose and capabilities of Google Cloud application performance management focused components: Debugger, Trace, and Profiler.

Módulo 2: Avoiding Customer Pain

  • Construct a monitoring base on the four golden signals: latency, traffic, errors, and saturation.
  • Measure customer pain with SLIs.
  • Define critical performance measures.
  • Create and use SLOs and SLAs.
  • Achieve developer and operation harmony with error budgets.

Módulo 3: Alerting Policies

  • Develop alerting strategies.
  • Define alerting policies.
  • Add notification channels.
  • Identify types of alerts and common uses for each.
  • Construct and alert on resource groups.
  • Manage alerting policies programmatically.

Módulo 4: Monitoring Critical Systems

  • Choose best practice monitoring project architectures.
  • Differentiate Cloud IAM roles for monitoring.
  • Use the default dashboards appropriately.
  • Build custom dashboards to show resource consumption and application load.
  • Define uptime checks to track aliveness and latency.

Módulo 5: Configuring Google Cloud Services for Observability

  • Integrate logging and monitoring agents into Compute Engine VMs and images.
  • Enable and use Kubernetes Monitoring.
  • Extend and clarify Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus.
  • Expose custom metrics through code and with the help of OpenCensus.

Módulo 6: Advanced Logging and Analysis

  • Identify and choose among resource tagging approaches.
  • Define log sinks (inclusion filters) and exclusion filters.
  • Create metrics based on logs.
  • Define custom metrics.
  • Use Error Reporting to link application errors to Logging.
  • Export logs to BigQuery.

Módulo 7: Monitoring Network Security and Audit Logs

  • Collect and analyze VPC Flow logs and Firewall Rules logs.
  • Enable and monitor Packet Mirroring.
  • Explain the capabilities of Network Intelligence Center.
  • Use Admin Activity audit logs to track changes to the configuration or metadata of resources.
  • Use Data Access audit logs to track accesses or changes to user-provided resource data.
  • Use System Event audit logs to track GCP administrative actions.

Módulo 8: Managing Incidents

  • Define incident management roles and communication channels.
  • Mitigate incident impact.
  • Troubleshoot root causes.
  • Resolve incidents.
  • Document incidents in a post-mortem process.

Módulo 9: Monitoring Network Security and Audit Logs

  • Collect and analyze VPC Flow logs and Firewall Rules logs.
  • Enable and monitor Packet Mirroring.
  • Explain the capabilities of Network Intelligence Center.
  • Use Admin Activity audit logs to track changes to the configuration or metadata of resources.
  • Use Data Access audit logs to track accesses or changes to user-provided resource data.
  • Use System Event audit logs to track GCP administrative actions.

Módulo 10: Optimizing Stackdriver Costs

  • Understand Stackdriver billing.
  • Analyze Stackdriver resource utilization.
  • Implement best practices for Stackdriver cost control.

Documentación oficial para el curso Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine te enseñará cómo organizar cargas de trabajo en contenedores de Docker, implementarlas en clústeres de Kubernetes proporcionados por Google Kubernetes Engine y escalar esas cargas de trabajo para manejar un mayor tráfico. También, aprenderás a implementar continuamente código nuevo en un clúster de Kubernetes para proporcionar actualizaciones de aplicación.

  • Desarrolladores de aplicaciones, arquitectos de soluciones en la nube, ingenieros de DevOps, administradores de TI.
  • Personas que utilicen Google Cloud para crear nuevas soluciones o para integrar sistemas existentes, entornos de aplicaciones e infraestructura con Google Cloud.

  • Comprender cómo funcionan los contenedores de software.
  • Comprender la arquitectura de Kubernetes.
  • Comprender la arquitectura de Google Cloud.
  • Comprender cómo funciona la red de pods en Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Crear y administrar clústeres de Kubernetes Engine con Google Cloud Console y los comandos gcloud/kubectl.

  • Competencia básica con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux, así como tecnologías de servidor web como Nginx.
  • Experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y administración de aplicaciones, ya sea en las instalaciones o en un entorno de nube pública.

Modulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Use the Google Cloud Console
    • Use Cloud Shell
    • Define Cloud Computing
    • Identify Google Cloud compute services
    • Understand Regions and Zones
    • Understand the Cloud Resource Hierarchy
    • Administer your Google Cloud Resources
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify Google Cloud services and their function.
    • Choose the right Google Cloud services to create your own Cloud solution

Modulo 2: Containers and Kubernetes in Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Create a Container Using Cloud Build
    • Store a Container in Container Registry
    • Understand the Relationship Between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
    • Understand how to Choose Among Google Cloud Compute Platforms
  • Objetivos:
    • Create a Container using Cloud Build.
    • Store a Container in Container Registry.
    • Compare and Contrast Kubernetes and GKE features.

Modulo 3: Kubernetes Architecture

  • Temas:
    • Understand the Architecture of Kubernetes: Pods, Namespaces
    • Understand the Control-plane Components of Kubernetes
    • Create Container Images using Cloud Build
    • Store Container Images in Container Registry
    • Create a Kubernetes Engine Cluster
  • Objetivos:
    • Conceptualize the Kubernetes Architecture.
    • Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using GKE.
    • Deploy Pods to a GKE Cluster.
    • View and Manage Kubernetes Objects.
    • Conceptualize the Migrate for Anthos process

Modulo 4: Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads

  • Temas:
    • The kubectl Command
    • Introduction to Deployments
    • Pod Networking
    • Volumes Overview
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand the Kubectl command.
    • Understand how Deployments are used in Kubernetes.
    • Understand the networking architecture of Pods.
    • Understand Kubernetes storage abstractions.

Documentación oficial para el curso Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Carné Joven Comunidad de Madrid

Acerca del curso

El curso Architecting with Google Cloud Design and Process presenta una combinación de conferencias, actividades de diseño y laboratorios prácticos que te mostrarán cómo usar patrones de diseño comprobados en Google Cloud para crear soluciones altamente confiables y eficientes, y operar implementaciones que sean altamente disponibles y rentables. Este curso está diseñado para aquellas personas que, previamente, hayan completado alguno de los cursos Architecting with Google Compute Engine o Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine.

  • Arquitectos Cloud Solutions, ingenieros Site Reliability, profesionales SysOps, ingenieros DevOps, gerentes de TI.
  • Personas que utilicen Google Cloud para crear nuevas soluciones o para integrar sistemas existentes, entornos de aplicaciones e infraestructura con Google Cloud.

  • Aplicar un conjunto de herramientas de preguntas, técnicas y consideraciones de diseño.
  • Definir los requisitos de la aplicación y expresarlos objetivamente como KPIs, SLOs y SLIs.
  • Descomponer los requisitos de la aplicación para encontrar los límites de microservicio correctos.
  • Aprovechar las herramientas para desarrolladores de Google Cloud para configurar canalizaciones de implementación modernas y automatizadas.
  • Elegir los servicios de Google Cloud Storage apropiados según los requisitos de la aplicación.
  • Diseñar redes en la nube y híbridas.
  • Implementar aplicaciones confiables, escalables y resilientes que equilibren las métricas clave de rendimiento con el costo.
  • Elegir los servicios de implementación de Google Cloud adecuados para tus aplicaciones.
  • Asegurar las aplicaciones, los datos y la infraestructura en la nube.
  • Supervisar los objetivos de servicio y los costos con las herramientas de Stackdriver.

  • Haber completadoalguno de los cursos Architecting with Google Compute Engine, Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine, o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener competencia básica con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux.
  • Tener experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y administración de aplicaciones, ya sea en las instalaciones o en un entorno de nube pública.

Módulo 1: Defining the Service

  • Describe users in terms of roles and personas
  • Write qualitative requirements with user stories
  • Write quantitative requirements using key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Evaluate KPIs using SLOs and SLIs
  • Determine the quality of application requirements using SMART criteria

Módulo 2: Microservice Design and Architecture

  • Decompose monolithic applications into microservices
  • Recognize appropriate microservice boundaries
  • Architect stateful and stateless services to optimize scalability and reliability
  • Implement services using 12-factor best practices
  • Build loosely-coupled services by implementing a well-designed REST architecture
  • Design consistent, standard RESTful service APIs

Módulo 3: DevOps Automation

  • Automate service deployment using CI/CD pipelines
  • Leverage Cloud Source Repositories for source and version control
  • Automate builds with Google Cloud Build and build triggers
  • Manage container images with Google Container Registry
  • Create infrastructure with code using Deployment Manager and Terraform

Módulo 4: Choosing Storage Solutions

  • Choose the appropriate Google Cloud data storage service based use case, durability, availability, scalability and cost
  • Storage binary data with Cloud Storage
  • Store relational data using Cloud SQL and Spanner
  • Store NoSQL data using Firestore and BigTable
  • Cache data for fast access using Memorystore
  • Build a data warehouse using BigQuery

Módulo 5: Google Cloud and Hybrid Network Architecture

  • Design VPC networks to optimize for cost, security and performance
  • Configure global and regional load balancers to provide access to services
  • Leverage Cloud CDN to provide lower latency and decrease network egress
  • Evaluate network architecture using the Network Intelligence Center
  • Connect networks using peering and VPNs
  • Create hybrid networks between Google Cloud and on-premises data centers

Módulo 6: Deploying Applications to Google Cloud

  • Choose the appropriate Google Cloud deployment service for your applications
  • Configure scalable, resilient infrastructure using Instance Templates and Groups
  • Orchestrate microservice deployments using Kubernetes and GKE
  • Leverage App Engine for a completely automated platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Create serverless applications using Google Cloud Functions

Módulo 7: Designing Reliable Systems

  • Design services to meet requirements for availability, durability and scalability
  • Implement fault tolerant systems by avoiding single points of failure, correlated failures and cascading failures
  • Avoid overload failures the the circuit breaker and truncated exponential backoff design patterns
  • Design resilient data storage with lazy deletion
  • Analyze disaster scenarios and plan for disaster recovery using cost/risk

Módulo 8: Security

  • Design secure systems using best-practices like separation of concerns, principle of least privilege and regular audits
  • Leverage Google Cloud Security Command Center to help identify vulnerabilities
  • Simplify cloud governance using or organization policies and folders
  • Secure people using IAM roles, Identity Aware Proxy and Identity Platform
  • Manage the access and authorization of resources by machines and processes using service accounts
  • Secure networks with with private IPs, firewalls and Google Cloud private access
  • Mitigate DDoS attacks by leveraging Cloud DNS and Cloud Armor

Módulo 9: Designing Reliable Systems

  • Manage new service versions using rolling updates, blue-green deployments and canary releases
  • Forecast, monitor and optimize service cost using the Google Cloud pricing calculator, billing reports and by analyzing billing data
  • Observe if your services are meeting their SLOs using Stackdriver Monitoring and Dashboards
  • Use Uptime Checks to determine service availability
  • Respond to service outages using Stackdriver Alerts

Documentación oficial para el curso Architecting with Google Cloud Design and Process.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

En el curso Machine Learning on Google Cloud aprenderás a:

Este curso está dirigido, principalmente, a los siguientes participantes:

  • Aspirantes a analistas de datos de machine learning, científicos de datos e ingenieros de datos.
  • Personas que deseen aprender sobre machine learning mediante Vertex AI AutoML, BQML, Feature Store, Workbench, Dataflow, Vizier para el ajuste de hiperparámetros, y TensorFlow/Keras.

  • Crear, entrenar e implementar un modelo de machine learning sin escribir una sola línea de código usando Vertex AI AutoML.
  • Comprender cuándo usar AutoML y Big Query ML.
  • Crear conjuntos de datos gestionados por Vertex AI.
  • Agregar funciones a una Feature Store.
  • Describir Analytics Hub, Dataplex y Data Catalog.
  • Describir el ajuste de hiperparámetros con Vertex Vizier y cómo se puede utilizar para mejorar el rendimiento del modelo.
  • Crear un cuaderno administrado por el usuario de Vertex AI Workbench, un trabajo de capacitación personalizado y luego implementarlo usando un contenedor Docker.
  • Describir predicciones por lotes y en línea, y monitoreo de modelos.
  • Describir cómo mejorar la calidad de los datos.
  • Realizar análisis de datos exploratorios.
  • Construir y entrenar modelos de aprendizaje supervisado.
  • Optimizar y evaluar modelos utilizando funciones de pérdida y métricas de rendimiento.
  • Crear conjuntos de datos de prueba, evaluación y entrenamiento repetibles y escalables.
  • Implementar modelos ML usando TensorFlow/Keras.
  • Describir cómo representar y transformar características.
  • Comprender los beneficios de utilizar la ingeniería de funciones.
  • Explicar Vertex AI Pipelines.

  • Estar familiarizado con los conceptos básicos de machine learning.
  • Tener un dominio básico de un lenguaje de secuencias de comandos, preferiblemente Python.

Curso 1: How Google Does Machine Learning

What are best practices for implementing machine learning on Google Cloud? What is Vertex AI and how can you use the platform to quickly build, train, and deploy AutoML machine learning models without writing a single line of code? What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve?

Google thinks about machine learning slightly differently: it’s about providing a unified platform for managed datasets, a feature store, a way to build, train, and deploy machine learning models without writing a single line of code, providing the ability to label data, create Workbench notebooks using frameworks such as TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, Pytorch, R, and others. Our Vertex AI Platform also includes the ability to train custom models, build component pipelines, and perform both online and batch predictions. We also discuss the five phases of converting a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning, and consider why it is important to not skip the phases. We end with a recognition of the biases that machine learning can amplify and how to recognize them.

  • Describe the Vertex AI Platform and how it is used to quickly build, train, and deploy AutoML machine learning models without writing a single line of code.
  • Describe best practices for implementing machine learning on Google Cloud.
  • Develop a data strategy around machine learning.
  • Examine use cases that are then reimagined through an ML lens.
  • Leverage Google Cloud Platform tools and environment to do ML.
  • Learn from Google’s experience to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Carry out data science tasks in online collaborative notebooks.

Curso 2: Launching into Machine Learning

The course begins with a discussion about data: how to improve data quality and perform exploratory data analysis. We describe Vertex AI AutoML and how to build, train, and deploy an ML model without writing a single line of code. You will understand the benefits of Big Query ML. We then discuss how to optimize a machine learning (ML) model and how generalization and sampling can help assess the quality of ML models for custom training.

  • Describe Vertex AI AutoML and how to build, train, and deploy an ML model without writing a single line of code.
  • Describe Big Query ML and its benefits.
  • Describe how to improve data quality.
  • Perform exploratory data analysis.
  • Build and train supervised learning models.
  • Optimize and evaluate models using loss functions and performance metrics.
  • Mitigate common problems that arise in machine learning.
  • Create repeatable and scalable training, evaluation, and test datasets.

Curso 3: TensorFlow on Google Cloud

The modules cover designing and building a TensorFlow input data pipeline, building ML models with TensorFlow and Keras, improving the accuracy of ML models, writing ML models for scaled use, and writing specialized ML models.

  • Create TensorFlow and Keras machine learning models.
  • Describe TensorFlow key components.
  • Use the library to manipulate data and large datasets.
  • Build a ML model using tf.keras preprocessing layers.
  • Use the Keras Sequential and Functional APIs for simple and advanced model creation. Understand how model subclassing can be used for more customized models.
  • Use tf.keras.preprocessing utilities for working with image data, text data, and sequence data.
  • Train, deploy, and productionalize ML models at scale with Cloud AI Platform.

