Managing Machine Learning Projects with Google Cloud



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Acerca del curso

Business professionals in non-technical roles have a unique opportunity to lead and influence machine learning projects. In this course, you’ll explore machine learning without the technical jargon. You’ll learn how to translate business problems into custom machine learning use cases, assess each phase of the project, and translate the requirements to your technical team.

  • Thoroughly understand how ML can be used to improve business processes and create new value
  • Thoroughly understand how ML can be used to improve business processes and create new value
  • Explore common machine learning use cases implemented by businesses
  • Identify the requirements to carry out an ML project, from assessing feasibility, to data preparation, model training, evaluation, and deployment
  • Define data characteristics and biases that affect the quality of ML models
  • Recognize key considerations for managing ML projects, including data strategy, governance, and project teams
  • Pitch a custom ML use case that can meaningfully impact your business

  • No prior technical knowledge is required
  • No prior technical knowledge is required
  • Savvy about your own business and objectives
  • Recommended: Business Transformation with Google Cloud (on-demand)

Modulo 1: Introduction

  • Differentiate between AI, machine learning, and deep learning
  • Differentiate between AI, machine learning, and deep learning
  • Describe the high-level uses of ML to improve business processes or to  create new value
  • Begin assessing the feasibility of ML use cases

Modulo 2: What is Machine Learning?

  • Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning problem types
  • Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning problem types
  • Identify examples of regression, classification, and clustering problem statements
  • Recognize the core components of Google’s standard definition for ML and considerations for each when carrying out an ML project

Modulo 3: Employing ML

  • Describe the end-to-end process to carry out an ML project and considerations within each phase
  • Describe the end-to-end process to carry out an ML project and considerations within each phase
  • Practice pitching a custom ML problem statement that has the potential to meaningfully impact your business

Modulo 4: Discovering ML Use Cases

  • Discover common machine learning opportunities in day-to-day business processes

Modulo 5: How to Be Successful at ML

  • Identify the requirements for businesses to successfully use ML

Modulo 6: Summary

  • Summarize key concepts and tools covered in the course content
  • Summarize key concepts and tools covered in the course content
  • Compete for best ML use case presentation based on creativity, originality, and feasibility

Documentación Oficial de Google Cloud - Managing Machine Learning Projects with Google Cloud

  • Formador Certificado por GCP
  • Más de 5 años de experiencia profesional
  • Más de 4 años de experiencia docente
  • Profesional activo en empresas del sector IT

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