In this course, learn how to design customer conversations using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). You’ll use Dialogflow ES to create virtual agents and test them using the simulator. Learn to add functionality to access data from external systems, making virtual agents conversationally dynamic. You’ll be introduced to testing methods, connectivity protocols, APIs, environment management, and compliance measures. Learn best practices for integrating conversational solutions with your existing contact center software and implementing solutions securely and at scale.
Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI – Dialogflow ES
- Intermedio

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- Define Google CCAI
- Explain how Dialogflow can be used in Contact Center applications
- Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow ES
- Read and write data from Firestore using Cloud Functions
- Use Dialogflow tools and cloud logging for troubleshooting
- Describe how to manage virtual agent environments
- Identify general best practices for virtual agents
- Identify key aspects such as security and compliance in the context of contact centers
- Analyze audio recordings using the Speech AnalyticsFramework (SAF)
- Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value
Completed Google Cloud Fundamentals or have equivalent experience
Modulo 1: Overview of Contact Center AI
- Define what Contact Center AI (CCAI) is and what it can do for contact centers
- Identify each component of the CCAI Architecture: Speech Recognition, Dialogflow, Speech Synthesis, Agent Assist, and Insights AI
- Describe the role each component plays in a CCAI solution
Modulo 2: Conversational Experiences
- List the basic principles of a conversational experience
- Explain the role of Conversation virtual agents in a conversation experience
- Articulate how STT (Speech to Text) can determine the quality of aconversation experience
- Demonstrate and test how Speech adaptation can improve the speech recognition accuracy of the agent
- Recognize the different NLU (Natural Language Understanding) andNLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques and the role they play on conversation experiences
Modulo 3: Fundamentals of Designing Conversations
- Identify user roles and their journeys
- Write personas for virtual agents and users
- Model user-agent interactions
Modulo 4: Dialogflow Product Options
- Describe two primary differences between Dialogflow Essentials (ES) and Dialogflow Customer Experience (CX)
- Identify two design principles for your virtual agent which apply regardless of whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
- Identify two ways your virtual agent implementation changes based on whether you implement in Dialogflow ES or CX
- List the basic elements of the Dialogflow user interface
Modulo 5: Course Review
- Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives
Modulo 6: Fundamentals of building conversations with Dialogflow ES
- List the basic elements of the Dialogflow CX User Interface.• List the basic elements of the Dialogflow CX User Interface
- Build a virtual agent to handle identified user journeys
- Train the NLU model through the Dialogflow console
- Define and test intents for a basic agent
- Train the agent to handle expected and unexpected user scenarios
- Recognize the different types of entities and when to use them
- Create entities
- Define and test entities on a basic agent
- Implement slot filling using the Dialogflow UI
- Describe when Mega Agent might be used
- Demonstrate how to add access to a knowledge base for your virtual agent to answer customer questions straight from a company FAQ
Modulo 7: Maintaining Context in a Conversation
- Create follow-up intents
- Recognize the scenarios in which context should be used
- Identify the possible statuses of a context (active versus inactive context)
- Implement dialogs using input and output contexts
Modulo 8: Moving From Chat to Voice Virtual Agent
- Describe two ways that the media type changes the conversation
- Configure the telephony gateway for testing
- Test a basic voice agent
- Modify the voice of the agent
- Show how the different media types can have different responses
- Consider the modifications needed when moving to production
- Be aware of the telephony integration for voice in a production environment
Modulo 9: Course Review
- Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives
Modulo 10: Testing and logging
- Use Dialogflow tools for troubleshooting
- Use Google Cloud tools for debugging your virtual agent
- Review logs generated by virtual agent activity
- Recognize ways an audit can be performed
Modulo 11: Taking Actions with Fulfillment
- Characterize the role of fulfillment with respect to Contact Center AI
- Implement a virtual agent using Dialogflow ES
- Use Cloud Firestore to store customer data
- Implement fulfillment using Cloud Functions to read and write Firestore data
- Describe the use of Apigee for application deployment
Modulo 12: Integrating Virtual Agents
- Quiz – IVR Features
Quiz – Contact Center AI integration points - Quiz – Common Platforms of
Modulo 13: Course Review
- Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives
Modulo 14: Environment Management
- Create Draft and Published versions of your virtual agent
- reate environments where your virtual agent will be published
- Load a saved version of your virtual agent to Draft
- Change which version is loaded to an environment
Modulo 15: Drawing Insights from Recordings with SAF
- Analyze audio recordings using the Speech Analytics Framework (SAF)
Modulo 16: Intelligence Assistance for Live Agents
- Recognize use cases where Agent Assist adds value
- Identify, collect and curate documents for knowledge base construction
- Describe how to set up knowledge bases
- Describe how FAQ Assist works
- Describe how Document Assist works
- Describe how the Agent Assist UI works
- Describe how Dialogflow Assist works
- Describe how Smart Reply works
- Describe how Real-time entity extraction works
Modulo 17: Compliance and Security
- Describe two ways security can be implemented on a CCAI integration
- Identify current compliance measures and scenarios where compliance is needed
Modulo 18: Best Practices
- Convert pattern matching and decision trees to smart conversational design
- Recognize situations that require escalation to a human agent
- Support multiple platforms, devices, languages, and dialects
- Use Diagflow’s built-in analytics to assess the health of the virtual agen
- Perform agent validation through the Dialogflow UI
- Monitor conversations and Agent Assist
- Institute a DevOps and version control framework for agent development and maintenance
- Consider enabling spell correction to increase the virtual agent’s accuracy
Modulo 19: Implementation Methodology
- Identify the stages of the Google Enterprise Sales Process
- Describe the Partner role in the Enterprise Sales Process
- Detail the steps in a Contact Center AI project using Google’s ESP
- Describe the key activities of the Implementation Phase in ESP
- Locate and understand how to use Google’s support assets for Partners
Modulo 20: Course Review
- Review what was covered in the course as relates to the objectives
Material del curso
Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud – Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI – Dialogflow ES
Perfil del docente
- Formador Certificado por GCP
- Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
- Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
- Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT
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