Curso 4: Feature Engineering

Want to know about Vertex AI Feature Store? Want to know how you can improve the accuracy of your ML models? What about how to find which data columns make the most useful features? Welcome to Feature Engineering, where we discuss good versus bad features and how you can preprocess and transform them for optimal use in your models. This course includes content and labs on feature engineering using BigQuery ML, Keras, and TensorFlow.

  • Describe Vertex AI Feature Store.
  • Compare the key required aspects of a good feature.
  • Combine and create new feature combinations through feature crosses.
  • Perform feature engineering using BigQuery ML, Keras, and TensorFlow.
  • Understand how to preprocess and explore features with Dataflow and Dataprep by Trifacta.
  • Understand and apply how TensorFlow transforms features.

Curso 5: Machine Learning in the Enterprise

This course encompasses a real-world practical approach to the ML Workflow: a case study approach that presents an ML team faced with several ML business requirements and use cases. This team must understand the tools required for data management and governance and consider the best approach for data preprocessing: from providing an overview of Dataflow and Dataprep to using BigQuery for preprocessing tasks.

The team is presented with three options to build machine learning models for two specific use cases. This course explains why the team would use AutoML, BigQuery ML, or custom training to achieve their objectives.

A deeper dive into custom training is presented in this course. We describe custom training requirements from training code structure, storage, and loading large datasets to exporting a trained model.

You will build a custom training machine learning model, which allows you to build a container image with little knowledge of Docker.

The case study team examines hyperparameter tuning using Vertex Vizier and how it can be used to improve model performance. To understand more about model improvement, we dive into a bit of theory: we discuss regularization, dealing with sparsity, and many other essential concepts and principles. We end with an overview of prediction and model monitoring and how Vertex AI can be used to manage ML models.

  • Understand the tools required for data management and governance.
  • Describe the best approach for data preprocessing: from providing an overview of Dataflow and Dataprep to using SQL for preprocessing tasks.
  • Explain how AutoML, BigQuery ML, and custom training differ and when to use a particular framework.
  • Describe hyperparameter tuning using Vertex Vizier and how it can be used to improve model performance.
  • Explain prediction and model monitoring and how Vertex AI can be used to manage ML models.
  • Describe the benefits of Vertex AI Pipelines.

Documentación oficial para el curso Machine Learning on Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

En el curso Networking in Google Cloud aprenderás sobre la amplia variedad de opciones de redes en Google Cloud. Este curso utiliza conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para ayudarte a explorar e implementar las tecnologías de red de Google Cloud, incluidas las redes, subredes y firewalls de Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), interconexión entre redes, balanceo de carga, Cloud DNS, Cloud CDN, y Cloud NAT. También aprenderás sobre los patrones de diseño de red comunes y la implementación automatizada mediante Cloud Deployment Manager o Terraform.

  • Ingenieros de red y administradores que utilicen Google Cloud o planeen hacerlo.
  • Personas que deseen estar expuestos a soluciones de redes definidas por software en la nube.

  • Configurar redes, subredes y enrutadores de VPC de Google.
  • Controlar el acceso administrativo a los objetos de la VPC.
  • Controlar el acceso a la red a los puntos finales en las VPC.
  • Interconectar redes entre proyectos de Google Cloud.
  • Interconectar redes entre redes de VPC de Google Cloud y redes locales u otras redes en la nube.
  • Seleccionar entre las opciones de balanceador de carga y proxy de Google Cloud y configurarlas.
  • Usas Cloud CDN para reducir la latencia y ahorrar dinero.
  • Optimizar el gasto de la red con los niveles de red.
  • Configurar Cloud NAT o Private Google Access para proporcionar instancias sin acceso a direcciones IP públicas a otros servicios.
  • Implementar redes declarativamente utilizando Cloud Deployment Manager o Terraform.
  • Diseñar redes para cumplir con los requisitos comunes de los clientes.
  • Configurar la supervisión y el registro para solucionar problemas de redes.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener conocimiento previo del modelo OSI de 7 capas.
  • Tener conocimientos previos de direccionamiento IPv4.
  • Tener experiencia previa en la gestión de rutas IPv4.

Módulo 1: Google Cloud VPC Networking Fundamentals

  • Recall that networks belong to projects
  • Explain the differences among default, auto, and custom networks
  • Create networks and subnets
  • Explain how IPv4 addresses are assigned to Compute Engine instances
  • Publish domain names using Google Cloud DNS
  • Create Compute Engine instances with IP aliases
  • Create Compute Engine instances with multiple virtual networks

Módulo 2: Controlling Access to VPC Networks

  • Outline how IAM policies affect VPC networks
  • Control access to network resources using service accounts
  • Control access to Compute Engine instances with tag-based firewall rules

Módulo 3: Sharing Networks Across Projects

  • Outline the overall workflow for configuring Shared VPC
  • Differentiate between the IAM roles that allow network resources to be managed
  • Configure peering between unrelated VPC Networks
  • Recall when to use Shared VPC and when to use VPC Network Peering

Módulo 4: Load Balancing

  • Recall the various load balancing services
  • Configure Layer 7 HTTP(S) load balancing
  • Whitelist and blacklist IP traffic with Cloud Armor
  • Cache content with Cloud CDN
  • Explain Layer 4 TCP or SSL proxy load balancing
  • Explain regional network load balancing
  • Configure internal load balancing
  • Recall the choices for enabling IPv6 Internet connectivity for Google Cloud load balancers
  • Determine which Google Cloud load balancer to use In which situation

Módulo 5: Hybrid Connectivity

  • Recall the Google Cloud interconnect and peering services available to connect your infrastructure to Google Cloud
  • Explain Dedicated Interconnect and Partner Interconnect
  • Describe the workflow for configuring a Dedicated Interconnect
  • Build a connection over a VPN with Cloud Router
  • Determine which Google Cloud interconnect service to use in which situation
  • Explain Direct Peering and Partner Peering
  • Determine which Google Cloud peering service to use in which situation

Módulo 6: Networking Pricing and Billing

  • Recognize how networking features are charged
  • Use Network Service Tiers to optimize spend
  • Determine which Network Service Tier to use in which situation
  • Recall that labels can be used to understand networking spend

Módulo 7: Network Design and Deployment

  • Explain common network design patterns
  • Configure Private Google Access to allow access to certain Google Cloud services from VM instances with only internal IP addresses
  • Configure Cloud NAT to provide your instances without public IP addresses access to the internet
  • Automate the deployment of networks using Deployment Manager or Terraform
  • Launch networking solutions using Cloud Marketplace

Módulo 8: Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  • Configure uptime checks, alerting policies and charts for your network services
  • Use VPC Flow Logs to log and analyze network traffic behavior

Documentación oficial para el curso Networking in Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Network Engineer Journey te permitirá crear un plan de estudio para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Network Engineer. Explorarás la amplitud y el alcance de los dominios cubiertos en el examen. Podrás evaluar tu preparación para el examen y crear tu plan de estudio individual.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Professional Cloud Network Engineer

  • Describir los dominios que se incluyen en el examen de certificación de Professional Cloud Network Engineer.
  • Identificar brechas en sus conocimientos y habilidades con respecto a cada dominio y crear un plan de estudio.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Network Engineer.

Tener más de 3 años de experiencia en la industria, incluyendo más de 1 año diseñando y administrando soluciones con Google Cloud.

Módulo 0: PCNE certification


  • Role of a Professional Cloud Network Engineer
  • Introduction to a sample infrastructure scenario that is used throughout the course
  • Certification process


  • Describe the purpose and benefits of the PCNE certification.
  • Explain the certification process.
  • Create a study plan for designing, planning, and prototyping a Google Cloud network.

Módulo 1: Designing, planning, and prototyping a Google Cloud Network


Within the context of the sample scenario:

  • Describe how Load Balancing will be used for general users accessing resources from the internet as well as internal users accessing from private connected networks.
  • Describe how Cloud CDN, Armor and NAT will be configured and the benefits they will provide, and used and how Cloud DNS will be integrated with an on-premise DNS system.
  • Describe how packet mirroring will be used for periodic network forensic audit.


  • Explain the considerations involved in designing an overall network architecture.
  • Identify considerations for designing a VPC, a hybrid or multi-cloud network, or an IP addressing plan for GKE.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to effectively design, plan, and prototype a Google Cloud network.

Módulo 2: Implementing a VPC


Within the context of the sample scenario:

  • Assuming Kubernetes clusters will be used in all the networks, describe how IP addresses will be distributed among them.
  • Describe the sort of interconnections will be added between Google Cloud and external environments and how the routing will be configured for them.
  • Describe how the network will be secured with firewall rules and VPC Service Controls


  • Identify the tasks involved in configuring VPCs, configuring routing, and configuring and maintaining GKE clusters.
  • Describe considerations for configuring firewalls and implementing VPC Service Controls.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop related to implementing a VPC.

Módulo 3: Configuring network services


Within the context of the sample scenario:

  • Describe how Load Balancing will be used for general users accessing resources from the internet as well as internal users accessing from private connected networks.
  • Describe how Cloud CDN, Armor and NAT will be configured and the benefits they will provide, and used and how Cloud DNS will be integrated with an on-premise DNS system.
  • Describe how packet mirroring will be used for periodic network forensic audit


  • Identify considerations involved in configuring load balancing.
  • Describe the scope of tasks to configure Cloud Armor policies, Cloud CDN, Cloud DNS, Cloud NAT, and network packet inspection.

Módulo 4: Implementing hybrid connectivity


Within the context of the sample scenario: describe the details of the VPN and Interconnect links between Google Cloud VPCs and on-premise or other cloud networks.


  • Describe how to configure Google Cloud Interconnect, a site-to-site IPsec VPN, and Cloud Router.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to ensure successful implementation of hybrid interconnectivity.

Módulo 5: Managing, monitoring, and optimizing network operations


Within the context of the sample scenario:

  • Describe the network troubleshooting and debugging process.
  • Describe the troubleshooting process using Cloud Logging and Monitoring and Network Intelligence Center.


  • Describe options for logging and monitoring with Google Cloud’s operations suite.
  • Explain tasks involved in managing and maintaining security.
  • Identify considerations for maintaining and troubleshooting connectivity issues, latency, and traffic flow.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to manage and optimize network operations with Google Cloud.

Módulo 6: Your next steps


Based on domain knowledge deficiencies noted after answering the diagnostic questions, construct a weekly study plan.


  • Create a weekly study plan.
  • Set weekly study goals.
  • Register for the Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam.

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Network Engineer Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey te ayudará a prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer. Estarás expuestos e involucrado con los temas del examen a través de una serie de conferencias, preguntas de diagnóstico y controles de conocimiento. Después de completar este curso, tendrás un libro de trabajo personalizado que te guiará a través del resto de tu proceso de preparación para la certificación.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Professional Cloud Security Engineer

  • Describir los dominios que se incluyen en el examen de certificación de Professional Cloud Security Engineer.
  • Identificar brechas en sus conocimientos y habilidades con respecto a cada dominio y crear un plan de estudio.
  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Cloud Security Engineer.

Haber obtenido la certificación Associate Cloud Engineer o tener experiencia equivalente.

Módulo 1: Welcome to Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey


  • What is the role of a Professional Cloud Security Engineer?
  • Resources to support your certification journey.
  • Creating your study plan.


  • Understand the role of a Professional Cloud Security Engineer.
  • Learn about the sample scenario used throughout the course.
  • Understand the benefits of becoming Google Cloud Certified.
  • Understand the course structure and types of learning assessments.

Módulo 2: Configuring Access Within a Cloud Solution Environment


  • Planning Cymbal Bank’s cloud identity and access management
  • Diagnostic questions
  • Review and study planning


  • Define Resource Hierarchy and configure Cloud Identity.
  • Explain considerations for managing service accounts, authentication, and authorization controls.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to use best practices for configuring access within a cloud solution environment.

Módulo 3: Configuring Network Security


  • Securing Cymbal Bank’s network resources
  • Diagnostic questions
  • Review and study planning


  • Identify considerations involved in designing network security (perimeter controls, load balancing, DNSSE, addressing, Cloud DNS).
  • Describe how to configure network segmentation and establish private connectivity.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to design and configure network security.

Módulo 4: Ensuring Data Protection


  • Securing Cymbal Bank’s data
  • Diagnostic questions
  • Review and study planning


  • Identify practices to protect sensitive data.
  • Recognize Google’s approach to managing encryption.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop in order to apply Google’s approach to protect and encrypt sensitive data.

Módulo 5: Managing Operations in a Cloud Environment


  • Cymbal Bank’s security operations
  • Diagnostic questions
  • Review and study planning


  • Identify considerations involved in building and deploying secure infrastructure
    and applications.
  • Describe how to design and configure effective logging, monitoring, and detection in Google Cloud.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to ensure successful ongoing security operations in a Google Cloud environment.

Módulo 6: Ensuring Compliance


  • Cymbal Bank’s security regulatory compliance
  • Diagnostic questions
  • Review and study planning


  • Identify considerations for compliance and regulatory requirements in a cloud environment.
  • Determine the skills you need to develop to ensure regulatory compliance for solutions in Google Cloud.

Módulo 7: Your next steps


  • Sample study plans
  • Exam registration


  • Learn how to create an individualized study plan.
  • Review sample study plans.
  • Learn how to register for the exam.

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam te ayudará a prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Data Engineer de Google Cloud. Este curso utiliza conferencias, cuestionarios y debates para ayudarte a familiarizarte con la estructura y el formato del examen. Participarás en el razonamiento de las preguntas del examen y la comprensión de casos. Obtendrás consejos de expertos certificados y revisarás temas del plan de estudios de ingeniería de datos. Al final del curso, tomarás un examen de práctica sin calificación y luego un examen de práctica con calificación que simulará la experiencia de tomar el examen de certificación oficial.

Preparación para el examen de certificación:

Professional Data Engineer

Profesionales de la nube o de ingeniería de datos interesados en realizar el examen de certificación Professional Data Engineer.

  • Prepararte para el examen de certificación Professional Data Engineer.
  • Recibir información, tips y consejos para realizar el examen de certificación.
  • A través de la revisión de cada sección del examen, cubrir los conceptos de más alto nivel, desarrollar confianza en tus conocimientos y reconocer las brechas de habilidades o áreas de estudio.

Estar familiarizado con Google al nivel del curso Data Engineering on Google Cloud.

Módulo 1: Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification


  • Position the Professional Data Engineer certification among the offerings
  • Distinguish between Associate and Professional
  • Provide guidance between Professional Data Engineer and Associate Cloud Engineer
  • Describe how the exam is administered and the exam rules
  • Provide general advice about taking the exam


Understand the Professional Data Engineer Certification Exam

Módulo 2: Designing Data Processing Systems


  • Designing data processing systems
  • Designing flexible data representations
  • Designing data pipelines
  • Designing data processing infrastructure


Understand the Designing Data Processing Systems component of the Exam

Módulo 3: Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems


  • Building and maintaining data structures and databases
  • Building and maintaining flexible data representations
  • Building and maintaining pipelines
  • Building and maintaining processing infrastructure


Understand the Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems component of the Exam

Módulo 4: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models


  • Analyzing data and enabling machine learning
  • Deploying an ML pipeline
  • Machine learning terminology review
  • Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Exam Guide Review
  • Modeling business processes for analysis and optimization


Understand the Operationalizing Machine Learning Models component of the Exam

Módulo 5: Security, Policy, and Reliability


  • Designing for security and compliance
  • Performing quality control
  • Ensuring reliability
  • Visualizing data and advocating policy
  • Ensuring Solution Quality: Exam Guide Review


Understand the Security, Policy, and Reliability component of the Exam

Módulo 6: Resources and Next Steps


  • Debrief
  • Preparation Resources


Final Review of the Exam

Documentación oficial para el curso Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Security in Google Cloud te ofrece amplios conocimientos de los controles y técnicas de seguridad en Google Cloud. A través de conferencias grabadas, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, explorarás e implementarás los componentes de una solución segura de Google Cloud, que incluye: Cloud Identity, Resource Manager, Identity and Access Management (IAM), firewalls de Virtual Private Cloud, Cloud Load Balancing, Direct Peering, Carrier Peering, Cloud Interconnect y VPC Service Controls.

