Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd (LFS143x)



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Acerca del curso

Once you’ve completed this course, you will understand what a service mesh is, what it is good for, and how it relates to the rest of the cloud native ecosystem.

You’ll understand how to use Linkerd to deliver on the service mesh value propositions of security, reliability, and observability to Kubernetes applications.

Finally, you’ll have the practical knowledge that you need to confidently run Linkerd in a production environment.

After completing this course, you will be able to use the Linkerd CLI and UI to deploy and operate Linkerd, as well as to secure, observe, and add reliability to your Kubernetes applications.

Before taking this course, you should be familiar with:

  • Kubernetes resource types
    • Service, Deployment, Pod, DaemonSet, etc.
  • Kubernetes
    • Running cluster on the computer and in the cloud, building container images and running them using kubectl
  • YAML
    • Reading and writing YAML
  • Linux terminal environment

The recommended configuration of a development environment for the course is the following:

  • Any operating system
  • 2 cores/CPUs
  • At least 2GB of memory to run software like kind, K3S or Minikube

Module 1: What Is a Service Mesh?

Module 2: Linkerd and the Service Mesh Ecosystem

Module 3: Linkerd Architecture

Module 4: The Data Plane Starring Linkerd2-proxy

Module 5: The Linkerd Control Plane

Module 6: Linkerd Extensions

Module 7: Deploying Linkerd to a Kubernetes Cluster

Module 8: Getting “Golden Metrics” for Your Applications

Module 9: Using Service Profiles for Per-Route Metrics

Module 10: Retries and Timeouts

Module 11: Securing Your Application Communication with mTLS

Module 12: Canary and Blue-Green Deployments

Module 13: Using Linkerd in Production

Module 14: Course Summary and Next Steps?

Final Exam

  • Documentación Oficial de This course Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd (LFS143x)

  • Formador Certificado por The linux Foundation
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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