  • Analistas, arquitectos e ingenieros de seguridad de la información en la nube.
  • Especialistas en seguridad y ciberseguridad de la información.
  • Arquitectos de infraestructura en la nube.

  • Comprender el enfoque de seguridad de Google.
  • Administrar las identidades de administración mediante Cloud Identity.
  • Implementar la administración de privilegios mínimos mediante Resource Manager e IAM.
  • Implementar el Identity-Aware Proxy.
  • Implementar controles de tráfico IP utilizando firewalls VPC y Google Cloud Armor.
  • Corregir las vulnerabilidades de seguridad, especialmente el acceso público a datos y máquinas virtuales.
  • Buscar y eliminar datos confidenciales con la API de prevención de pérdida de datos en la nube.
  • Analizar los cambios en la configuración de los metadatos de los recursos mediante registros de auditoría.
  • Escanear una implementación de Google Cloud con Forseti, para solucionar vulnerabilidades importantes, especialmente en el acceso público a los datos y VMs.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Haber completado el curso Networking in Google Cloud o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Comprensión básica de la terminología de Kubernetes (preferido pero no obligatorio).
  • Conocimiento de conceptos fundamentales en seguridad de la información, a través de la experiencia o mediante capacitación en línea, como “SANS’s SEC301: Introduction to Cyber Security”.
  • Competencia básica con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux.
  • Experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y administración de aplicaciones, ya sea en las instalaciones o en un entorno de nube pública.
  • Comprensión de lectura de código en Python o Javascript.

Módulo 1: Foundations of Google Cloud Security

  • Temas:
    • Google Cloud’s Approach to Security
    • The Shared Security Responsibility Model
    • Threats Mitigated by Google and Google Cloud
    • Access Transparency
  • Objetivos:
    • Learn about Google Cloud’s approach to security.
    • Understand the shared security responsibility model.
    • Understand the kinds of threats mitigated by Google and by Google Cloud.
    • Define and understand access transparency.

Módulo 2: Cloud Identity

  • Temas:
    • Cloud Identity
    • Google Cloud Directory Sync
    • Google Authentication Versus SAML-based SSO
    • Authentication Best Practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Learn what Cloud Identity is and what it does.
    • Learn how Directory Sync securely syncs users and permissions between your on-prem LDAP or AD server and the cloud.
    • Understand the two ways Google Cloud handles authentication and how to set up SSO.
    • Explore best practices for managing groups, permissions, domains and admins with Cloud Identity.

Módulo 3: Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Temas:
    • Resource Manager
    • IAM Roles
    • IAM Policies
    • IAM Recommender
    • IAM Troubleshooter
    • IAM Audit Logs
    • IAM Best Practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand Resource Manager: projects, folders, and organizations.
    • Learn how to implement IAM roles, including custom roles.
    • Understand IAM policies, including organization policies.
    • Understand best practices, including separation of duties and least privilege, the use of Google groups in policies, and avoiding the use of basic roles.
    • Learn how to configure IAM, including custom roles and organization policies.

Módulo 4: Configuring Virtual Private Cloud for Isolation and Security

  • Temas:
    • VPC Firewalls
    • Load Balancing and SSL Policies
    • Interconnect and Peering Policies
    • Best Practices for VPC Networks
    • VPC Flow Logs
    • Learn best practices for configuring VPC firewalls (both ingress and egress rules).
    • Understand load balancing and SSL policies.
    • Understand how to set up private Google API access.
    • Understand SSL proxy use.
  • Objetivos:
    • Learn best practices for VPC networks, including peering and shared VPC use, and the correct use of subnetworks.
    • Learn best security practices for VPNs.
    • Understand security considerations for interconnect and peering options.
    • Become familiar with available security products from partners.
    • Learn to configure VPC firewalls.
    • Prevent data exfiltration with VPC Service Controls.

Módulo 5: Securing Compute Engine: Techniques and Best Practices

  • Temas:
    • Service Accounts, IAM Roles and API Scopes
    • Managing VM Logins
    • Organization Policy Controls
    • Compute Engine Best Practices
    • Encrypting Disks with CSEK
  • Objetivos:
    • Learn about Compute Engine service accounts, default and customer-defined.
    • Understand IAM roles and scopes for VMs.
    • Understand how Shielded VMs help maintain your system and application integrity.

Módulo 6: Securing Cloud Data: Techniques and Best Practices

  • Temas:
    • Cloud Storage IAM permissions and ACLs
    • Auditing Cloud Data
    • Signed URLs and Policy Documents
    • Encrypting with CMEK and CSEK
    • Cloud HSM
    • BigQuery IAM Roles and Authorized Views
    • Storage Best Practices
  • Objetivos:
    • Use cloud permissions and roles to secure cloud resources.
    • Audit cloud data.
    • Use signed URLs to give access to objects in a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Manage what can be placed in a Cloud Storage bucket using Signed Policy Document.
    • Encrypt cloud data using customer managed encryption keys (CMEK), customer supplied encryption keys (CSEK), and Cloud HSM.
    • Protecting data in BigQuery using IAM roles and authorized views.

Módulo 7: Application Security: Techniques and Best Practices

  • Temas:
    • Types of Application Security Vulnerabilities
    • Web Security Scanner
    • Threat: Identity and Oauth Phishing
    • Identity-Aware Proxy
    • Secret Manager
  • Objetivos:
    • Recall various types of application security vulnerabilities.
    • Understand DoS protections in App Engine and Cloud Functions.
    • Understand the role of Web Security Scanner in mitigating risks.
    • Define and recall the threats posed by Identity and Oauth phishing.
    • Understand the role of Identity-Aware Proxy in mitigating risks.
    • Store application credentials and metadata securely using Secret Manager.

Módulo 8: Securing Google Kubernetes Engine: Techniques and Best Practices

  • Temas:
    • Introduction to Kubernetes/GKE
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Hardening Your Clusters
    • Securing Your Workloads
    • Monitoring and Logging
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand the basic components of a Kubernetes environment.
    • Understand how authentication and authorization works in Google Kubernetes Engine.
    • Recall how to harden Kubernetes Clusters against attacks.
    • Recall how to harden Kubernetes workloads against attacks.
    • Understand logging and monitoring options in Google Kubernetes Engine.

Módulo 9: Protecting against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS)

  • Temas:
    • How DDoS Attacks Work
    • Google Cloud Mitigations
    • Types of Complementary Partner Products
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand how DDoS attacks work.
    • Recall common mitigations: Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud CDN, autoscaling, VPC ingress and egress firewalls, Google Cloud Armor.
    • Recall the various types of complementary partner products available.
    • Use Google Cloud Armor to blocklist an IP address and restrict access to an HTTP load balancer.

Módulo 10: Content-Related Vulnerabilities: Techniques and Best Practices

  • Temas:
    • Threat Ransomware
    • Ransomware Mitigations
    • Threats: Data Misuse, Privacy Violations, Sensitive Content
    • Content-Related Mitigations
  • Objetivos:
    • Discuss the threat of ransomware.
    • Understand ransomware mitigations: Backups, IAM, Cloud Data Loss Prevention API.
    • Understand threats to content: Data misuse, privacy violations, sensitive/restricted/ unacceptable content.
    • Recall mitigations for threats to content: Classifying content using Cloud ML APIs; scanning and redacting data using the DLP API.

Módulo 11: Monitoring, Logging, Auditing, and Scanning

  • Temas:
    • Cloud Audit Logs
    • Deploying and Using Forseti
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand and use Security Command Center.
    • Understand and use Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging.
    • Install the Monitoring and Logging Agents.
    • Understand Cloud Audit Logs.
    • Gain experience configuring and viewing Cloud Audit Logs.
    • Gain experience deploying and using Forseti.
    • Learn how to inventory a deployment with Forseti Inventory.
    • Learn how to scan a deployment with Forseti Scanner.

Documentación oficial para el curso Security in Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Explore ways to derive insights from data at scale using BigQuery, Google Cloud’s serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective cloud data warehouse. This course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to teach you the fundamentals of BigQuery, including how to create a data transformation pipeline, build a BI dashboard, ingest new datasets, and design schemas at scale.

  • Derive insights from data using the analysis and visualization tools on Google Cloud Platform
  • Load, clean, and transform data at scale with GoogleCloud Dataprep
  • Explore and Visualize data using Google Data Studio
  • Troubleshoot, optimize, and write high performance queries
  • Practice with pre-built ML APIs for image and text understanding
  • Train classification and forecasting ML models using SQLwith BQML

Basic proficiency with ANSI SQL

Modulo 1: Introduction to Data on the Google Cloud Platform

Modulo 2: Big Data Tools Overview

Modulo 3: Exploring your Data with SQL

Modulo 4: Google BigQuery Pricing

Modulo 5: Cleaning and Transforming your Data

Modulo 6: Storing and Exporting Data

Modulo 7: Ingesting New Datasets into Google BigQuery

Modulo 8: Data Visualization

Modulo 9: Joining and Merging Datasets

Modulo 10: Advanced Functions and Clauses

Modulo 11: Schema Design and Nested Data Structures

Modulo 12: More Visualization with Google Data Studio

Modulo 13: Optimizing for Performance

Modulo 14: Data Access

Modulo 15: Notebooks in the Cloud

Modulo 16: How Google does Machine Learning

Modulo 17: Applying Machine Learning to your Datasets (BQML)

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud -From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Cloud Digital Leader training consists of four courses, designed to skill up individual practitioners or entire teams in cloud literacy, common business use cases and how cloud solutions and the capabilities of Google Cloud core products support an enterprise.

  • Recall fundamental cloud terminology
  • Identify Google Cloud products and solutions that support digital transformation
  • Explain how cloud technology and data can be leveraged to innovate within organizations
  • Identify key change patterns and Google Cloud products for infrastructure and application modernization
  • Describe contributing factors to the success of cloud operations and security

No es necesario cumplir con requisitos previos para acceder a este curso

Modulo 1: Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

  • Define fundamental terms such as data, cloud technology, and digital transformation
  • Use customer use cases to demonstrate how cloud technology is transforming businesses
  • Recognize the Google Cloud solution pillars and use cases for each
  • Describe key principles that help to scale an innovation mindset across an organization

Modulo 2: Innovating with Data and Google Cloud

  • Describe the role of data in digital transformation and the importance of a data-driven culture
  • Identify common Google Cloud solutions for data management
  • Identify common Google Cloud solution for smart analytics
  • Identify Google Cloud’s solutions for Machine Learning and AI

Modulo 3: Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

  • Describe the key benefits of infrastructure and app modernization with reference to cloud technology
  • Differentiate between virtual machines, containers, and Kubernetes
  • Explain the Google Cloud solutions that help businesses to better manage their systems, such as App Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Explain how Google Cloud solutions support app modernization and simplify API management.

Modulo 4: Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations

  • Describe financial governance in the cloud and Google Cloud's recommended best practices for effective cloud cost management
  • Define a shared responsibility model for optimal cloud security
  • Explain how IT teams and business leaders can use principles from DevOps and SRE to increase cloud operational efficiency
  • Identify Google Cloud solutions for cloud resource monitoring and application performance management

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Cloud Digital Leader Training

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

This four day, instructor-led course prepares students to modernize, manage, and observe their containerized applications using Kubernetes, in Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, and on-premises. Through presentations and hands-on labs, participants explore Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Connect Agent, Anthos Service Mesh
and Anthos Config Management features. Participants learn how to work with containerized applications even when split between multiple clusters, hosted by multiple cloud providers or on-premises. This course is a continuation of Architecting with GKE and assumes direct experience with the technologies covered in that course.

  • Explain each layer of the Anthos technology stack and the problems it is designed to address
  • Explain each layer of the Anthos technology stack and the problems it is designed to address
  • Create, connect and manage Anthos clusters from multiple deployment environments
  • Load-balance clusters running in Google Cloud
  • Describe automating policy and security at scale with Config Management.

  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals
  • Core Infrastructure
  • Architecting with GKE

Modulo 1: Introducing Anthos

  • Overview
  • Anthos technology stack
  • Anthos components
  • Billing

Modulo 2: Anthos Environments

  • Containers and GKE review
  • Anthos for centrally managed clusters
  • Creating and managing Anthos clusters
  • Anthos clusters on AWS
  • Anthos clusters on Azure

Modulo 3: Multi-cluster Concepts on Anthos

  • Anthos fleets
  • Fleet networking
  • Multi-cluster Service
  • Multi-cluster Gateway

Modulo 4: Managing Configuration with Anthos

  • Challenges with configuration management
  • Anthos Config Management
  • Config Sync
  • Hierarchy Controller
  • Policy Controller
  • Config Connector
  • Blueprints

Modulo 5: Introducing Anthos Service Mesh

  • Introduction to Anthos Service Mesh
  • Architecture
  • Installation
  • Life of a request in the mesh
  • Mesh telemetry and instrumentation
  • Anthos Service Mesh dashboards
  • Anthos Service Mesh pricing and support

Modulo 6: Anthos Service Mesh Routing

  • Networking and service discovery
  • Anthos Service Mesh API resources
  • Network resilience and testing

Modulo 7: Securing Network Traffic with Anthos Service Mesh

  • Security across services
  • Authentication and encryption
  • Service authentication in the mesh
  • End-user authentication in the mesh
  • Authorization in the mesh
  • Bonus: Employee authentication and authorization in the mesh

Modulo 8: Multi-cluster Networking with Anthos Service Mesh

  • Fleet networking
  • Single network east-west routing
  • Multiple network east-west routing
  • North-south routing

Modulo 9: Introduction to Anthos Clusters on Bare Metal

  • Overview
  • Use cases for clusters on-premises
  • Anthos on bare metal specifics
  • Components and services
  • Support
  • Billing

Modulo 10: Planning and Building the Admin Cluster

  • Architecture
  • Resource requirements
  • Setting up the admin workstation
  • Building the admin cluster
  • Troubleshooting the admin bootstrap process
  • Additional architectural options

Modulo 11: Adding and Configuring User Clusters

  • Building the user cluster
  • Enabling authentication
  • Deploying applications
  • Configuring storage

Modulo 12: Operating and Managing Clusters

  • Observability
  • Logging
  • Monitoring
  • Operations
  • Security

Modulo 13: Application Migration with Anthos

  • Modernization vision
  • Workload discovery and migration assessment
  • Migrating applications to containers

Modulo 14: Modern CI/CD for Anthos

  • CI/CD in Google Cloud
  • CI/CD in a private network
  • CI/CD on-premises and multi-cloud environments
  • Securing the software supply chain
  • Deploying 3rd party software

Modulo 15: Serverless Computing Solutions on Anthos

  • Overview of serverless computing solutions and their associated Anthos components
  • Install Cloud Run for Anthos
  • Running serverless workloads on Anthos

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Con el curso Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine aprenderás a implementar y administrar aplicaciones en contenedores en Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Conocerás cómo usar otras herramientas en Google Cloud que interactúen con las implementaciones de GKE. Este curso presenta una combinación de conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para ayudarte a explorar e implementar elementos de solución, incluidos componentes de infraestructura como pods, contenedores, implementaciones y servicios, junto con redes y servicios de aplicaciones. También, aprenderás a implementar soluciones prácticas, incluida la administración de seguridad y acceso, la administración de recursos y la supervisión de recursos.

  • Arquitectos de nube, administradores y personal de SysOps/DevOps.
  • Personas que utilicen Google Cloud para crear nuevas soluciones o para integrar sistemas existentes, entornos de aplicaciones e infraestructura con Google Cloud.

  • Comprender cómo funcionan los contenedores de software.
  • Comprender la arquitectura de Kubernetes.
  • Comprender la arquitectura de Google Cloud.
  • Comprender cómo funciona la red de pods en Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Crear y administrar clústeres de Kubernetes Engine con Google Cloud Console y los comandos gcloud/kubectl.
  • Iniciar, revertir y exponer trabajos en Kubernetes.
  • Administrar el control de acceso mediante Kubernetes RBAC e IAM.
  • Administrar las políticas de seguridad y de red de los pods.
  • Utilizar Secrets y ConfigMaps para aislar las credenciales de seguridad y los artefactos de configuración.
  • Comprender las opciones de Google Cloud para los servicios de almacenamiento administrado.
  • Supervisar las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en Google Kubernetes Engine.

Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure o tener una experiencia equivalente.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Use the Google Cloud Console
    • Use Cloud Shell
    • Define Cloud Computing
    • Identify Google Cloud Compute Services
    • Understand Regions and Zones
    • Understand the Cloud Resource Hierarchy
    • Administer your Google Cloud Resources
  • Objetivos:
    • Identify Google Cloud services and their function.
    • Choose the right Google Cloud services to create your own Cloud solution

Módulo  2: Containers and Kubernetes in Google Cloud

  • Temas:
    • Create a Container Using Cloud Build
    • Store a Container in Container Registry
    • Understand the Relationship Between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
    • Understand how to Choose Among Google Cloud Compute Platforms
  • Objetivos:
    • Create a Container using Cloud Build.
    • Store a Container in Container Registry.
    • Compare and Contrast Kubernetes and GKE features.

Módulo 3: Kubernetes Architecture

  • Temas:
    • Understand the Architecture of Kubernetes: Pods, Namespaces
    • Understand the Control-plane Components of Kubernetes
    • Create Container Images using Cloud Build
    • Store Container Images in Container Registry
    • Create a Kubernetes Engine Cluster
  • Objetivos:
    • Conceptualize the Kubernetes Architecture.
    • Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using GKE.
    • Deploy Pods to a GKE Cluster.
    • View and Manage Kubernetes Objects.
    • Conceptualize the Migrate for Anthos process

Módulo 4: Kubernetes Operations

  • Temas:
    • The Kubectl Command
  • Objetivos:
    • Work with the Kubectl Command.
    • Inspect the Cluster and Pods.
    • View a Pod’s Console Output.
    • Sign in to a Pod Interactively.

Módulo 5: Deployment, Jobs, and Scaling

  • Temas:
    • Deployments
    • Ways to Create Deployments
    • Services and Scaling
    • Updating Deployments
    • Rolling Updates
    • Blue/Green Deployments
    • Canary Deployments
    • Managing Deployments
    • Jobs and CronJobs
    • Parallel Jobs
    • CronJobs
    • Cluster Scaling
    • Downscaling
    • Node Pools
    • Controlling Pod Placement
    • Affinity and Anti-Affinity
    • Pod Placement Example
    • Taints and Tolerations
    • Getting Software into your Cluster
  • Objetivos:
    • Create and Use Deployments.
    • Create and Run Jobs and CronJobs.
    • Scale Clusters Manually and Automatically.
    • Configure Node and Pod Affinity.
    • Get Software into your Cluster with Helm Charts and Kubernetes Marketplace.

Módulo 6: GKE Networking

  • Temas:
    • Introduction
    • Pod Networking
    • Services
    • Finding Services
    • Service Types and Load Balancers
    • How Load Balancers Work
    • Ingress Resource
    • Container-Native Load Balancing
    • Network Security
  • Objetivos:
    • Create Services to expose applications that are running within Pods.
    • Use load balancers to expose Services to external clients.
    • Create Ingress resources for HTTP(S) load balancing.
    • Leverage container-native load balancing to improve Pod load balancing.
    • Define Kubernetes network policies to allow and block traffic to Pods.

Módulo 7: Persistent Data and Storage

  • Temas:
    • Volumes
    • Volume Types
    • The PersistentVolume Abstraction
    • More on PersistentVolumes
    • StatefulSets
    • ConfigMaps
    • Secrets
  • Objetivos:
    • Use Secrets to isolate security credentials.
    • Use ConfigMaps to isolate configuration artifacts.
    • Push out and roll back updates to Secrets and ConfigMaps.
    • Configure Persistent Storage Volumes for Kubernetes Pods.
    • Use StatefulSets to ensure that claims on persistent storage volumes persist across restarts.

Módulo 8: Access Control and Security in Kubernetes and Kubernetes Engine

  • Temas:
    • Understand Kubernetes Authentication and Authorization
    • Define Kubernetes RBAC Roles and Role Bindings for Accessing Resources in Namespaces
    • Define Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Roles and ClusterRole Bindings for
    • Accessing Cluster-scoped Resources
    • Define Kubernetes Pod Security Policies
    • Understand the Structure of IAM
    • Define IAM roles and Policies for Kubernetes Engine Cluster Administration
  • Objetivos:
    • Define IAM roles and policies for GKE.
    • Define Kubernetes RBAC roles and role bindings.
    • Define Kubernetes pod security policies.

Módulo 9: Logging and Monitoring

  • Temas:
    • Use Cloud Monitoring to monitor and manage availability and performance
    • Locate and inspect Kubernetes logs
    • Create probes for wellness checks on live applications
  • Objetivos:
    • Create forensic logs for systems monitoring.
    • Monitor your system performance from different vantage points.
    • Create probes for wellness checks on live applications.

Módulo 10: Using Google Cloud Managed Storage Services from Kubernetes Applications

  • Temas:
    • Understand Pros and Cons for Using a Managed Storage Service Versus
    • Self-managed Containerized Storage
    • Enable Applications Running in GKE to Access Google Cloud Storage Services
    • Understand Use Cases for Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Firestore, and BigQuery from within a Kubernetes Application
  • Objetivos:
    • Understand use cases for Cloud Storage within a Kubernetes application.
    • Understand use cases for Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner within a Kubernetes application.
    • Understand use cases for Datastore within a Kubernetes application
    • Understand use cases for Cloud Bigtable within a Kubernetes application.

Módulo 11: Logging and Monitoring

  • Temas:
    • CI/CD overview
    • CI/CD for Google Kubernetes Engine
    • CI/CD Examples
  • Objetivos:
    • Manage application code in a source repository that can trigger code changes to a continuous delivery pipeline.
    • Create a continuous delivery pipeline using Cloud Build and start it manually or automatically with a code change.
    • Implement a canary deployment that hosts two versions of your application in production for release testing.

Documentación oficial para el curso Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

In this course, you learn how to design APIs, and how to use OpenAPI specifications to document them. You learn about the API life cycle, and how the Apigee API platform helps you manage all aspects of the life cycle. You learn how APIs can be designed using API proxies, and how APIs are packaged as API products to be used by app developers.
Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials,
you will learn how to design, build, secure, deploy, and manage API solutions using Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform.

  • Explore and put into practice API design, development and management concepts
  • Understand the value of API-first development and how to apply it
  • Describe the fundamentals of REST API design
  • Describe API products, API product strategies, and how to publish APIs to a developer portal
  • Understand the role of user authentication and authorization and the importance of API security
  • Understand the out-of-the-box platform capabilities for implementing mediation, traffic management, caching, and fault handling
  • Describe the value and use of API analytics
  • Understand the deployment options for the Apigee platform

Familiarity with HTTP, XML, JSON, and JavaScript is helpful

Modulo 1: Apigee Overview

  • Understand the placement and role of API management in modern application development
  • Define logical components and organizational structure of Apigee API platform
  • Differentiate between Apigee flexible deployment models
  • Explain the API lifecycle

Modulo 2: API-First and OpenAPI Specifications

  • Describe the fundamentals of REST API design
  • Understand the value of API-first development and how to apply it.
  • Discuss OpenAPI specifications and their use in the context of API-first development

Modulo 3: API Proxies

  • Define the building blocks of APIs and API proxies
  • Describe how APIs proxies work and how capabilities such as flows, policies, route rules, environment groups, and target servers play a role
  • Describe how APIs are exposed
  • Describe how API proxies connect to backend systems

Modulo 4: API Products

  • Define API products and API product strategies
  • Understand the role of developers, applications, and API keys in API management
  • Describe the API publication process
  • Understand API responses and status codes for REST APIs

Modulo 5: Authentication, Authorization, and OAuth

  • Discuss the importance of API security
  • Understand the value of application identity
  • Understand the role of user authentication and authorization
  • Gain deep understanding of OAuth (access tokens, refresh tokens, common patterns for all grant types) and its application in the context of API design and management
  • Discuss federated identity and the use of JSON Web Tokens in API proxies

Modulo 6: Content, Transport, and Internal Security

  • Explore platform capabilities for protecting against content-based attacks
  • Discuss transport security and how to protect the connection between Apigee and backend services
  • Understand how to protect sensitive data using KVMs, data masking, and private variables

Modulo 7: Mediation

  • Understand the out-of-the-box platform capabilities for implementing mediation and fault handling
  • Describe implementation patterns and policies for JSON, XML, and SOAP
  • Understand extensibility options using Service Callouts, JavaScript, and Java
  • Explore development practices and capabilities used to reuse, share, and enforce execution of flows and policies

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Developing APIs with Google Cloud's Apigee API platform

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Learn how to install and manage Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform in a hybrid cloud. This course uses lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental resources to show you how to design, install, manage, and scale your Apigee API Platform.

  • Identify the purpose and value of Apigee API Platform
  • Gain detailed understanding of Apigee API Platform architecture and recommended practices for topology design
  • Gain detailed understanding of Apigee terminology and logical organizational structures
  • Interact with Apigee API Platform and solve scenarios by leveraging recommended practices
  • Understand capabilities and practices to secure, manage and scale the platform
  • Understand and put in practice installation and upgrade processes

  • Familiarity with Linux command and command line interface
  • Basic understanding of Google Cloud
  • Basic understanding of Anthos and GKE
  • Basic understanding of networking
  • Basic understanding of shell script, XML, JSON, HTTP, REST, and TLS.

Modulo 1: Fundamentals

  • Familiarize with Apigee product capabilities
  • Familiarize with Google Cloud, Kubernetes and Anthos concepts
  • Discuss REST fundamentals

Modulo 2: Architecture

  • Discuss Apigee hybrid architecture
  • Gain an understanding of the Apigee technology stack
  • Discuss Apigee terminology and organizational structure
  • Familiarize with the Apigee API

Modulo 3: Installation and Pla orm Operation

  • Discuss installation process
  • Discuss installation prerequisites
  • Gain detail understanding of and practice installation process
  • Gain an understanding of common operational capabilities and practices
  • Discuss backup and restore strategy

Modulo 4: Deployment and Environment Management

  • Familiarize with API proxy concept and deployment process
  • Familiarize with API tracing and debugging
  • Discuss Developer Portal solutions
  • Gain understanding of and practice capabilities available for environment management

Modulo 5: Security

  • Discuss infrastructure security
  • Discuss data storage and encryption
  • Discuss hybrid access management capabilities and RBAC

Modulo 6: Capacity Planning and Scaling

  • Discuss capacity planning considerations
  • Gain understanding of and practice capabilities to scale up/down runtime components

Modulo 7: Upgrade

  • Familiarize with the upgrade process
  • Discuss the rollback process

Modulo 8: Logging and Monitoring

  • Familiarize with logging capabilities
  • Understand metrics generated and captured by the system
  • Discuss Apigee analytics
  • Discuss monitoring and troubleshooting techniques
  • Familiarize with the Apigee support process

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Managing Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform for hybrid cloud

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

This course introduces you to the fundamentals and advanced practices used to install and manage Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform for private cloud.
Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, install, secure, manage, and scale the Apigee API Platform for Private Cloud.

  • Identify the purpose and value of the Apigee API Platform
  • Gain a detailed understanding of the Apigee API Platform for Private Cloud architecture and the recommended practices for topology design
  • Gain a detailed understanding of the Apigee terminology and logical organizational structure
  • Interact with the Apigee API Platform and solve scenarios by leveraging recommended practices
  • Understand the capabilities and practices used to secure, manage and scale the platform
  • Learn  and practice the installation and upgrade  of the Apigee API Platform for Private Cloud

  • Familiarity with Linux command and command line interface
  • Basic understanding of networking
  • Basic understanding of shell script, XML, JSON, HTTP, REST, and TLS.

Modulo 1: Architecture

  • Familiarize with Apigee product capabilities and its place in theenterprise architecture
  • Gain an understanding of the Apigee technology stack
  • Gain a basic understanding of Apache Cassandra capabilities and how they are leveraged by the Apigee platform
  • Gain a detailed understanding of Apigee terminology and organizational structure
  • Explore topology design options

Modulo 2: Installation

  • Discuss installation planning
  • Understand installation dependencies
  • Learn and practice the installation process
  • Discuss post installation tasks and recurring  activities recommended for the platform
  • Learn how to uninstall the platform

Modulo 3: Developer Portal installation

  • Discuss the role of the Apigee Developer Portal
  • Discuss recommended practices for hosting the Developer Portal
  • Discuss the software distribution and installation process

Modulo 4: Management

  • Discuss platform operations capabilities and recommended practices
  • Discuss the role of the Management API and how it is leveraged by the platform
  • Gain an understanding of the API deployment process
  • Gain an understanding of Apigee analytics
  • Discuss infrastructure operations capabilities and recommended practices

Modulo 5: Security

  • Discuss Apigee capabilities to secure API traffic
  • Understand how to configure TLS and mTLS for critical path components and user facing interfaces
  • Learn how to configure single sign-on (SSO)

Modulo 6: Upgrade

  • Discuss upgrade planning and recommended practices
  • Discuss upgrade prerequisites and dependencies
  • Learn and practice the upgrade process
  • Discuss rollback scenarios and the rollback process

Modulo 7: Capacity Planning and Scaling

  • Understand scenarios and recommended practices for capacity planning
  • Understand how to scale up/down physical and logical capacity
  • Understand how to add individual components, extend clusters and add new regions

Modulo 8: Monitoring

  • Discuss recommended practices for monitoring the platform
  • Understand how to monitor individual components
  • Discuss the role of synthetic transactions monitoring
  • Discuss recommended practices for API monitoring

Modulo 9: Troubleshooting

  • Discuss failure scenarios and troubleshooting practices
  • Understand the Apigee support model

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Installing and Managing Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform for Private Cloud

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

El curso Application Development with Cloud Run presenta los conceptos básicos, las prácticas, las capacidades y las herramientas aplicables al desarrollo moderno de aplicaciones nativas de la nube con Google Cloud Run. A través de una combinación de conferencias, laboratorios prácticos y materiales complementarios, aprenderás a diseñar, implementar, proteger, administrar y escalar aplicaciones en Google Cloud mediante Cloud Run.

Desarrolladores de la nube, desarrolladores de API, clientes y socios.

  • Obtener un conocimiento detallado de Cloud Run, la plataforma informática completamente administrada de Google Cloud para implementar y escalar aplicaciones en contenedores de forma rápida y segura.
  • Escribir y migrar código utilizando tus lenguajes favoritos (Go, Python, Java, Ruby, Node.js y más).
  • Comunicación segura de servicio a servicio basada en identidades de servicio y otorgar a las aplicaciones solo los permisos que necesitan.
  • Aprender a crear aplicaciones de alta disponibilidad con baja latencia para el usuario final, a nivel mundial.
  • Obtener información sobre cómo conectarse y conservar datos en las ofertas de bases de datos administradas en Google Cloud.
  • Comprender cómo la abstracción de toda la gestión de la infraestructura crea una experiencia de desarrollador sencilla.

  • Estar familiarizado con los comandos de Linux y la interfaz de línea de comandos.
  • Tener un conocimiento básico de Google Cloud.
  • Tener un conocimiento básico de redes.
  • Tener un conocimiento básico de uno o más lenguajes de programación como Go, Python, Java, Ruby o Node.js.
  • Tener un conocimiento básico de shell scripts, YAML, JSON, HTTP y TLS.

Módulo 1: Introducing Application Development with Cloud Run


This module gives a general overview of Cloud Run. If you’re new to Cloud Run (or even to Google Cloud), this will be a great introduction.


  • A general understanding of Cloud Run
  • Understand how how high availability, low end-user latency and developer productivity are important architectural drivers for web based applications today
  • Understand the advantages of serverless on Google Cloud.

Módulo 2: Understanding Cloud Run


  • You can use any language, any library and any binary. Cloud Run expects your app (in a container image) to listen on a port and respond to HTTP requests.
  • Use a docker repository on Artifact Registry to store your images: Cloud Run only deploys from there.
  • Cloud Run uses autoscaling to handle all incoming requests
  • Pay for use pricing model
  • No background tasks: Container lifetime is only guaranteed while handling requests
  • There is no persistent storage: Store data downstream
  • Cloud Run is portable (containers and Knative)


  • Understand Container Images and Containers
  • Understand how Cloud Run is different from an always-on server
  • Implement the deployment of a container image to Cloud Run (hands-on lab)
  • Understand auto-scaling and on-demand containers

Módulo 3: Building Container Images


  • The contents of a container image (deep dive)
  • There are two ways to build container images
    • Buildpacks (hands-off)
    • Docker (you’re in control)
  • Cloud Run supports both source-based and a container image based workflow
  • The most important considerations of building a secure container image


  • Deeply understand what is inside a container image
  • Package an application into a container image with Buildpacks (hands-on lab activity)
  • Understand that Dockerfiles are a lower-level and more transparent alternative to Buildpacks

Módulo 4: Building Container Images


  • Container lifecycle
    • Idle vs serving
    • Shutdown lifecycle hook
  • Cold starts
    • Min instances
  • Container readiness
  • The service resource and what it describes
  • Configuring memory limits and CPU allocation
  • Deploying a new revision
  • Traffic steering (tagging, gradual rollouts)


  • Understand the advantages of the shutdown lifecycle hook
  • Understand how to avoid request queuing
  • Implement new versions of an application (hands-on lab activity)
  • Implement gradual traffic migration (hands-on lab activity)

Módulo 5: Configuring Service Identity and Authorization


  • Cloud IAM
    • Service account, policy binding, roles, types of members, resource hierarchy (in practice)
    • Service accounts
    • Cloud Run IAM roles
  • Cloud Run
    • Default service account
    • Risks of using the default service account


  • Understand that every action on a Cloud resource is actually an API call
  • Understand how and why to limit the permissions in your Cloud Run service to only specific and necessary API calls
  • Understand the process needed to make the default permissions of a Cloud API more secure
  • Use the client libraries to call other Google Cloud services (hands-on lab activity)

Módulo 6: Serving Requests


  • Custom Domains
  • Global Load Balancer
    • URL Map
    • Frontend
    • Backend services
  • Benefits and drawbacks of GLB over custom domain
  • Types of GLB Backends
  • Multi-region load balancing
  • Multi-regional applications challenges
  • Cloud CDN


  • Use Cloud CDN to improve the reliability and performance of an application
  • Use path-based routing to combine multiple applications on one domain
  • Route incoming requests to the Cloud Run service closest to clients

Módulo 7: Using Inbound and Outbound Access Control


  • Ingress settings
  • Cloud Armor
  • Using Cloud IAM to protect services
    • Understand how authenticated requests (IAM + OIDC tokens) work (builds on Module 5)
  • VPC, VPC Access Connector
  • Egress settings


  • Connecting your project to resources with a private IP
  • Implementing controls to prevent outbound traffic to dangerous or unwanted hosts
  • Implementing filters for inbound traffic using content-based rules
  • Implementing controlled access to only specific service accounts

Módulo 8: Persisting Data


  • Understanding why you need to store data externally when running a workload on Cloud Run.
  • Connect with Cloud SQL from Cloud Run
    • Understand how it works (managed Cloud SQL Proxy)
  • Managing concurrency as a way to safeguard performance (understand why and when)
  • Connecting with Memorystore
  • VPC Connector
    • Challenges with scaling Memorystore (throughput)
  • Briefly introduce Cloud Storage, Firestore and Cloud Spanner, while reinforcing how the client libraries use the built-in service account to connect (Module 5 is prerequisite knowledge).
  • Multi-region data storage (and what Spanner and Firestore can do for you)


  • Understand how to connect your application with Cloud SQL to store relational data
  • Use a VPC Connector to reach a private Memorystore instance
  • Understand how to connect with Cloud Storage, Spanner and Firestore

Módulo 9: Implementing Service-to-Service Communication


  • Understanding Cloud Pub/Sub
    • Understanding topics, push subscriptions
    • Idempotency (Handling retries and at-least-once invocation)
      • Event ID, design for resume, or use a lease
    • Handling undeliverable messages
  • How to asynchronously schedule a background task on a different service
  • Cloud Tasks, and when to choose it over Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Benefits of using Pub/Sub to pass messages over making sync RPC requests
  • Learn about services in Google Cloud with a built-in integration to push events to Pub/Sub (Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, Cloud Storage, IOT
  • Core, BigQuery)
  • Cloud Scheduler to invoke services on a schedule.
  • CloudEvents
  • EventArc, and how to consume Audit logs
    • What to expect now, and how EventArc will develop over time


  • Using Cloud Pub/Sub to send messages between services
  • Discovering the URL of other Cloud Run services
  • Receiving events from other Google Cloud services
  • Processing background tasks asynchronously

Módulo 10: Orchestrating and Automating Serverless Workflows


  • Conceptual overview of Cloud Workflows
  • Invoking and passing parameters
  • Understand steps and jumps
  • Defining, using and passing values with variables
  • Using the switch statement to add logic
  • Workflow visualization
  • Calling HTTPS endpoints
  • Calling an authenticated Cloud Run service
  • Example: polling API for completion


  • Understand the capabilities of Cloud Workflows
  • Learn how to model a simple workflow with steps and conditional jumps
  • Integrating Cloud Run with Cloud Workflows
  • Understand how to invoke workflows

Documentación oficial para el curso Application Development with Cloud Run.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

This instructor-led course introduces participants to contact center artificial intelligence and its use in design, development, and deployment of customer conversational solutions.

Additionally, this course provides best practices on integrating conversational solutions with existing contact center software; on establishing a framework for human agent assistance; and on implementing the solution securely and at scale.

  • Define what Google Contact Center AI is
  • Explain how Dialogflow can be used in contact center applications
  • Describe how natural language understanding (NLU) is used to enable Dialogflow conversations
  • Implement a chat virtual agent
  • Implement a voice virtual agent
  • Describe options for storing parameters and fulfilling user requests
  • Deploy a virtual agent to production
  • Identify best practices for design and deployment of virtual agents
  • Identify key aspects, such as security and compliance in the context of contact centers.

  • Completed Google Cloud Product Fundamentals or have equivalent experience

Modulo 0: Course Overview

Modulo 1: Overview of Contact Center AI

  • Define what Contact Center AI (CCAI) is and what it can do for contact centers
  • Identify each component of the CCAI Architecture: Speech Recognition Dialogflow, Speech Synthesis, Agent Assist, and Insights
  • Describe the role each component plays in a CCAI solution

Modulo 2: Google Implementation Methodology

  • Identify the stages of the Google Implementation Methodology
  • Enumerate the key activities of each implementation stage
  • Acknowledge how to use Google's support assets for Partners

Modulo 3: Conversational Experiences

  • List the basic principles of a conversational experience
  • Explain the role of conversation virtual agents in a conversational experience
  • Articulate how STT (speech to text) can determine the quality of a conversational experience
  • Demonstrate and test how speech adaptation can improve the speech recognition accuracy of the agent
  • Recognize the different NLU (natural language understanding) and NLP(natural language processing) techniques and the role they play on conversational experiences
  • Explain the different elements of a conversation (intents, entities, etc)
  • Use sentiment analysis to help with the achievement of a higher-quality conversational experience
  • Improve conversational experiences by choosing different TTS voices(Wavenet vs Standard)
  • Modify the speed and pitch of a synthesized voice
  • Describe how to leverage SSML to modify the tone and emphasis of a synthesized passage

Modulo 4: Fundamentals of building conversations with Dialogflow

  • Identify user roles and their journeys
  • Write personas for virtual agents and users
  • Model user-agent interactions
  • List the basics elements of the Dialogflow user interface
  • Build a virtual agent to handle identified user journeys
  • Train the NLU model through the Dialogflow console
  • Define and test intents for a basic agent
  • Train the agent to handle expected and unexpected user scenarios
  • Recognize the different types of entities and when to use them
  • Create entities
  • Define and test entities on a basic agent
  • Implement slot filling using the Dialogflow UI
  • Describe when Mega Agent might be used

Modulo 5: Maintaining context in a conversation

  • Create follow up intentsRecognize the scenarios in which context should be used
  • Identify the possible statuses of a context (active versus inactive context)
  • Implement dialogs using input and output contexts

Modulo 6: Moving from Chat agent to Voice agent

  • Describe two ways that the media type changes the conversation
  • Configure the telephony gateway for testing
  • Test a basic voice agent
  • Modify the voice of the agent
  • Show how the different media types can have different responses
  • Consider the modifications needed when moving to production
  • Be aware of the telephony integration for voice in a production environment

Modulo 7: Taking actions with fulfillment

  • Define the role of fulfillment with respect to CCAI
  • Characterize what needs to be collected in order to fulfill a request
  • Identify existing backend systems on the customer infrastructure
  • Use Firestore to store mappings returned from functions
  • Appreciate that the interaction with customers' data storages will vary based on the customer's data warehouses
  • Implement fulfillment using Cloud Functions
  • Implement fulfillment using Python on AppEngine
  • Describe the use of Apigee for application deployment

Modulo 8: Testing and Logging

  • Debug a virtual agent by testing intent accuracy
  • Debug fulfillment by testing the different functions and integrations with backend systems through API calls
  • Implement version control to achieve more scalable collaboration
  • Log conversations using Cloud Logging
  • Recognize ways that audits can be performed

Modulo 9: Environment Management

  • Create Draft and Published versions of your virtual agent
  • Create environments where your virtual agent will be published
  • Load a saved version of your virtual agent to Draft
  • Change which version is loaded to an environment

Modulo 10: Intelligent Assistance for Live Agents

  • Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value
  • Identify, collect, and curate documents for knowledge base construction
  • Set up knowledge bases
  • Describe how FAQ Assist works
  • Describe how Document Assist works
  • Describe how the Agent Assist UI works
  • Describe how Dialogflow Assist works
  • Describe how Smart Reply works
  • Describe how real-time entity extraction works

Modulo 11: Integrating a virtual agent with third parties

  • Use the Dialogflow API to programmatically create and modify the virtual agent
  • Describe connectivity protocols: gRPC, REST, SIP endpoints, and phone numbers over PSTN
  • Replace existing head intent detection on IVRs with Dialogflow intents
  • Describe virtual agent integration with Google Assistant
  • Describe virtual agent integration with messaging platforms
  • Describe virtual agent integration with CRM platforms (eg. Salesforce and Zendesk)
  • Describe virtual agent integration with enterprise communication platforms(eg. Genesys, Avaya, Cisco, and Twilio)
  • Explain the ability that telephony providers have of identifying the caller and how that can modify the agent design
  • Incorporate IVR features in the virtual agent.

Modulo 12: Drawing insights from call recordings

  • Analyze audio recordings using the Speech Analytics Framework (SAF)

Modulo 13: Methods of compliance with federal regulations

  • Describe two ways that security can be implemented on a Contact CenterAI integration
  • Identify current compliance measures and scenarios where compliance is needed

Modulo 14: Best practices for virtual agents

  • Convert pattern matching and decision trees to smart conversational design
  • Recognize situations that require escalation to a human agent
  • Support multiple platforms, devices, languages, and dialects
  • Use Diagflow’s built-in analytics to assess the health of the virtual agent
  • Perform agent validation through the Dialogflow UI
  • Monitor conversations and Agent Assist
  • Institute a DevOps and version control framework for agent development and maintenance
  • Consider enabling spell correction to increase the virtual agent's accuracy

Modulo 15: Course Summary

  • Recapitulate was covered during this course

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

In this course, learn how to design customer conversations using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). You’ll use Dialogflow CX to create virtual agents and test them using the simulator. Learn to add functionality to access data from external systems, making virtual agents conversationally dynamic. You’ll be introduced to testing methods, connectivity protocols, APIs, environment management, and compliance measures. Learn best practices for integrating conversational solutions with your existing contact center software and implementing solutions securely and at scale.

  • Define Google CCAI
  • Explain how Dialogflow can be used in Contact Center applications
  • Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow CX
  • Read and write data from Firestore using Cloud Functions
  • Use Dialogflow tools and cloud logging for troubleshooting
  • Describe how to manage virtual agent environments
  • Identify general best practices for virtual agents
  • Identify key aspects such as security and compliance in the context of contact centers
  • Analyze audio recordings using the Speech Analytics Framework (SAF)
  • Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value.

Completed Google Cloud Fundamentals or have equivalent experience

Modulo 1: Overview of Contact Center AI

  • Define what Contact Center AI (CCAI) is and what it can do for contact centers
  • Identify each component of the CCAI Architecture: Speech Recognition, Dialogflow, Speech Synthesis, Agent Assist, and Insights AI
  • Describe the role each component plays in a CCAI solution

Modulo 2: Conversational Experiences

  • List the basic principles of a conversational experience
  • Explain the role of Conversation virtual agents in a conversation experience
  • Articulate how STT (Speech to Text) can determine the quality of aconversation experience
  • Demonstrate and test how Speech adaptation can improve the speech recognition accuracy of the agent
  • Recognize the different NLU (Natural Language Understanding) andNLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques and the role they play on conversation experiences

Modulo 3: Fundamentals of Designing Conversations

  • Identify user roles and their journeys
  • Write personas for virtual agents and users
  • Model user-agent interactions

Modulo 4: Dialogflow Product Options

  • Describe two primary differences between Dialogflow Essentials (ES) and Dialogflow Customer Experience (CX)
  • Identify two design principles for your virtual agent which apply regardless of whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
  • Identify two ways your virtual agent implementation changes based on whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
  • List the basic elements of the Dialogflow user interface

Modulo 5: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 6: Fundamentals of building conversations with Dialogflow CX

  • List the basic elements of the Dialogflow CX User Interface
  • Create entities
  • Create intents and form fill entities in training phrases
  • Train the NLU model through the Dialogflow console
  • Build a basic virtual agent to handle identified user journeys

Modulo 7: Scaling with standalone flows

  • Recognize the scenarios in which standalone flows can help scale your virtual agent
  • Implement a flow that uses other flows

Modulo 8: Using route groups for reusable routes

  • Define the concept of route groups with respect to Dialogflow CX
  • Create a route group
  • Recognize the scenarios in which route groups should be used
  • Identify the possible scope of a route group
  • Implement a flow that uses a route group

Modulo 9: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 10: Testing and logging

  • Use Dialogflow tools for troubleshooting
  • Use Google Cloud tools for debugging your virtual agent
  • Review logs generated by virtual agent activity
  • Recognize ways an audit can be performed

Modulo 11: Taking Actions with Fulfillment

  • Characterize the role of fulfillment with respect to Contact Center AI Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow ES
  • Use Cloud Firestore to store customer data
  • Implement fulfillment using Cloud Functions to read and write Firestore data
  • Describe the use of Apigee for application deployment

Modulo 12: Integrating Virtual Agents

  • Describe how to use the Dialogflow API to programmatically create and modifythe virtual agent
  • Describe connectivity protocols: gRPC, REST, SIP endpoints, and phone numbers over PSTN
  • Describe how to replace existing head intent detection on IVRs with Dialogflow intents
  • Describe virtual agent integration with Google Assistant
  • Describe virtual agent integration with messaging platforms
  • Describe virtual agent integration with CRM platforms (such as Salesforceand Zendesk)
  • Describe virtual agent integration with enterprise communication platforms (such as Genesys, Avaya, Cisco, and Twilio)
  • Explain the ability that telephony providers have of identifying the caller and how that can modify the agent design
  • Describe how to incorporate IVR features in the virtual agent

Modulo 13: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 14: Environment Management

  • Create Draft and Published versions of your virtual agent
  • Create environments where your virtual agent will be published
  • Load a saved version of your virtual agent to Draft
  • Change which version is loaded to an environment

Modulo 15: Drawing Insights from Recordings with SAF

  • Analyze audio recordings using the Speech Analytics Framework (SAF)

Modulo 16: Intelligence Assistance for Live Agents

  • Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value
  • Identify, collect and curate documents for knowledge base construction
  • Describe how to set up knowledge bases
  • Describe how FAQ Assist works
  • Describe how Document Assist works
  • Describe how the Agent Assist UI worksDescribe how Dialogflow Assist works
  • Describe how Smart Reply works
  • Describe how Real-time entity extraction works

Modulo 17: Compliance and Security

  • Describe two ways security can be implemented on a CCAI integration
  • Identify current compliance measures and scenarios where compliance is needed

Modulo 18: Best Practices

  • Convert pattern matching and decision trees to smart conversational design
  • Recognize situations that require escalation to a human agen
  • Support multiple platforms, devices, languages, and dialects
  • Use Diagflow’s built-in analytics to assess the health of the virtual agent
  • Perform agent validation through the Dialogflow UI
  • Monitor conversations and Agent Assist
  • Institute a DevOps and version control framework for agent development and maintenance
  • Consider enabling spell correction to increase the virtual agent's accuracy

Modulo 19: Implementation Methodology

  • Identify the stages of the Google Enterprise Sales Process
  • Describe the Partner role in the Enterprise Sales Process
  • Detail the steps in a Contact Center AI project using Google’s ESP
  • Describe the key activities of the Implementation Phase in ESP
  • Locate and understand how to use Google's support assets for Partners

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI - Dialogflow CX

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

In this course, learn how to design customer conversations using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). You’ll use Dialogflow ES to create virtual agents and test them using the simulator. Learn to add functionality to access data from external systems, making virtual agents conversationally dynamic. You’ll be introduced to testing methods, connectivity protocols, APIs, environment management, and compliance measures. Learn best practices for integrating conversational solutions with your existing contact center software and implementing solutions securely and at scale.

  • Define Google CCAI
  • Explain how Dialogflow can be used in Contact Center applications
  • Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow ES
  • Read and write data from Firestore using Cloud Functions
  • Use Dialogflow tools and cloud logging for troubleshooting
  • Describe how to manage virtual agent environments
  • Identify general best practices for virtual agents
  • Identify key aspects such as security and compliance in the context of contact centers
  • Analyze audio recordings using the Speech AnalyticsFramework (SAF)
  • Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value

Completed Google Cloud Fundamentals or have equivalent experience

Modulo 1: Overview of Contact Center AI

  • Define what Contact Center AI (CCAI) is and what it can do for contact centers
  • Identify each component of the CCAI Architecture: Speech Recognition, Dialogflow, Speech Synthesis, Agent Assist, and Insights AI
  • Describe the role each component plays in a CCAI solution

Modulo 2: Conversational Experiences

  • List the basic principles of a conversational experience
  • Explain the role of Conversation virtual agents in a conversation experience
  • Articulate how STT (Speech to Text) can determine the quality of aconversation experience
  • Demonstrate and test how Speech adaptation can improve the speech recognition accuracy of the agent
  • Recognize the different NLU (Natural Language Understanding) andNLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques and the role they play on conversation experiences

Modulo 3: Fundamentals of Designing Conversations

  • Identify user roles and their journeys
  • Write personas for virtual agents and users
  • Model user-agent interactions

Modulo 4: Dialogflow Product Options

  • Describe two primary differences between Dialogflow Essentials (ES) and Dialogflow Customer Experience (CX)
  • Identify two design principles for your virtual agent which apply regardless of whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
  • Identify two ways your virtual agent implementation changes based on whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
  • List the basic elements of the Dialogflow user interface

Modulo 5: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 6: Fundamentals of building conversations with Dialogflow ES

  • List the basic elements of the Dialogflow CX User Interface.• List the basic elements of the Dialogflow CX User Interface
  • Build a virtual agent to handle identified user journeys
  • Train the NLU model through the Dialogflow console
  • Define and test intents for a basic agent
  • Train the agent to handle expected and unexpected user scenarios
  • Recognize the different types of entities and when to use them
  • Create entities
  • Define and test entities on a basic agent
  • Implement slot filling using the Dialogflow UI
  • Describe when Mega Agent might be used
  • Demonstrate how to add access to a knowledge base for your virtual agent to answer customer questions straight from a company FAQ

Modulo 7: Maintaining Context in a Conversation

  • Create follow-up intents
  • Recognize the scenarios in which context should be used
  • Identify the possible statuses of a context (active versus inactive context)
  • Implement dialogs using input and output contexts

Modulo 8: Moving From Chat to Voice Virtual Agent

  • Describe two ways that the media type changes the conversation
  • Configure the telephony gateway for testing
  • Test a basic voice agent
  • Modify the voice of the agent
  • Show how the different media types can have different responses
  • Consider the modifications needed when moving to production
  • Be aware of the telephony integration for voice in a production environment

Modulo 9: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 10: Testing and logging

  • Use Dialogflow tools for troubleshooting
  • Use Google Cloud tools for debugging your virtual agent
  • Review logs generated by virtual agent activity
  • Recognize ways an audit can be performed

Modulo 11: Taking Actions with Fulfillment

  • Characterize the role of fulfillment with respect to Contact Center AI
  • Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow ES
  • Use Cloud Firestore to store customer data
  • Implement fulfillment using Cloud Functions to read and write Firestore data
  • Describe the use of Apigee for application deployment

Modulo 12: Integrating Virtual Agents

  • Quiz - IVR Features
    Quiz - Contact Center AI integration points
  • Quiz - Common Platforms of

Modulo 13: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Modulo 14: Environment Management

  • Create Draft and Published versions of your virtual agent
  • reate environments where your virtual agent will be published
  • Load a saved version of your virtual agent to Draft
  • Change which version is loaded to an environment

Modulo 15: Drawing Insights from Recordings with SAF

  • Analyze audio recordings using the Speech Analytics Framework (SAF)

Modulo 16: Intelligence Assistance for Live Agents

  • Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value
  • Identify, collect and curate documents for knowledge base construction
  • Describe how to set up knowledge bases
  • Describe how FAQ Assist works
  • Describe how Document Assist works
  • Describe how the Agent Assist UI works
  • Describe how Dialogflow Assist works
  • Describe how Smart Reply works
  • Describe how Real-time entity extraction works

Modulo 17: Compliance and Security

  • Describe two ways security can be implemented on a CCAI integration
  • Identify current compliance measures and scenarios where compliance is needed

Modulo 18: Best Practices

  • Convert pattern matching and decision trees to smart conversational design
  • Recognize situations that require escalation to a human agent
  • Support multiple platforms, devices, languages, and dialects
  • Use Diagflow’s built-in analytics to assess the health of the virtual agen
  • Perform agent validation through the Dialogflow UI
  • Monitor conversations and Agent Assist
  • Institute a DevOps and version control framework for agent development and maintenance
  • Consider enabling spell correction to increase the virtual agent's accuracy

Modulo 19: Implementation Methodology

  • Identify the stages of the Google Enterprise Sales Process
  • Describe the Partner role in the Enterprise Sales Process
  • Detail the steps in a Contact Center AI project using Google’s ESP
  • Describe the key activities of the Implementation Phase in ESP
  • Locate and understand how to use Google's support assets for Partners

Modulo 20: Course Review

  • Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI - Dialogflow ES

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Get hands-on experience with designing and building data processing systems on Google Cloud. This course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to show you how to design data processing systems, build end-to-end data pipelines, analyze data, and implement machine learning. This course covers structured, unstructured, and streaming data.

  • Design and build data processing systems on Google Cloud
  • Process batch and streaming data by implementing autoscaling
    data pipelines on Dataflow
  • Derive business insights from extremely large datasets using
  • Leverage unstructured data using Spark and ML APIs on Dataproc.
  • Enable instant insights from streaming data.
  • Understand ML APIs and BigQuery ML, and learn to use AutoML to
    create powerful models without coding.

Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

Modulo 1: Introduction to Data Engineering

  • Explore the role of a data engineer
  • Analyze data engineering challenges
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Data lakes and data warehouses
  • Transactional databases versus data warehouses
  • Partner effectively with other data teams
  • Manage data access and governance
  • Manage data access and governance
  • Build production-ready pipelines
  • Review Google Cloud customer case study

Modulo 2: Building a Data Lake

  • Introduction to data lakes
  • Data storage and ETL options on Google Cloud
  • Building a data lake using Cloud Storage
  • Securing Cloud Storage
  • Storing all sorts of data types
  • Cloud SQL as a relational data lake

Modulo 3: Building a Data Warehouse

  • The modern data warehouse
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Getting started with BigQuery
  • Loading data
  • Exploring schemas
  • Schema design
  • Nested and repeated fields
  • Optimizing with partitioning and clustering

Modulo 4: Introduction to Building Batch Data Pipelines

  • EL, ELT, ETL
  • Quality considerations
  • How to carry out operations in BigQuery
  • Shortcomings
  • ETL to solve data quality issues

Modulo 5: Executing Spark on Dataproc

  • The Hadoop ecosystem
  • Run Hadoop on Dataproc
  • Cloud Storage instead of HDFS
  • Optimize Dataproc

Modulo 6: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow

  • Introduction to Dataflow
  • Why customers value Dataflow
  • Dataflow pipelines
  • Aggregating with GroupByKey and Combine
  • Side inputs and windows
  • Dataflow templates
  • Dataflow SQL

Modulo 7: Manage Data Pipelines with Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Composer

  • Building batch data pipelines visually with Cloud Data Fusion
  • Components
  • UI overview
  • Building a pipeline
  • Exploring data using Wrangler
  • Orchestrating work between Google Cloud services with Cloud Composer
  • Apache Airflow environment
  • DAGs and operators
  • Workflow scheduling
  • Monitoring and logging

Modulo 8: Introduction to Processing Streaming Data

  • Process Streaming Data

Modulo 9: Serverless Messaging with Pub/Sub

  • Introduction to Pub/Sub
  • Pub/Sub push versus pull
  • Publishing with Pub/Sub code

Modulo 10: Dataflow Streaming Features

  • Steaming data challenges
  • Dataflow windowing

Modulo 11: High-Throughput BigQuery and Bigtable Streaming Features

  • Streaming into BigQuery and visualizing results
  • High-throughput streaming with Cloud Bigtable
  • Optimizing Cloud Bigtable performance

Modulo 12: Advanced BigQuery Functionality and Performance

  • Analytic window functions
  • Use With clauses
  • GIS functions
  • Performance considerations

Modulo 13: Introduction to Analytics and AI

  • What is AI?
  • From ad-hoc data analysis to data-driven decisions
  • Options for ML models on Google Cloud

Modulo 14:Prebuilt ML Model APIs for Unstructured Data

  • Unstructured data is hard
  • ML APIs for enriching data

Modulo 15: Big Data Analytics with Notebooks

  • What’s a notebook?
  • BigQuery magic and ties to Pandas

Modulo 16: Production ML Pipelines with Kubeflow

  • Ways to do ML on Google Cloud
  • ubeflow
  • AI Hub

Modulo 17: Custom Model Building with SQL in BigQuery ML

  • BigQuery ML for quick model building
  • Supported models

Modulo 18: Custom Model Building with AutoML

  • Why AutoML?
  • AutoML Vision
  • AutoML NLP
  • AutoML tables

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Data Integration with Cloud Data Fusion

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

El curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals presenta los productos y servicios de Big Data y Machine Leearning de Google Cloud que respaldan el ciclo de vida de datos a IA. Explora los procesos, los desafíos y los beneficios de crear una gran canalización de datos y modelos de machine learning con Vertex AI en Google Cloud.

  • Analistas de datos, científicos de datos y analistas de negocios que estén comenzando con Google Cloud.
  • Personas responsables de diseñar pipelines y arquitecturas para el procesamiento de datos, crear y mantener modelos estadísticos y de machine learning, consultar conjuntos de datos, visualizar resultados de consultas y crear informes.
  • Ejecutivos y tomadores de decisiones de TI que evalúen Google Cloud para que lo utilicen los científicos de datos.

  • Recognize the data-to-AI lifecycle on Google Cloud and the major products of big data and machine learning
  • Design streaming pipelines with Dataflow and Pub/Sub
  • Analyze big data at scale with BigQuery
  • Identify different options to build machine learning solutions on Google Cloud
  • Describe a machine learning workflow and the key steps with Vertex AI
  • Build a machine learning pipeline using AutoML

Tener conocimientos básicos de uno o más de los siguientes:

  • Lenguaje de consulta de base de datos como SQL.
  • Flujo de trabajo de ingeniería de datos desde extracción, transformación, carga hasta análisis, modelado e implementación.
  • Modelos de machine learning, como son modelos supervisados y no supervisados.

Módulo 0: Course Introduction


This section welcomes learners to the Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals course and provides an overview of the course structure and goals.


  • Recognize the data-to-AI lifecycle on Google Cloud
  • Identify the connection between data engineering and machine learning

Módulo 1: Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud


This section explores the key components of Google Cloud’s infrastructure. We introduce many of the big data and machine learning products and services tha support the data-to AI lifecycle on Google Cloud.


  • Identify the different aspects of Google Cloud’s infrastructure.
  • Identify the big data and machine learning products on Google Cloud.

Módulo 2: Data Engineering for Streaming Data


This section introduces Google Cloud’s solution to managing streaming data. It examines an end-to-end pipeline, including data ingestion with Pub/Sub, data processing with Dataflow, and data visualization with Looker and Data Studio.


  • Describe an end-to-end streaming data workflow from ingestion to data visualization.
  • Identify modern data pipeline challenges and how to solve them at scale with Dataflow.
  • Build collaborative real-time dashboards with data visualization tools.

Módulo 3: Big Data with BigQuery


This section introduces learners to BigQuery, Google’s fully managed, serverless data warehouse. It also explores BigQuery ML and the processes and key commands that are used to build custom machine learning models.


  • Describe the essentials of BigQuery as a data warehouse.
  • Explain how BigQuery processes queries and stores data.
  • Define BigQuery ML project phases.
  • Build a custom machine learning model with BigQuery ML.

Módulo 4: Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud


This section explores four different options to build machine learning models on Google Cloud. It also introduces Vertex AI, Google’s unified platform for building and managing the lifecycle of ML projects.


  • Identify different options to build ML models on Google Cloud.
  • Define Vertex AI and its major features and benefits.
  • Describe AI solutions in both horizontal and vertical markets.

Módulo 5: The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI


This section focuses on the three key phases—data preparation, model training, and model preparation—of the machine learning workflow in Vertex AI. Learners can practice building a machine learning model with AutoML.


  • Describe a ML workflow and the key steps.
  • Identify the tools and products to support each stage.
  • Build an end-to-end ML workflow using AutoML.

Módulo 6: Course Summary


This section reviews the topics covered in the course and provides additional resources for further learning.


Describe the data-to-AI lifecycle on Google Cloud and identify the major products of big data and machine learning.

Documentación oficial para el curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Con el curso Data Engineering on Google Cloud obtendrás experiencia práctica con el diseño y la creación de sistemas de procesamiento de datos en Google Cloud. Este curso utiliza conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para mostrarte cómo diseñar sistemas de procesamiento de datos, crear canalizaciones de datos de un extremo a extremo, analizar datos e implementar el (machine learning). Este curso cubre datos estructurados, no estructurados y de transmisión.

Este curso está destinado a desarrolladores que sean responsables de:

  • Extracción, carga, transformación, limpieza y validación de datos.
  • Diseño de pipelines y arquitecturas para el procesamiento de datos.
  • Integración de capacidades de análisis y machine learning en canalizaciones (pipelines) de datos.
  • Consulta de conjuntos de datos, visualización de resultados de consultas y creación de informes.

  • Diseñar y crear sistemas de procesamiento de datos en Google Cloud.
  • Procesar datos por lotes y de transmisión mediante la implementación de canalizaciones (pipelines) de datos de escalado automático en Dataflow.
  • Obtener información empresarial a partir de conjuntos de datos extremadamente grandes con BigQuery.
  • Aprovechar los datos no estructurados con las APIs de Spark y ML en Dataproc.
  • Habilitar conocimientos instantáneos a partir de la transmisión de datos.
  • Comprender las APIs de ML y BigQuery ML, y aprender a usar AutoML para crear modelos potentes sin codificación.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener competencia básica con un lenguaje de consulta común como SQL.
  • Tener experiencia con actividades de modelado de datos y ETL (extracción, transformación, carga).
  • Tener experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones utilizando un lenguaje de programación común como Python.
  • Estar familiarizado con el machine learning y/o estadísticas.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Data Engineering


  • Explore the role of a data engineer
  • Analyze data engineering challenges
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Data lakes and data warehouses
  • Transactional databases versus data warehouses
  • Partner effectively with other data teams
  • Manage data access and governance
  • Build production-ready pipelines
  • Review Google Cloud customer case study


  • Understand the role of a data engineer
  • Discuss benefits of doing data engineering in the cloud
  • Discuss challenges of data engineering practice and how building data pipelines in the cloud helps to address these
  • Review and understand the purpose of a data lake versus a data warehouse, and when to use which

Módulo 2: Building a Data Lake


  • Introduction to data lakes
  • Data storage and ETL options on Google Cloud
  • Building a data lake using Cloud Storage
  • Securing Cloud Storage
  • Storing all sorts of data types
  • Cloud SQL as a relational data lake


  • Understand why Cloud Storage is a great option for building a data lake on Google Cloud
  • Learn how to use Cloud SQL for a relational data lake

Módulo  3: Building a Data Warehouse


  • The modern data warehouse
  • Introduction to BigQuery
  • Getting started with BigQuery
  • Loading data
  • Exploring schemas
  • Schema design
  • Nested and repeated fields
  • Optimizing with partitioning and clustering


  • Discuss requirements of a modern warehouse
  • Understand why BigQuery is the scalable data warehousing solution on Google Cloud
  • Understand core concepts of BigQuery and review options of loading data into BigQuery

Módulo  4: Introduction to Building Batch Data Pipelines


  • EL, ELT, ETL
  • Quality considerations
  • How to carry out operations in BigQuery
  • Shortcomings
  • ETL to solve data quality issues


  • Review different methods of loading data into your data lakes and warehouses: EL, ELT, and ETL
  • Discuss data quality considerations and when to use ETL instead of EL and ELT

Módulo 5: Executing Spark on Dataproc


  • The Hadoop ecosystem
  • Run Hadoop on Dataproc
  • Cloud Storage instead of HDFS
  • Optimize Dataproc


  • Review the parts of the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Learn how to lift and shift your existing Hadoop workloads to the cloud using Dataproc
  • Understand considerations around using Cloud Storage instead of HDFS for storage
  • Learn how to optimize Dataproc jobs

Módulo 6: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow


  • Introduction to Dataflow
  • Why customers value Dataflow
  • Dataflow pipelines
  • Aggregating with GroupByKey and Combine
  • Side inputs and windows
  • Dataflow templates
  • Dataflow SQL


  • Understand how to decide between Dataflow and Dataproc for processing data pipelines
  • Understand the features that customers value in Dataflow
  • Discuss core concepts in Dataflow
  • Review the use of Dataflow templates and SQL

Módulo 7: Manage Data Pipelines with Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Composer


  • Building batch data pipelines visually with Cloud Data Fusion
  • Components
  • UI overview
  • Building a pipeline
  • Exploring data using Wrangler
  • Orchestrating work between Google Cloud services with Cloud Composer
  • Apache Airflow environment
  • DAGs and operators
  • Workflow scheduling
  • Monitoring and logging


  • Discuss how to manage your data pipelines with Data Fusion and Cloud Composer
  • Understand Data Fusion’s visual design capabilities
  • Learn how Cloud Composer can help to orchestrate the work across multiple Google Cloud services

Módulo 8: Introduction to Processing Streaming Data


Process Streaming Data


  • Explain streaming data processing
  • Describe the challenges with streaming data
  • Identify the Google Cloud products and tools that can help address streaming data challenges

Módulo 9: Serverless Messaging with Pub/Sub


  • Introduction to Pub/Sub
  • Pub/Sub push versus pull
  • Publishing with Pub/Sub code


  • Describe the Pub/Sub service
  • Understand how Pub/Sub works
  • Gain hands-on Pub/Sub experience with a lab that simulates real-time streaming sensor data

Módulo 10: Dataflow Streaming Features


  • Steaming data challenges
  • Dataflow windowing


  • Understand the Dataflow service
  • Build a stream processing pipeline for live traffic data
  • Demonstrate how to handle late data using watermarks, triggers, and accumulation

Módulo 11: High-Throughput BigQuery and Bigtable Streaming Features


  • Streaming into BigQuery and visualizing results
  • High-throughput streaming with Cloud Bigtable
  • Optimizing Cloud Bigtable performance


  • Learn how to perform ad hoc analysis on streaming data using BigQuery and dashboards
  • Understand how Cloud Bigtable is a low-latency solution
  • Describe how to architect for Bigtable and how to ingest data into Bigtable
  • Highlight performance considerations for the relevant services

Módulo  12: Advanced BigQuery Functionality and Performance


  • Analytic window functions
  • Use With clauses
  • GIS functions
  • Performance considerations


  • Review some of BigQuery’s advanced analysis capabilities
  • Discuss ways to improve query performance

Módulo 13: Introduction to Analytics and AI


  • What is AI?
  • From ad-hoc data analysis to data-driven decisions
  • Options for ML models on Google Cloud


  • Understand the proposition that ML adds value to your data
  • Understand the relationship between ML, AI, and Deep Learning
  • Identify ML options on Google Cloud

Módulo 14: Prebuilt ML Model APIs for Unstructured Data


  • Unstructured data is hard
  • ML APIs for enriching data


  • Discuss challenges when working with unstructured data
  • Learn the applications of ready-to-use ML APIs on unstructured data

Módulo 15: Big Data Analytics with Notebooks


  • What’s a notebook?
  • BigQuery magic and ties to Pandas


  • Introduce Notebooks as a tool for prototyping ML solutions
    Learn to execute BigQuery commands from Notebooks

Módulo 16: Production ML Pipelines with Kubeflow


  • Ways to do ML on Google Cloud
  • Vertex AI Pipelines
  • AI Hub


  • Describe options available for building custom ML models
  • Understand the use of tools like Vertex AI Pipelines

Módulo 17: Custom Model Building with SQL in BigQuery ML


  • BigQuery ML for quick model building
  • Supported models


  • Learn how to create ML models by using SQL syntax in BigQuery
  • Demonstrate building different kinds of ML models using BigQuery ML

Módulo 18: Custom Model Building with AutoML


  • Why AutoML?
  • AutoML Vision
  • AutoML NLP
  • AutoML tables


  • Explore various AutoML products used in machine learning
  • Learn to use AutoML to create powerful models without coding

Documentación oficial para el curso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

Con el curso Developing Applications with Google Cloud aprenderás a diseñar, desarrollar e implementar aplicaciones que integren a la perfección componentes del ecosistema de Google Cloud. Este curso utiliza conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para mostrarte cómo usar los servicios de Google Cloud y las APIs de aprendizaje automático (machine learning) pre-entrenadas para crear aplicaciones nativas de la nube seguras, escalables e inteligentes.

Desarrolladores de aplicaciones que deseen crear aplicaciones nativas de la nube o rediseñar aplicaciones existentes que sean ejecutadas en Google Cloud.

  • Utilizar las mejores prácticas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones.
  • Seleccionar la opción de almacenamiento de datos adecuada para los datos de la aplicación.
  • Implementar la gestión de identidades federadas.
  • Desarrollar microservicios o componentes de aplicación poco acoplados.
  • Integrar componentes de aplicaciones y fuentes de datos.
  • Depurar, rastrear y monitorear aplicaciones.
  • Realizar implementaciones repetibles con contenedores y servicios de implementación.
  • Seleccionar el entorno de tiempo de ejecución de la aplicación adecuado.

Módulo 1: Best Practices for Application Development


  • Code and environment management
  • Design and development of secure, scalable, reliable, loosely coupled application components and microservices
  • Continuous integration and delivery
  • Re-architecting applications for the cloud


  • Design and develop secure, scalable, reliable, loosely coupled application components and microservices.
  • Understand how to rearchitect applications for the cloud.

Módulo 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud Development


  • Overview of Google Cloud services for apps and scripts:
    • Google Cloud APIs
    • Cloud SDK
    • Cloud Client Libraries
    • Cloud Shell
    • Cloud Code
  • Demo: Google APIs Explorer
  • Lab: Setting up a Development Environment


Identify different Google Cloud services for hosting applications and scripts.

Módulo 3: Overview of Data Storage Options


  • Overview of options to store application data
  • Use cases for Cloud Storage, Firestore, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Spanner
  • Demo: Connecting Securely to a Cloud SQL Database


Choose the appropriate data storage option for application data.

Módulo 4: Best Practices for Using Datastore


  • Best practices related to using Firestore in Datastore mode for:
    • Queries
    • Built-in and composite indexes
    • Inserting and deleting data (batch operations)
    • Transactions
    • Error handling
  • Demo: Explore Datastore
  • Demo: Use Dataflow to Bulk-load Data into Datastore
  • Lab: Storing Application Data in Datastore


  • Bulk-load data into Firestore by using Dataflow.
  • Understand best practices related to queries, built in and composite indexes, inserting and deleting data (batch operations), and transactions error handling.

Módulo 5: Performing Operations on Buckets and Objects


  • Cloud Storage concepts
  • Consistency model
  • Demo: Explore Cloud Storage
  • Request endpoints
  • Composite objects and parallel uploads
  • Truncated exponential backoff
  • Demo: Enable CORS Configuration in Cloud Storage


  • Understand Cloud Storage concepts.
  • Differentiate between strongly consistent and eventually consistent operations.
  • Access Cloud Storage through request endpoints.
  • Use object composition to upload an object in parallel.
  • Use truncated exponential backoff to deal with network failures.

Módulo 6: Best Practices for Using Cloud Storage


  • Naming buckets for static websites and other uses
  • Naming objects (from an access distribution perspective)
  • Performance considerations
  • Lab: Storing Image and Video Files in Cloud Storage


Understand how to name buckets for static websites and other uses, how to name objects (from an access distribution perspective, and performance considerations.

Módulo 7: Handling Authentication and Authorization


  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and service accounts
  • User authentication by using Firebase Authentication
  • User authentication and authorization by using Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Lab: Adding User Authentication to your Application


Implement federated identity management.

Módulo 8: Using Pub/Sub to Integrate Components of Your Application


  • Topics, publishers, and subscribers
  • Pull and push subscriptions
  • Use cases for Pub/Sub
  • Lab: Developing a Backend Service


  • Understand Pub/Sub topics, publishers, and subscribers.
  • Understand pull and push subscriptions.
  • Explore use cases for Pub/Sub.

Módulo 9: Adding Intelligence to Your Application


Overview of pre-trained machine learning APIs such as the Vision API and the Cloud Natural Language Processing API.


Explore pre-trained machine learning APIs such as Cloud Vision API and Cloud Natural Language API.

Módulo 10: Using Cloud Functions for Event-Driven Processing


  • Key concepts such as triggers, background functions, HTTP functions
  • Use cases
  • Developing and deploying functions
  • Logging, error reporting, and monitoring
  • Demo: Invoke Cloud Functions Through Direct Request-response
  • Lab: Processing Pub/Sub Data using Cloud Functions


Use Cloud Functions for event-driven processing.

Módulo 11: Managing APIs with Cloud Endpoints


  • Open API deployment configuration
  • Lab: Deploying an API for the Quiz Application


Understand OpenAPI deployment configuration.

Módulo 12: Deploying Applications


  • Creating and storing container images
  • Repeatable deployments with deployment configuration and templates
  • Demo: Exploring Cloud Build and Cloud Container Registry
  • Lab: Deploying the Application into Kubernetes Engine


  • Understand how to create and store container images.
  • Create repeatable deployments with deployment configuration and templates.

Módulo 13: Compute Options for Your Application


  • Considerations for choosing a compute option for your application or service:
    • Compute Engine
    • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
    • Cloud Run
    • Cloud Functions
  • Platform comparisons.
    • Comparing App Engine and Cloud Run


Explore considerations for choosing a compute option for your application or service.

Módulo 14: Debugging, Monitoring, and Tuning Performance


  • Google Cloud’s operations suite
  • Managing performance
  • Lab: Debugging Application Errors
  • Logging
  • Monitoring and tuning performance
  • Identifying and troubleshooting performance issues
  • Lab: Harnessing Cloud Trace and Cloud Monitoring


  • Debug an application error by using Cloud Debugger and Error Reporting.
  • Use Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Trace to trace a request across services, observe, and optimize performance.

Documentación oficial para el curso Developing Applications with Google Cloud.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure presenta conceptos y terminología importantes para trabajar con Google Cloud. Mediante vídeos y labs prácticos, en este curso se presentan y comparan muchos de los servicios de procesamiento y almacenamiento de Google Cloud, junto con importantes recursos y herramientas de administración de políticas.

Aprenderás y podrás comparar muchos de los servicios informáticos y de almacenamiento disponibles en Google Cloud, incluidos Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL y BigQuery. También, conocerás importantes herramientas de recursos y de administración de políticas, como Google Cloud Resource Manager Hierarchy y Google Cloud Identity and Access Management.

  • Personas que planean implementar aplicaciones y crear entornos de aplicaciones en Google Cloud.
  • Operadores de sistemas profesionales, arquitectos de soluciones que comienzan a utilizar Google Cloud y desarrolladores.
  • Ejecutivos y encargados de tomar decisiones empresariales que evalúan el potencial de Google Cloud para satisfacer sus necesidades comerciales.

  • Identificar el propósito y el valor de los productos y servicios de Google Cloud.
  • Utilizar los entornos de implementación de aplicaciones en Google Cloud y elegir uno de ellos: App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine y Compute Engine.
  • Utilizar las opciones de almacenamiento de Cloud Storage y elegir una de ellas: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable y Firestore.
  • Interactuar con los servicios de Google Cloud.

  • No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso.
  • Es recomendable estar familiarizado con el desarrollo de aplicaciones, operaciones de sistemas y sistemas operativos Linux.

Módulo 1: Introducing Google Cloud

  • Identify the advantages of Google Cloud.
  • Define the components of Google’s network infrastructure, including: Points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones.
  • Classify the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platformas-a-Service (PaaS).

Módulo 2: Resources and Access in the Cloud

  • Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud.
  • Define the purpose of and use cases for Identity and Access Management.
  • List the methods of interacting with Google Cloud.

Módulo 3: Virtual Machines and Networks in the Cloud

  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Compute Engine.
  • Define the basics of networking in Google Cloud.

Módulo 4: Storage in the Cloud

  • Classify the purpose of and use cases for Cloud Storage, and database option available in Google Cloud.
  • Distinguish between Google Cloud’s storage options.

Módulo 5: Containers in the Cloud

  • Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers.
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Kubernetes Engine and Kubernetes.

Módulo 6: Applications in the Cloud

  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google App Engine.
  • Contrast the App Engine Standard environment with the App Engine Flexible environment.
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Cloud Endpoints.
  • Identify the purpose and use cases for Cloud Run.

Módulo 7: Developing and Deploying in the Cloud

  • Describe how Cloud Source Repositories and Cloud Functions can support application development on Google Cloud.
  • Explain how template-based creation and management of resources leverages a template to produce efficient app deployment and management.

Módulo 8: Logging and Monitoring in the Cloud

  • Define SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs.
  • Identify the purpose of integrated monitoring, alerting, and debugging.

Módulo 9: Course Review and Summary

  • Module 1–8 Review.
  • Additional Learning Paths.

Documentación oficial para el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

El curso Architecting with Google Compute Engine te familiarizarás con la infraestructura flexible y los servicios de la plataforma de Google Cloud, con un enfoque específico en Compute Engine. Esta sesión utiliza una combinación de conferencias, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos para explorar e implementar elementos de solución, incluidos componentes de infraestructura como redes, sistemas y servicios de aplicaciones. También, aprenderás a implementar soluciones prácticas, como redes híbridas, claves de cifrado proporcionadas por el cliente, administración de seguridad y acceso, cuotas y facturación, y monitoreo de recursos.

  • Cloud Solutions Architects, DevOps Engineers.
  • Personas que utilicen Google Cloud para crear nuevas soluciones o para integrar sistemas existentes, entornos de aplicación e infraestructura, con un enfoque en Compute Engine.

  • Configurar redes VPC y máquinas virtuales.
  • Administrar Identity and Access Management para recursos.
  • Implementar servicios de almacenamiento de datos en Google Cloud.
  • Administrar y examinar la facturación de los recursos de Google Cloud.
  • Supervisar los recursos mediante los servicios de Google Cloud.
  • Conectar tu infraestructura a Google Cloud.
  • Configurar balanceadores de carga y escalado automático para instancias de VM.
  • Automatizar la implementación de los servicios de infraestructura de Google Cloud.
  • Aprovechar los servicios administrados en Google Cloud.

  • Haber completado el curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure o tener una experiencia equivalente.
  • Tener competencia básica con herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos de sistema operativo Linux.
  • Tener experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y administración de aplicaciones, ya sea en las instalaciones o en un entorno de nube pública.

Módulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud

  • List the different ways of interacting with Google Cloud
  • Use the Cloud Console and Cloud Shell
  • Create Cloud Storage buckets
  • Use the Google Cloud Marketplace to deploy solutions

Módulo 2: Virtual Networks

  • List the VPC objects in Google Cloud
  • Differentiate between the different types of VPC networks
  • Implement VPC networks and firewall rules
  • Implement Private Google Access and Cloud NAT

Módulo 3: Virtual Machines

  • Recall the CPU and memory options for virtual machines
  • Describe the disk options for virtual machines
  • Explain VM pricing and discounts
  • Use Compute Engine to create and customize VM instances

Módulo 4: Cloud IAM

  • Describe the Cloud IAM resource hierarchy
  • Explain the different types of IAM roles
  • Recall the different types of IAM members
  • Implement access control for resources using Cloud IAM

Módulo 5: Storage and Database Services

  • Differentiate between Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Bigtable
  • Choose a data storage service based on your requirements
  • Implement data storage services

Módulo 6: Resource Management

  • Describe the cloud resource manager hierarchy
  • Recognize how quotas protect Google Cloud customers
  • Use labels to organize resources
  • Explain the behavior of budget alerts in Google Cloud
  • Examine billing data with BigQuery

Módulo 7: Resource Monitoring

  • Describe the services for monitoring, logging, error reporting, tracing, and debugging
  • Create charts, alerts, and uptime checks for resources with Cloud Monitoring
  • Use Cloud Debugger to identify and fix errors

Módulo 8: Interconnecting Networks

  • Recall the Google Cloud interconnect and peering services available to connect your infrastructure to Google Cloud
  • Determine which Google Cloud interconnect or peering service to use in specific circumstances
  • Create and configure VPN gateways
  • Recall when to use Shared VPC and when to use VPC Network Peering

Módulo 9: Load Balancing and Autoscaling

  • Recall the various load balancing services
  • Determine which Google Cloud load balancer to use in specific circumstances
  • Describe autoscaling behavior
  • Configure load balancers and autoscaling

Módulo 10: Infrastructure Automation

  • Automate the deployment of Google Cloud services using Deployment Manager or Terraform
  • Outline the Google Cloud Marketplace

Módulo 11: Managed Services

  • Describe the managed services for data processing in Google Cloud

Documentación oficial para el curso Architecting with Google Compute Engine.

  • Formador certificado por Google Cloud.
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional.
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente.
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT.

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Acerca del curso

En este curso, aprenderá como ha explorar y un análisis de datos
en Looker que antes lo hacían principalmente los desarrolladores o analistas de SQL.

Al finalizar este curso, podrá aprovechar la tecnología Looker (plataforma de análisis) para encontrar y explorar contenido relevante en su organizacion, haga preguntas sobre sus datos, cree nuevas métricas según sea necesario, y crear y compartir visualizaciones y tableros para facilitar la gestion basada en datos toma de decisiones.

Preparación para el examen:

Certificacion Cloud Digital Leader

  • Definir y configurar Looker, definiendo las capacidades que proporciona para trabajar con datos
  • Conocimientos en los cuatro conceptos analíticos centrales en Looker (dimensiones,
    medidas, filtros, pivotes)
  • Usar dimensiones, medidas, filtros y pivotes para analizar y
    visualizar datos
  • Cree métricas avanzadas instantáneamente con cálculos de tablas
  • Cree y comparta visualizaciones usando Looks y tableros
  • Utilice carpetas y tableros en Looker para administrar y organizar

No son necesarios conocimientos previos para la realización del curso.

Se recomienda conocimientos informáticos nivel usuario

Modulo 1: Introduccion a Looker

  • Definir Looker y las capacidades que proporciona para trabajar con datos
  • Navegar por la interfaz de usuario de Looker para acceder a los datos y las funcionalidades

Modulo 2: Explicar los cuatro conceptos analíticos centrales en Looker (dimensiones, medidas, filtros, pivotes)

  • Utilizar dimensiones para acceder a atributos de datos
  • Utilizar medidas para agregar atributos de datos
  • Combinar dimensiones y medidas para un análisis y visualizacion de datos más completos
  • Filtrar dimensiones y medidas para analizar un subconjunto de los datos
  • Utilizar pivotes para reestructurar y agrupar datos

Modulo 3: Cálculos de tablas

  • Como se utilizan los cálculos de tablas y las funciones de compensacion para trabajar con datos en Looker
  • Tipos de cálculos de tablas y funciones de compensacion disponibles en Looker
  • Crear nuevas métricas instantáneamente con cálculos de tablas y funciones de compensacion

Modulo 4: Looks y Dashboards

  • Como crear y entregar Looks y tableros en Looker para compartir resultados con las partes interesadas
  • Crear y compartir informes de visualizacion independientes llamados Looks
  • Creear y compartir paneles para combinar múltiples visualizaciones para un tema o dominio comercial
  • Agregar contenido nuevo a un tablero existente
  • Agregar filtros a un Look o tablero para un análisis flexible de un subconjunto de los datos Entregue datos fuera de Looker para el acceso de otras partes interesadas o sistemas

Modulo 5: Gestion de contenido

  • Utilizar carpetas en Looker para organizar el contenido para la navegabilidad y el descubrimiento
  • Crear y comparta tableros para centralizar el contenido que vive en diferentes carpetas en una instancia de Looker

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Business professionals in non-technical roles have a unique opportunity to lead and influence machine learning projects. In this course, you’ll explore machine learning without the technical jargon. You’ll learn how to translate business problems into custom machine learning use cases, assess each phase of the project, and translate the requirements to your technical team.

  • Thoroughly understand how ML can be used to improve business processes and create new value
  • Thoroughly understand how ML can be used to improve business processes and create new value
  • Explore common machine learning use cases implemented by businesses
  • Identify the requirements to carry out an ML project, from assessing feasibility, to data preparation, model training, evaluation, and deployment
  • Define data characteristics and biases that affect the quality of ML models
  • Recognize key considerations for managing ML projects, including data strategy, governance, and project teams
  • Pitch a custom ML use case that can meaningfully impact your business

  • No prior technical knowledge is required
  • No prior technical knowledge is required
  • Savvy about your own business and objectives
  • Recommended: Business Transformation with Google Cloud (on-demand)

Modulo 1: Introduction

  • Differentiate between AI, machine learning, and deep learning
  • Differentiate between AI, machine learning, and deep learning
  • Describe the high-level uses of ML to improve business processes or to  create new value
  • Begin assessing the feasibility of ML use cases

Modulo 2: What is Machine Learning?

  • Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning problem types
  • Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning problem types
  • Identify examples of regression, classification, and clustering problem statements
  • Recognize the core components of Google’s standard definition for ML and considerations for each when carrying out an ML project

Modulo 3: Employing ML

  • Describe the end-to-end process to carry out an ML project and considerations within each phase
  • Describe the end-to-end process to carry out an ML project and considerations within each phase
  • Practice pitching a custom ML problem statement that has the potential to meaningfully impact your business

Modulo 4: Discovering ML Use Cases

  • Discover common machine learning opportunities in day-to-day business processes

Modulo 5: How to Be Successful at ML

  • Identify the requirements for businesses to successfully use ML

Modulo 6: Summary

  • Summarize key concepts and tools covered in the course content
  • Summarize key concepts and tools covered in the course content
  • Compete for best ML use case presentation based on creativity, originality, and feasibility

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Managing Machine Learning Projects with Google Cloud

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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Acerca del curso

Este curso, permite desarrollar LookML (Looker Lenguaje de modelado) modelos que brindan a los usuarios de su negocio los estándares estandarizados, datos listos para usar que necesitan para responder a sus preguntas.

Al completar este, podrás comenzar a crear y mantener modelos LookML administrando datos en sistemas de Looker de su organizacion.

  • Definir términos básicos y bloques de construccion de LookML
  • Utilizar el entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) de Looker y
    control de version del proyecto para modificar proyectos LookML
  • Crear dimensiones y medidas para establecer los atributos de datos utilizados por roles de usuarios 
  • Crear y diseñar exploraciones para que los datos sean accesibles para
    usuarios comerciales
  • Utilizar tablas derivadas para crear instantáneamente nuevas tablas
  • Utilizar el almacenamiento en caché y los grupos de datos en Looker para optimizar las consultas SQL

Para aprovechar al máximo este curso, los participantes deben tener un conocimiento básico de SQL, Git y la experiencia de usuario en Looker.

Modulo 1: Introduccion a Looker y LookML

  • Definir Looker y la funcionalidad que proporciona para seleccionar datos
  • Definir términos básicos y bloques de construccion de LookML
  • Utilizar el entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) de Looker para modificar proyectos de LookML

Modulo 2: Creacion de Dimensiones y Medidas

  • Crear dimensiones y medidas para conservar los atributos de datos utilizados por los usuarios comerciales

Modulo 3: Control de versiones del proyecto 

  • Implementar el control de versiones con Git para administrar y realizar un seguimiento de los cambios en los proyectos de LookML
  • Enviar cambios de LookML desde una rama de desarrollo a produccion

Modulo 4: Archivos modelo

  • Como Looker utiliza SQL en el back-end para traducir las solicitudes de los usuarios en resultados de consultas
  • Crear y diseñe Exploraciones para hacer que los datos sean accesibles para los usuarios comerciales
  • Utilizar uniones para establecer relaciones entre tablas de datos
  • Aprovechar la agregacion simétrica para garantizar la precision de las métricas agregadas
  • Implementar filtros para preseleccionar los datos proporcionados a los usuarios comerciales

Modulo 5: Almacenamiento en caché y grupos de datos

  • Como Looker usa el almacenamiento en caché para optimizar el rendimiento de las consultas SQL
  • Utilizar grupos de datos para administrar las políticas de almacenamiento en caché en Looker

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Developing Data Models with LookML

  • Formador Certificado por CAS Training
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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